23. Slightly Tense Morning

The sun had just risen from the eastern horizon. The sky this morning looks so clear and clean. Birds began to fly in the cold air. And also lots of flowers blooming.

The atmosphere is so beautiful out there. The beauty of the universe on this morning seems to show a sign that today there will be good news. However, is it really like that?

Royce had just opened his eyes. He awoke from his slumber slightly startled. Then he looked at the slightly open window of his private room. Outside the sky was clear, the day had turned to morning.

The man immediately stood up and immediately left his private room. Royce had only slept for three hours, as he kept thinking about the attack Jackson and the men were about to carry out.

Of course Royce was not silent. At midnight, the man went around the palace and ordered all the soldiers to start tightening the guard. But Royce was just acting alone, he didn't tell Frans or his father.

And this morning, Royce woke up at half past eight in the morning. He regretted having fallen asleep at five in the morning. The man walked quickly through the palace halls, which were always clean and decorated with luxury goods. He was about to go to the royal dining room.

Arriving at the royal dining room, Royce immediately looked at Arthur's face seriously. He wanted to tell Arthur that today something was going to happen to watch out for.

"Father, I have something to tell you. I think we should---"

"Royce, you better give King Philip and Princess Aubrey a warm greeting. Don't embarrass me in front of them. You even woke up too late today!" Arthur said firmly, but the look on his face was friendly.

Royce looked at the two chairs at the dining table on the opposite side. It turned out that King Philip and Princess Aubrey had been here since this morning.

Of course Royce could only keep the annoyance in his mind. He was forced to give a polite nod and smile kindly at the two people from the Crystalball Kingdom.

Then Royce immediately took his seat. And a waiter immediately helped Royce take some food for breakfast.

Royce looked the other way, he was looking for Athena's whereabouts. However Athena was not in the dining room. Then where did the girl go?

Lucy smiled when she knew her brother was looking for someone. And the girl knew who Royce was looking for. "Are you looking for Athena? She is in the kitchen. Since this morning, Athena left me immediately. She said that today she will be busy observing something." said Lucy.

"What? Why are you telling me now, Lucy??"

Lucy shrugged her shoulders. "You know? Athena and the other maids have been trying to wake you up since this morning. But you weren't in your bedroom. You slept in your private room. And you always locked your private room from the inside. So now don't try to blame anyone. Anyways. You should get acquainted with Princess Aubrey."

They speak quietly. Made Victoria feel uncomfortable and the woman immediately rebuked with a low sigh.

Royce and Lucy sat up straight and continued eating their food.

Aubrey looked so beautiful. The woman had long wavy hair and brownish black color. Her pair of eyes are bluish gray. Her lips were as red as cherries. The woman smiled slightly as she watched Royce and Lucy's interaction. Maybe it looked adorable in Aubrey's eyes.

And for Royce, this morning was an unlucky morning for him. The man felt pressured when his father forced him to start a conversation with Aubrey in the middle of breakfast.


While Athena did not have time to fill her stomach. She hadn't even showered yet. Athena was still wearing the same clothes as yesterday, a simple light brown dress.

At this moment Athena was heading to the servants' dormitory which was located separately from the main palace building. A dormitory building exclusively for female servants.

While the dormitory building for male servants is in the west.

Athena immediately opened the door to the room that had the number 87. And she swallowed her saliva slowly. The person she was looking for was not in the room.

Several female maids who were still in the building looked directly at Athena with confused expressions on their faces.

"Athena, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you always be near Princess Lucy or Prince Royce?" asked one of the maids named Kate.

"Ah, I'm looking for Bella." Athena answered breathlessly.

Kate shook her head. "Bella hasn't been back in the dorm since last night."

"What do you mean??"

"You don't know? Aren't you her best friend?"

Athena nodded slowly. "I think Bella came back here last night. Then do you know where she went?"

"Bella was picked up by her boyfriend. She said that she would marry that man. Ah, the man looks very handsome. No wonder Bella loves him so much. I think---"

"Kate, you don't recognize the man?"

"What do you mean, Athena?"

Athena chuckled softly. "That man is Jackson. The man who was held in a dungeon about four years ago. Jackson, the man who kills people in the woods." Athena said very restlessly.

But Kate frowned. "I also know who Jackson is. But the man who picked up Bella yesterday was her boyfriend. And that man wasn't Jackson. Besides, how could I praise Jackson for being so handsome."

Athena was silent for a moment. "So the guy who picked Bella up last night . . . wasn't Jackson?"

And Kate immediately chuckled. "Hey, did you just have a bad dream? Hahaha... looks like you should---"

"I don't need to listen to what you have to say, Kate!! There will be trouble in this kingdom if I don't stop Bella. You don't understand the situation right now!!" Athena said firmly. Her voice was rising.

Several other maids were silent and watched Athena walk quickly to leave the dormitory area.

Meanwhile, Kate was quite annoyed with Athena's words. "You stupid girl!! I think she's crazy this morning." Said Kate who reproached Athena with her slick mouth.


"Athena!! Stop!!" Royce shouted at Athena who was about to pass through the palace gates. The man was not alone. There was Aubrey following Royce from behind.

Athena stopped in her tracks. She looked back and looked at Royce in surprise.

"Don't leave this palace." Royce said.

"Why, Prince? I have to go home. I don't want my parents to experience anything bad. Bella has left the palace since last night. I'm afraid something will happen to---"

"Your parents are already here, Athena. I always keep my word." Royce said.

Athena frowned. "What do you mean?"

"I sent some bodyguards to pick up your parents in the early hours of the morning. Your father and mother are waiting for you beside the royal hall. Go see them. I hope you feel relieved after meeting them." Royce said.

Athena's eyes glazed over. She did not expect that Royce tried so hard to bring her parents into the palace.

Royce nodded his head. Ordered Athena to quickly meet her father and mother. And Athena immediately ran towards the side area of ​​the royal hall.

And sure enough, the girl's mother and father were already there. Athena was truly relieved. The most valuable assets in her life are her parents.

After this, Athena had to thank Royce.
