Chapter 13 - First PK

"Heavy strike!" I shouted as I grabbed the musket and thrusted it to the bear.

-20 HP

[HP: 0/800]

As I had pierced it with the blade, the bear screamed in pain and fell on the ground, and it had pixelated.

[You have level up 10 - 11]

[SP + 10]

[You have level up 11 - 12]

[SP + 10]

[You have level up 12 - 13]

[SP + 10]

[You have level up 13 - 14]

[SP + 10]

[You have level up 14 - 15]

[SP + 10]

[HP is regained]

I gave a huge sigh of relief as I had seen clearly that the bear pixelated. 'I was careless when I approached the bear assuming that it wouldn't be able to attack me. I really thought I would die there.'

A lot of thoughts came to me as I was laid down on the ground.

Seconds later, a cute girl approached me. She lifted my head and placed it on her lap.


'Ohhh, I think something just jiggled right now.' I thought to myself.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

I looked at her and nodded at her question.

"Thanks for the heal earlier." I said with a smile on my face.

She blushed like a tomato, "I-I should be the one thanking you. W-without you I could have died." Her face was like a tomato. "S-so, umm… Thank you."

She lowered her head and kissed my forehead.

I was surprised for a second there because it has been long since someone had kissed my forehead since my mom had died. I looked at her and something just bounced as she raised her body.

"I think something just bounced." Then I pointed at her chest.

She looked at where my hand was pointing and her face turned into a tomato again.

She raised her hand and slapped me in the face, "You pervert!" I felt her fingers slapping my face.

-15 HP


We stood up and finally checked the treasure that had dropped after the King Bear had died.

I slowly opened the treasure box and a bright yellow light glowed.

I avoided the light and saw Pumpkin with her mouth open with a surprised face.

"L-look, U-u-u-unique," She mumbled.

"What are you trying to say?" I asked because I couldn't understand a thing.

"Its a unique rated item." Pumpkin said clearly.

As I heard her, I turned my head around quickly and saw the items.

A cloak, a hood, and a ring. 2 rare items, and 1 unique item is inside it alongside the gold coins.

I inspected the description.


King Bear's Cloak - Unique

A cloak made from the King Bear's hide. If someone wears this, monsters who are lower leveled and the same level off you will be wary of you.

Defense: 50

Requirements: 20 STR

20 MEN

40 DEX

Effect: +10 STR

+25 DEX



King Bear's Hood - Rare

A hood that is made from the hide of the strongest bear King Bear. If someone wears this, monsters who are lower leveled and the same level off you will be wary of you.

If the wearer won't move for 30 seconds, he would become invincible. But once the wearer moves or uses a skill the invisibility status is gone.

Defense: 25

Requirements: 90 DEX

Effect: +40 DEX



King Bear's Ring - Rare

A ring made from the teeth of the King Bear. If someone wears this, monsters who are of lower level and the same level off you will be somewhat wary of you.

Defense: 10

Requirements: 25 INT

Effect: +20 INT


While both of us were reading the descriptions we were in awe of how amazing the items are. I wiped the saliva dripping in my mouth.

"Do you want to pick one first?" I asked Pumpkin.

She wiped the saliva dripping in her mouth as she heard me ask, "U-umm.. I'll pick the ring."

Then I picked up the ring and grabbed her hand, and made her wear it on her 4th finger.

After I made her wear it I looked at her, "It fits!" I said with a smile then I noticed her face was like a tomato again. "Why is your face so red?" I asked.

"I'm not ready for marriage yet," She yelled out and she ran away.

"Huh?" I said with a confused look, "Where are you going? There's still a lot of gold coins here!" I shouted.

But she couldn't hear anything I said and continued on running away.

"Guess it's all mine then." I said merrily.

I picked up all the items and wore them. And then I also picked up the 400 gold coins and placed in it my inventory.

When all the items were picked up from the treasure chest. The treasure chest itself pixelated and then it faded.

"I should check my status. Status!" I called out.

Then a screen appeared.



Level: 15

Guild rank: F

HP: 210/210

MP: 100/100

EXP: 0/1500

SP: 50

STR: 70

INT: 10

AGI: 65

DEX: 165

MEN: 30


Passive skills

Lvl 1. Persistent Runner

Lvl 2. Musket Mastery

Active skills

Lvl 1. Heavy Strike

Lvl 1. Haggling

Lvl 1. Bayonet Charge


Head - King Bear's Hood

Armor - Marksman leather armor

Pants - Marksman leather pants

Boots - Marksman leather boots

Accessory 1 - Horned rabbit's ring

Accessory 2 - King Bear's Cloak

Weapon - Musket


As soon as I had read my status, I closed it and I wanted to head out of the forest but I stopped as I recalled the three jerks who left us.

"They will come back here for sure to pick up my dropped items. I'll surely make you regret that you came back here." Yoshi said with a sinister look.


After we had left Yoshi and Pumpkin with the King Bear, we left the forest to make sure that we were safe. In a red zone, aside from being killed by a monster, players are also able to kill you.

In Second Life Online, if you are killed by a player. Aside from 50% of the gold you have being dropped, you also drop equipment that you are currently equipped. So by all means, all the players want to avoid being killed by a player.

It's already been 2 hours after we have left the marksman and the priestess and we have just entered the forest for 30 minutes now. We are currently walking to the place where we had last met them.

"That marksman must have already died," Said by Loki.

"Surely he wouldn't have survived that, I sure do hope that the priestess would have also died." Turnip uttered, "Just because she's pretty she acts innocent and weak. I'm guessing she really worked hard creating her character to look like that."

"We're not hoping for any good drops anyway, he looked like a beggar, but the priestess may drop a rare item." I said with a sinister look, "But if the Goddess blesses us and the priestess hasn't died yet, we could have a go with her."

Loki smiled brightly, "As I was looking at her body, I was getting horny earlier."

Turnip clings on Gran, "Why are you being like that Honey? We could do it later if you want," She reached out on Gran.

"Of course, but I also want to taste a holy priestess." I said as I held Turnip's lips.

"Shut up! You love bir~" Loki's sentence was cut off.

I turned around to look for Loki but he fell on the ground and a sign hovered above his body.


"What's going on?" Are we under attack?" Turnip clinged to Gran as she saw Loki had died.

"Shut up!" I yelled out, I quickly held Turnips's shoulder and placed her in front of me to act as my meat shield and bait.

"Gran! Let go! I'm going to die if yo~"

Her sentence was cut off as and a sign hovered above her head.


I quickly ducked and let go of her body. And I saw a small shiny thing on the ground. It was round.

"Bullet?" I asked myself with a confused look.

I looked around the place of who could have killed both Loki and Turnip.

Second, after looking around the place, a bush resounded and then a boy appeared.

"YOU! YOSHI!" I yelled out as loud as I could, "How could you do this to us?"

Yoshi pouted, "What did I do?" He said with an innocent look.

I was enraged. I grabbed my shield from the back.


My hand was pierced with a bullet, and I had let go of my shield.

"AHHH! It hurts, it hurts." I screamed out in pain.

"Don't act like you're such a crybaby. You wanted me dead earlier. Where did that spirit go?" Yoshi said with a grin on his face.

He reloaded his gun with such speed and precision. I was so shocked to see him do that.


"I didn't lie." He smiled brightly, "In the first place, I didn't tell you anything about me."

"That's lying!" I yelled at him.

"Ohh shut your trap. You were the ones who lied to me and to Pumpkin."

He pointed his gun at me.

"You said you were looking for a party member, but in fact you planned it all out from the beginning. You want me to die and get my items and sell them." He said angrily, "Were you also planning on doing something to Pumpkin? But, oh well. You should just die already, I don't care about what you say."

"Bayonet charge!"

A blade appeared on his musket and he pierced it to my body, my leg, my hand, just everywhere until he felt satisfied.








[HP: 40/350]

"Ahhh~ That felt amazing. I'm getting addicted to this." Yoshi said with a smile on his face.

"Please spare me! Please!" I pleaded.

"This has taken too long. Goodbye." He said as he pointed his gun at me and pulled the trigger.


My vision became dark and a notification appeared.

[You have died]

[Player Yoshi has killed you]