7. Little Worries

The next day.

Yesterday's celebration party was over. And this morning the royal servants were still busy tidying up many things such as the ribbon decorations that were still hanging around the entrance to the royal hall.

Inside the palace, the king and queen had just come out of their room. They immediately headed to the dining table to have breakfast with their children.

Today Royce has several activities that he must complete. Likewise with his father, Arthur gets an invitation to a big meeting. And of course Arthur would go with Victoria. So, today the one who governs and oversees the entire royal system is Royce.

As for Lucy, the girl was just busy eating and her mind was filled with annoyance. Annoyed at the demands of her mother. Lucy was really sick of learning manners, but she had to do it until she could actually memorize and practice manners as a princess.

Not only did Lucy learn manners, she also had to memorize the laws and history of the Diamond Kingdom. And Athena was ready to accompany him.

Regarding Athena's request yesterday, Lucy couldn't fulfill it because yesterday there was still a party. And today, Lucy felt disinterested in Athena's request that told her to go meet her at the apple orchard.

Needless to say, it was already late. Second by second Lucy passed with boredom until the top of her head felt like it wanted to burst. The girl was forced to obey her mother's orders today, which is to continue learning about manners and learning the values ​​of the laws that apply in the Diamond Kingdom.

Lucy has also been trying to memorize the history of the founding of the Diamond Kingdom. The girl was quite enthusiastic when she read the story of her grandmother's struggle, namely Ariadne. Lucy is very interested in reading the history of the kingdom in the section about the attack at night carried out by Ariadne's half-brother named Sergio. That history really will not be forgotten by anyone.

"Princess Luciana!"

Lucy turned her head towards the open bedroom door. It turned out that Athena came to her. "What is it, Athena?"

Athena looked exhausted. The girl had just run from the apple orchard to return to the palace. "I thought you came to the apple orchard. But you didn't."

"Ah, I'm sorry, Athena. Since earlier, I was also trying to find you to tell you that I'm not interested in meeting you at the apple orchard. Since you didn't show up earlier, I just kept quiet and studied here. Helen taught me about the value of law and the history of this kingdom." said Lucy. The girl explained her condition honestly.

At least Athena could breathe a sigh of relief. Because she had thought that something had happened to Lucy on the way to the apple orchard. Therefore Athena was very worried and immediately ran back to the palace to see Lucy in person.

"Ouh, thank goodness. It's okay if you don't want to meet me at the apple orchard. I was too worried about you, so I just ran over here. You're all right, Princess Lucy. Then I'll be back home." Athena said. Her breath was still slightly out of breath.

Lucy immediately put a grin on her lips. "I'm sorry Athena, I've messed up your day off."

"It's all right, princess Lucy. Then just continue your study."

"Ah, I'm so bored. How about I take you home? You can sit pretty well in the carriage with me." Licy seemed enthusiastic about offering it to Athena.

But Athena immediately shook her head, of course she felt embarrassed. "No need, princess Lucy. I'm going home on foot."

"Don't refuse my request, Athena. I know you're tired. And I also want to invite you to find out where my brother is. Royce must be meeting the woman he likes. Because until this afternoon he hasn't returned to the palace. I'm pretty sure he's in a relationship with a girl from the village. I want to see what the girl's face looks like. Hahaha, I'm really curious about my brother's lover."

Hearing that, Athena also felt curious. "But, did the queen let you out of the palace?"

Lucy immediately chuckled. "It's late now, Athena. I'll excuse myself by driving you home. Oh come on, come with me to see my brother. I think I know where Royce is."

Athena really couldn't understand Lucy. A twelve year old girl, yet her thoughts were like that of an eighteen year old girl. Even Lucy already knew about love affairs.

And reluctantly, Athena agreed to Lucy's request. She had to be willing to accompany Lucy to a place where Royce was there.

Athena didn't really think that Royce already had a lover. If Bella found out about this, she would be very upset and jealous.


The horse carriage carrying Lucy and Athena had arrived at their destination. Lucy ordered the two guards who brought the horse carriage to the diamond village area. More precisely near the main market in the village.

Of course Athena looked very confused. Could Royce have come to such a crowded place?

"Even though I rarely ask my brother, but I really care about him. I was just wondering if Royce was like any other adult who was in a relationship with someone. Royce was like that too. And I found out where he often went to visit. This is where he often meets someone. Royce always changes his appearance like an ordinary person." said Lucy.

Hearing that explanation, Athena simply nodded and surveyed the surroundings. Several people who passed by the horse carriage seemed to bow politely, because they knew that a member of the royal family was visiting.

"Would you like to come down, princess Lucy?"

"No. I just want to observe my brother from here."

"How would Prince Royce look when he was in a place like this?" asked Athena curiously. She also brought her face closer to the mirror of the horse carriage. She tried to find Royce's whereabouts in the midst of the residents who were shopping at the market.

A few seconds later, Lucy smiled widely and the index finger of her right hand pointed at two o'clock.

"Look over there, Athena. There's a man dressed in a long cloth belt tied around his waist. Yes, he's my brother, Royce! The cloth is used like a belt. And Royce used it to store gold coins. I think he's buying something for his girlfriend." Lucy said.

Athena also saw Royce. Royce was standing facing a merchant selling various hair accessories.

And of course Athena could see a woman standing beside Royce. The two of them were choosing accessories while talking with a laugh. Apparently they are very close and look romantic. Athena could clearly see that Royce really loved the girl.

"I know what that girl's name is, Athena." said Lucy.

"What's her name, princess?"

"Her name is Jane, she's the daughter of a farmer who grows all kinds of vegetables. She's well-known as a girl from a decent family. It was Helen who told me about Jane."

Helen is the main servant in the kingdom. And Helen always accompanied Victoria every day. So Lucy also often asked Helen.

Athena looked a little surprised. "Princess Lucy, does Helen also know that Prince Royce has a lover?"

Lucy immediately shook her head. "No. When I asked Helen, I mentioned a reason that didn't make Helen suspicious. Ah, Jane is the beautiful woman Royce chose."

"Do you like seeing your brother have a lover?" Athena asked with a smile.

"Of course I like it, but there's one thing that worries me."


"I'm afraid all Royce's attention will be on her. Then Royce will ignore me and never pay attention to me again." said Lucy.

The girl turned out to be very worried about Royce's concern for her. But, does Royce intend to marry Jane in the near future?
