24. Faster Attack

Seeing Athena head towards the side area of ​​the royal hall, Aubrey stepped forward to stand beside Royce. She was so beautiful and always moving gently.

Aubrey noticed Royce who was still observing Athena and the girl's parents. Then Aubrey smiled and understood the expression on Royce's face.

"Do you like her that much?" Aubrey asked.

The question made Royce turn and he realized that Aubrey was nearby. "Ah, no. I was just watching her."

"You shouldn't be ashamed to admit it if it's true, Prince Royce."

"No, Aubrey. I was just trying to help her." Royce said.

Aubrey chuckled softly. "The look on your face says that you like her, Prince Royce. During this time, I have often observed the faces of men who have approached me. A man who is in love with a woman, then he will continue to pay attention to that woman as long as possible. You did just now. You care about Athena so much even though she's already running away from you. Until you forget that I'm following you."

Hearing Aubrey's words, Royce smiled slightly and was a little surprised at Aubrey. "Ah, I'm sorry, Princess Aubrey. And sorry for the slightly long time you had to wait for me to finish showering. Now, where do you want to talk?"

Then Aubrey pointed in the direction of the small maze garden. There was indeed a long white chair. It was Queen Ariadne's favorite seat of her time.

They both walked slowly towards it. Arthur and Philip did tell them to talk alone. And Royce went straight to the shower after breakfast. Of course the man felt uncomfortable if his appearance looked uncomfortable in Aubrey's eyes.

And of course now Royce is clean, looks handsome in his luxurious clothes, and of course he also wears natural fragrances so that his body smells good.

"I just wanted to ask you. Do you accept this arranged marriage?" Aubrey asked.

Royce was silent for a moment. Then he stared at Aubrey a little longer. He looked at Aubrey who turned out to be very beautiful. Then Royce smiled. "What if I want to refuse this matchmaking, Princess Aubrey?"

"I don't mind that." Aubrey said who immediately answered Royce's question.

"Is that true?"

Aubrey nodded slowly. "In my opinion, matchmaking is a pretty annoying thing in this world. Two couples tend to be forced into marriage even though they don't have any feelings of love at all. If agreeing to an arranged marriage just because of physicality, everyone can do that. After all, who doesn't have lust? But, I'm not like that. Actually I don't like this matchmaking either."

Royce smiled in relief. The anger in his mind lessened. He was very happy to know that Aubrey also did not want to accept the arranged marriage.

"Ah, I am very relieved to hear your answer. If I may ask, do you already have another man? So you refuse this arranged marriage." Royce said.

And Aubrey shook her head. "I don't have a boyfriend. And through this arranged marriage, I did have one reason to want to come here."


"I'm interested in you."

The answer took Royce by surprise. "Then why did you refuse this matchmaking?"

Aubrey smiled and looked at Royce. "I can't live with a man who doesn't love me, Prince Royce."

"How did you know that I wouldn't love you?"

"The way you look at Athena is completely different. And I'm sure you're starting to have some feelings for her. I'm just starting to get attracted to you, and that doesn't bother me at all." Aubrey said.

"Have I hurt your feelings?"

"Hahaha, not at all. I'm fine. From your question, are my assumptions correct? That you like Athena?"

Royce looked nervous and he rubbed the back of his neck. "Ah, actually I just ended my relationship with someone. Someone who didn't really love me. However, lately I've been paying attention to Athena. But I don't want to misunderstand this feeling. So, I tried to restrain myself from bothering her with my feelings."

Aubrey chuckled softly. "Why don't you dare confess your love to her?"

"My feelings aren't that clear, Aubrey. And I'm afraid that in the end I won't be able to keep these feelings. Yeah, you know what rules a crown prince has to obey." Royce said.

Of course Aubrey understood Royce's words. Royce was afraid that his love for Athena had to be stopped, because a crown prince could not have a special relationship with a royal servant.

Seeing Aubrey silent, Royce also wanted to ask the girl. "Then why are you attracted to me?"

Aubrey looked at Royce with her cheeks turning red. And that made Royce hold back his smile because Aubrey looked adorable.

"You must know that our kingdoms were very close long ago. And do you remember? When you were twelve and I was nine. We once played together outside the convention hall. In addition, we also often meet at other parties. Then your name became famous among the noble girls. And I've been looking for a few things about you. Yeah, maybe that was the first step in why I was attracted to you." Aubrey said. She explained it a little shyly.

Hearing the short story, Royce chuckled softly. He did not expect that he was famous among noble girls. "Oh really? I didn't know I was talked about by a lot of girls out there."

"You are very arrogant, Prince Royce." said Aubrey who was still laughing amused.

While the two of them were still joking, suddenly there were a lot of arrows that shot into the palace area. Several arrows were also directly pierced around Royce and Aubrey.

Royce and Aubrey were of course very surprised. The two of them immediately stood up and ran for cover behind the tall bushes in the labyrinth garden. Reflexively, Royce protected Aubrey from the dangerous situation.

"Hide here. I'll come get you later. I have to find out what's going on." Royce said to Aubrey.

Aubrey just nodded even though she was scared. And Royce ran out of the labyrinth garden.

"WHAT IS THIS??" asked Royce who shouted angrily. Then Frans ran to him.

"There's an army of men out there, Prince. And it's Jackson, the former prisoner who's on the run who leads the troops. You said this morning, too, that there would be an attack tonight. Is this what you mean, prince?"

"Yes, but why is it happening now?"

Frans shook his head and he held on to his iron shield to protect the arrows that were about to hit Royce's body. "Hide in the palace, Prince. I and the soldiers will---"

"No!! I also have to fight back!! Muster all guards to protect the kingdom's inhabitants!!!" Royce said firmly. He ran into the royal hall. Before that, he had tried to bring Athena and the her parents into the palace.
