Chapter 14 - Promoted to E - Rank

The guardian pixelated in air as he died.

Yoshi then raised his musket and picked up everything that had dropped on the floor.

A shield that the guardian used, the cloak that the sage was wearing, and a dagger from the assassin.

All in all from boss monsters to player killing yoshi thought that it was a great haul.

After he had placed everything in his inventory, he exited the forest.

The first thing that encountered him outside the forest was the bright light of the sun.

"Wow, it's already morning in game," He blurted out.

Yoshi stayed still in his position because he wanted to feel the sun more until he felt someone poking him on his back.

He turned around and looked at the person who was poking him.

Then he saw a beautiful woman who was incomparable to the Goddess' beauty.

She hesitated to speak while she had a light blush on her cheeks, "H-Hi, it's me Pumpkin again. Just want to say t-thank you for earlier, I would have died if it weren't for you."

Yoshi was perplexed to see her, it wasn't the first time that he had seen her character but now that her face was lightened by the sun's light he was mesmerized by how beautiful she is.

"Yoshi? Y-yoshi?" Pumpkin uttered while waving her hands in front of my face.

He came back to reality, "O-oh yeah, I should be the one thanking you."

They both blushed from looking at each other's faces.

Someone from the crowd shouted at us, "DISGUSTING COUPLE, GET YOUR OWN ROOM!"

They were both embarrassed by the crowd looking at their way so Yoshi asked her if she wanted to walk with him to the village.

"Do you maybe have time to spare to walk with me to the village?" He asked while scratching the back of his head.

Pumpkin had blushed more and she was looking like a tomato, "S-sure," She hesitated to speak, "But it's not like I want to walk with you, it's because I have something to do at the village too." She said.

Yoshi laughed at Pumpkin's response. He just nodded at her.

Then they walked to the village together and had a little talk until they both had arrived at the village gate.

"This is where I stop." Pumpkin said.

Yoshi nodded his head and turned around his body to walk further inside the village. But had stopped when Pumpkin called out.

"YOSHI! Can I add you as a friend?" She yelled out.

He turned around and had a bright smile while he was looking at her, "Sure."

As she heard Yoshi's reply a bright smile emerged on her face also.

Seconds later a screen appeared in front of Yoshi.


Pumpkin wants to add you as a friend



Yoshi pressed the accept button.

"T-Then I should go now," Pumpkin said.

I nodded at her.

She shouted in the air, "Log Out!"

She pixelated in the air and disappeared.

I turned around and started walking again to head to the guild


I placed the paper and all the herbs that I had collected on the counter.

"I finished my quest." I said looking at the receptionist.

As she looked at me, she had a shocked face.

"I-I will be back! P-please wait here for a minute." She said and walked out of the counter and headed somewhere.

After minutes of waiting the receptionist arrived with a man on her back.

The man was in his 40's, he had a small beard, he had a good body built and he was quite tall.

"Are you Yoshi?" He said aggressively.

I only nodded with a confused look.

"I am the guild master, my name's Walter. Do you have time to come and talk at my office?"

As I heard that he was the guild master, I fixed my composure.

"I do have time," I said.

"Please follow me. And Patty, please serve us some tea." He asked the receptionist.

The girl just nodded and we both walked to his office. As he opened the door, we both walked inside.

I was expecting a grandiose looking office as he was the guild master, but it was normal looking room.

He headed to a sofa and sat and pointed his hands to the sofa next to it as he wanted me to sit on it.

I headed to the sofa and took a seat.

"I'll be frank," He said with a stern voice, "Did you defeat the King Bear?"

'Well I did defeat it.' I had thought and nodded at his question, "Why do you ask?"

"Well it's because you are wearing the cloak and hood that the King Bear drop," He pointed at the items I am wearing, "I have a personal quest for you," He announced.

At that moment the door opened, the receptionist entered carrying two cups on her hands.

She placed it on the table and exited the room.

"Eh!? Personal quest?" I looked at him with a confused face.

He nodded, "Yes."

"What do you mean by a personal quest?" I asked.

"Just like its name, it's a quest but this time it is given to the requested member of the guild. As it is a personal request, the reward would be much bigger." He explained.

I nodded along with his explanation and picked up the cup in front of me and had a sip.

"EH?" I yelled out.

He was surprised with me suddenly shouting, "What's wrong?"

"This tea is delicious. I thought I wouldn't taste anything" I said to him.

"Well, Patty serves delicious tea," He replied.

'That's not what I meant though.' Yoshi thought to himself.

"Well back to my request. I want you to go to Grarora and safely convey my letter to the guild master of the Grarora branch." He said.

'Grarora, that sounded familiar.' I thought to myself. 'Ahh the hidden quest that the instructor had given me.'

"Sure, that would be simple." A positive reply came out of my mouth. 'And I should also do the hidden quest that the instructor had given me.'

The guild master had a bright smile on his face and headed to his desk and grabbed a letter and handed it to me.

I grabbed the letter and a notification appeared.

[Automatically Accepting Quest]


Hidden Quest - Hand The Letter Safely (1)

Safely convey the letter to the guild master of the Grarora branch.

Quest Objective: Hand the letter to the guild master of the Grarora branch.

Reward: 500 gold coins

Continuation of the Quest


I read the quest description and closed it after reading.

"Thank you for accepting this request of mine, Yoshi," The guild master said.

"It's a pleasure of mine." I replied.

"Ohhh I totally forgot, for defeating the King Bear I now hereby promote you to E - rank."

As the guild master had said this a holographic screen had appeared.


You have been promoted to E - rank… You are now able to get out of the starting village and wander around the world of Archenland


Yoshi then pressed the exit button of the screen and it disappeared.

"I should go ahead now." I said with a smile on my face.

"Yes, yes. Go ahead. Have a safe journey." The guild master replied.

I then went out of the room and outside of the guild.

"But before I am going to do the quest, I think I should resign for today." Yoshi mumbled.

"Log Out!" I shouted.

My vision darkened and the next thing I knew I was back at the real world.