Subconscious Dive

News came to Shaytan, the Governor of the day that a power-source, powerful enough to effect a drastic change through the Metaverse in all of the universe, had been radarred.

He quickly dispatched his elite force and top reality checkers for the signal to be traced and the source brought to him immediately.

For if such force was to reach the core of all creation, Oviobasun might be reborn and the rain of his government will be left to chance. The dryness of mind will be a thing of the past.

Shaytan's philosophy shall cease to-be in a snapshot, all mindsets will instantly change to the other side of the coin and life herself shall know another form of good and evil. All living things shall see one and other like from in an alien's perspective but very much familiar. The mode of operation between all existence will know the totality of what it means for foreign to meet the eye, yet ease and calm shall dwell within.

Typically, wanting to cling on to power and dominion, Shaytan couldn't seeing itself becoming nothing, to await in the black hole and stand the chance of the big bang's luck in a twinkle. So he had to get hold of this opportunity to control what snaps the black hole.

Quickly enough, the messengers cut through worlds in a flash and traced her down.

However they met her in her father's ball sac. They didn't know what to expect so they took him, for all road lead to Rome, into captivity the draged him before their lord and master for interrogation, extraction and or study.

Is this the source? Is the source a living being? How could this be? The Governor stormiling asked.

Simotenously, Iv was sending series of messages across all universe from a parallel world hajacent to that of her father's captivity. The thread that sew all worlds that she had connected to her machine gave her such enablement.

Like it was in the book, so did she convey it:

"We know what is going on

The street is smart

Though the odds be stuck against us; we know

That the system is not ours

It is set to keep alive;

They on the high-table of life

Lets rise to the top and be just like them

No! lets be better than them

Negative repels, magnetically

Positive attracts, psychologically

Though vice versa; two sides makes a coin

We are the majority

Yet we are the controlled:

By a few; can you imagine?

They feel they are here to stay

Like the goodies of life are only addictive to them

They walk around here like they own this place

Mechanisms in place

To keep us displaced

We suffer like Afrika,

Though we got what it takes

To live in solitary though encompassed

Like we did before colonization

The British went mad

Knocked on every door

To gain sanity

Rather spread corruption

Doors opened to receive

My people were good slaves

They learned the ways of their master

Like a servant should

Still stuck

The country is starving

The giant of Afrika

Can't even stand on her feet

The government is a cut

She cuts and bleeds

The innocent and good

She fosters lies and twist ideologies

To keep in place

The propertied

The realities of today and the history of the future

Shows a constant struggle to keep us underground

Twisting basic education to hinder our progressive thinking

The street has its knowledge; Carl Marx.

See, no matter how the lie is dominant,

There is always karma effect for sure

We might not wake up quick but we can never sleep for life

Our kids shall know the truth when they read history psychologically

Not in these twisted evidence submitted by you

Verified by the device I now use to type

How can they tell of the past?

They where not there.

Their kids too will despise them in their houses

Saying, why did you set ablaze history?

When you know you will not live forever.

How are we to deal with the fury of these offspring of they that represents the 3rd world?

Now that they are all but conscious.

No matter how false a worship is

All praise belongs to God

Praise is not relative

It's given to only The Creator

Good and Bad deeds belongs to All Things."

As the sub-thread of change touched her father in the dungeon they held him, a sexual strong urge overtook him, he therefore quickly took out his big black cock, masturbated and flush her out. Amongst the sperm that came, she died with the rest of them and become alive, one with the naked universe. This action of ejaculation is a natural tracking of the source of the wheeler of the source-machine. This eluded the governor however at the moment.

Subsequently, the power-link faded from within the man in captivity within seconds of such action.

So the governor sent his men across the Metaverse into all of the deepest space in search of the Source.