6. Royce's Request (2)

After lunch, Victoria was the first to leave the table. The woman didn't even ask her husband first. Making Royce and Lucy a little confused because their mother was silent during lunch until the end of lunch.

Victoria is accompanied by her special maid named Helen. The two of them walked towards the main room.

"Dad, what's wrong with Mom? Is she sick? I think you're too quiet and listless today." Royce said. He asked his father, Arthur.

Arthur responded to his son's question with a smile. "It's all right, Royce. Your mother is just a little tired. She's not sick either. Yeah, your mother is like that sometimes."

"Ah, I think there's something wrong with Mother. Fine if nothing happens."

"You always think that's not good. Your opinion just made me think hard. I also don't want Mother to experience anything." said Lucy who suddenly answered.

Royce chuckled softly. "I'm very surprised at you, Lucy. You're even twelve years old. But why do you think like an adult? Hahaha, who did you learn from?"

"What's the matter with your sister?" Arthur asked.

Royce immediately turned his gaze to his father. "Ah, I'm just amazed at Lucy, Dad. It seems she wants to grow up faster. She should be busy playing with lots of other kids by now. After playing, Lucy can keep herself busy learning manners."

Hearing her brother's words, Lucy immediately threw a sharp glare and the girl snorted in annoyance. "You're just teasing me. What's wrong with me asking about mom? Why does that make you think that I want to grow up faster?!!"

Arthur chuckled. "Hahahaha, never mind you guys don't need to fight. And Royce, you don't need to say something that makes your sister argue with you. Lucy does have a much different opinion than we think. Therefore, we should respect her opinion more. So you don't need to worry. Your sister didn't grow up any faster, it's just that she has a great curiosity about things."

"Huh, listen carefully to what Dad says!!" Said Lucy who immediately said firmly to Royce. The girl immediately clutched her chest.

This made Royce smile. How could he not have thought that Lucy had grown up faster? Just now Lucy was acting like an angry adult.

But if Lucy wasn't there, the situation around wouldn't be lively and cheerful. Among them, it was only Lucy who didn't take things too seriously. Only Lucy has so many expressions when it comes to things.

Then Lucy immediately chose to leave the dining table. The girl walked cheerfully up the stairs to the second floor of the palace. Even the crown on her head almost fell off because her way of walking was so excited.

"Haha, of course I'm proud to have a little sister like Lucy, Dad. It's just that sometimes I don't know how to respond." Royce said.

Arthur smiled and shook his head. "You don't have to think about that. Just let Lucy do whatever she wants. She's only twelve years old. She deserves to have fun at her age."

Royce nodded in understanding. Then he put the plate in front of him and wiped his lips with a clean napkin. A sign that he was done with his lunch and the waiter immediately took his plate to be taken to the kitchen.

"Father, I have something to tell you." Royce said.


"Um, actually Mom should also hear this. But you can tell this to Mom. I just asked Athena to be a special servant for Lucy. Ah, actually my request is based on what I've seen so far. Lucy was always fine when Athena was watching her. Although sometimes Lucy gets hurt because she doesn't listen to Athena's warnings. But so far, Athena had helped Lucy a lot and she was around Lucy more often. And I think Lucy is comfortable with Athena. What do you think, Dad?"

Arthur looked thoughtful for a moment. "Aren't there any other special maids? Why Athena?"

"Athena is one of the royal maids who is very agile in every way. She is also very close to Mom, and Athena is very patient with Lucy. Would you not agree with that?" Ask Royce. The man was afraid that his father would not approve of it.

"Why do you want a special maid for your sister? You should have a special maid." Arthur said.

"Ah, I'm just worried about Lucy. She's been so spoiled with me, Dad. And you know that I'm getting more and more busy and I'm very busy. I get a little tired when Lucy whines for something or attention from me. That's why I want that there is a special maid for Lucy. And it just so happened that Athena taught Lucy the manners of a princess. It made me believe that Athena could take care of her every day."

Hearing that explanation, Arthur nodded in understanding. "To be honest I don't really agree with your opinion. But how about we keep an eye on Athena for seven days first? If she can take good care of Lucy, then I'll agree to your request."

Royce immediately smiled happily. "Okay, Dad. Thank you for accepting my opinion. Will Mom accept this too?"

"I don't know. And I'd better go to your mother now. You'll have to go to the front again to meet the citizens."

"Oh, okay Dad."

Royce was very happy because his request had obtained Arthur's pre-approval. He also felt freer because after this Lucy would not whine to him.

Not. Royce didn't mean to keep Lucy away from himself. It was just that Royce felt that he himself needed more time to be able to have fun without worrying about Lucy's condition.

And Royce was very relieved. Because after this he can focus on handling many things in the kingdom. He didn't have to worry about Lucy, because Athena would take care of his sister.

Ah, actually Royce was arranging a time to meet someone. Secretly, he was trying to meet the beautiful woman from the diamond village. There was a woman who managed to make Royce's heart beat fast.
