
Before leaving, Iv came out again from the Bunker, but only to realize that the Devil had touched her close ones, even her father in this world with the source code had be possessed.

The economic state of the world was rapidly in decline, there were wars everywhere. NATO was preparing to go to war with Russia. Hunger, famine, hardship, terrorism... was the order of the day. Everyone was taken by the trick of the Ruler of Earth. Making money was all that mattered even if it meant killing another soul. One was considered useless if you were of age and couldn't bring anything back for the family.

"You ain't shit. You ain't better than none of we!" he said to her. "You spend your entire time in that god-forsaking bunker just like your Damm mother. I lost everything because of her! Look at me now!" He continued.

Iv was a little thrown aback as she didn't know where all off those words were coming from. Before and after she became self conscious, she and her father have never sat to have a serious conversation about anything. However, now she knows who must have left the book behind. What must have happened to her, she wondered because no body tells her anything. She always felt like an outcast in the family.

Hearing those words from her father, Iv kept her cool, for she was already prepared mentally for such rejection before coming right now, she had consumed the following words.

As in the book was thus:

"I need no accreditation from a mare man,

I'm a mare man.

My words hunt me,

When I refuse to honor them.

So this promise I now make:

That I'll be yours forever.

No mare man will separate us.

Even strong old Death will try and think It's succeeded.

"Our ghosts shall kiss in infinity my dear love"

People like the truth.

They are just being deceived to believe that they can't stand it, thereby wanting the lie.

The deceiver says that the truth is like meat to a child.

Give them milk and they'll thank you psychologically.

However, an untold truth is no lie.

This is the psychology of The Most High that has been fused into our God-complex.

The very foundation of spring.

The core of all things is rooted in opposite directions.

That is, life is a game of chance with two variables and a Mediator.

Let your kindness never be taken for granted.

It is an expensive commodity nowadays.

Yes, The 21 Century is a time to live in.

Time is wrong!

Where were all these information before now?

I can make a book look old. But everything leaves a mark behind.

Even in the deserts.

Where countries are buried deep

Underneath BC.

The sole purpose of a football is to used.

Rejection is the opposite.

Saying: I don't wanna use you.

You are not my type of football.

That's not how I roll.

This is how we roll:

You've got to have some amount of cash stashed anywhere that we can flex on.

I will reason the beauty of the cash as one with yours.

Though you be short, ugly, black and fat, and in other news: poor.

That's bullshit!

Who doesn't like nice things?

I am her second choice.

But she says that she doesn't know what makes me outstanding from all other men.

That her love was made for me.

That she met the wrong guy first.

And somehow stuck now.

Because her loyalty is now being tested.

Two guys shall stand across the road.

Danger approaches from all angles.

Now, your salvation will come from an Angel.

Put your faith in me.

I will be your Angel.

Yea, that's all nice and shii.

But I want to die for him.

He is my true love.

Ancient Egyptian love I mean.

The very purest of them all.

In the midst of this trouble.

The sun will shine.

And the rain fall.

Thunder too might strike.

But this I know that I will cross over to yonder safely to you and have you all to myself away from your true love.

On the other side where no cars go.

I will follow you my love

For life itself must be spent with you

My last commodity

Before I buy my way to you

With what I have to offer

At the big gate of imagination

Heaven is place on earth with you

Is this happiness?

Or rejection got me thinking?

That in his shoes I should walk

And feel his pain as you lie to him

What an extent you can go

It's seems you know me

I know your kind

Make me fall for you

And use up all of me

And when nothing is left

But my aching soul,

Another's arm draws me tears

What a journey of love we made

We risked it all and failed

I can see the future

All these are just mare assumptions

Resume your old feelings my wife

You were made for me from the onslaught

Slay me now and get it over with

Because I will eliminate competition

And be with you though I will never be first in your heart

I will do all my best to make you my last

I will even last longer with stamina

Stay now with me and don't go back to him

This generational vicious cycle

Should be broken

That's why I choose you,

Though you shall forever tail him

You will always be mine and mine alone

Save the best for last.

I'm not afraid,

My conscience is gone

I still see what is good and evil though

I see how different they are in nature

I just don't know which is which anymore

But relativity got probability dancing in between

Life without trauma is no life at all.

What scares you makes you who you are with all your strength in accordance to who you can be."

Iv was as confused as anyone would after reading all that but she was focused and eventually unscrambled each of the meanings to the codded messages in-between the lines of each paragraph. Graduall, during the course of her journey, these words made more sense. They also gave her calmness from within.

She needed to near those words before her leaving.