37. Morning Mood In Another Palace

Towards six in the morning. The atmosphere in the Crystalball Kingdom this morning was very different from that of the Diamond Kingdom.

Back when Royce could still enjoy the morning atmosphere in his palace with his complete family. The atmosphere every morning in the Diamond Kingdom is always calm, not too busy, and all family members immediately gather at the dining table to eat breakfast together.

Now, Royce has to get up early to respect the new place he is stopping at for now.

Royce refuses to accept good service from royal servants. So he chose to take care of himself starting from bathing, dressing, then he immediately came out of his bedroom to greet everyone.

The morning atmosphere in the Kingdom of Crystalball looks very busy. Many royal servants were passing by to immediately carry out further activities. They all move quickly so that one task is completed and move on to another.

Likewise with the royal guards, they all seemed to line up neatly in the palace courtyard. Some of them immediately did muscle training and martial arts training in other fields. Then the royal ministers immediately arrived and entered the special room used for meetings.

If in the Diamond Kingdom all the ministers enter and sit in the royal hall, but it's not like that in the Crystalball Kingdom. All the ministers, legal advisors and advisors to the king, they immediately entered a special room that was large and had a wide table and lots of chairs. Then King Philip would sit at the very end of the chair. Chairs that look the most luxurious and softer.


Royce thought that it was Athena who called him. But he didn't seem to have memorized the girl's voice. The one calling him at this time was Aubrey. Today the girl looks beautiful in a sky blue dress.

Aubrey walked quickly to Royce. And of course Royce stopped his footsteps to wait for Aubrey to arrive in front of him.

"Good morning, Aubrey. How are you?"

Aubrey immediately smiled. "I'm fine, thank you. I haven't seen you and the others for three days."

"Your leg doesn't hurt anymore?"

"Haha, yes. The abrasions on both of my legs have healed. What about the others?"

Royce shook his head. He and the others had indeed been staying in the Crystalball Kingdom for three days. And in the past three days, Royce really hasn't been able to meet anyone. He was just trying to help Philip work on something and help come up with good ideas for the security system and economic system of the Kingdom of Crystalball.

That's why Royce didn't have time to visit anyone. He only knew about their situation through several palace maids who gave him a brief explanation.

"I haven't met all of them myself. I haven't even seen my sister either. Your palace is surprisingly large, Aubrey." Royce said.

Aubrey chuckled lightly. "Because my father attaches great importance to the differences in territory and rooms for the women and the men. Athena, Lucy, and Aunt Nancy, I think they are also doing their usual activities. I have met Lucy. She still looks quiet and often broods. At the moment she is accompanied by one of the special maids I sent. And Lucy seems to be starting to paint something. She's copying something her mother likes."

Hearing that, of course Royce was very happy and relieved. "Oh, thank goodness then. Yes, my mother loved to paint. She studied painting with my grandmother, Queen Ariadne. The two of them always found time to paint together, when they were both alive."

Aubrey immediately tapped Royce's right shoulder lightly. "Don't be sad anymore, Royce. Maybe now the two of them have met and are back to doing their hobbies up there in heaven."

"Yeah, that's right. I think they've all met and gathered."

"Then come with me." Aubrey invites Royce to come with her.


"Breakfast of course. Let's have breakfast together with my parents, my brother and my sister-in-law."

"But, I have to join the ministers to come up with new ideas about---"

"Ah, come on! I've heard from my father that for the past three days you've been working hard helping the ministers and legal advisers. From now on, join us all when it's time to eat!" Aubrey said looking excited.

Royce smiled. Then he caught up with Aubrey's footsteps. The two of them walked down the corridors of the palace and talked about delicious food.

Eventually, the two of them arrived at the royal dining room. There is a wide circular dining table. And all the family members are already sitting in their seats.

Royce sat on Aubrey's left. During the three days he was in the palace, Royce had never eaten with them at the royal dining table. He always ate alone or he ate with one of the ministers when it was time to eat.

"I'm sorry I didn't pay much attention to you, Royce. I just noticed that you always eat at the other corner and never eat with us." Georgiana said.

Royce nodded politely. "It's fine, it's no big deal, Your Majesty."

"Ah, don't call me that. Think of me like your mother or like your aunt. To us, you are still the crown prince of the Diamond Kingdom. We will always value and respect your existence." Georgiana said with a friendly smile.

Albert nodded and gave a friendly smile. "Yes, what my mother said is very true. And I also thank you, for taking good care of my sister during your journey here. And also about the new idea that you contributed to our empire system, I really like that idea."

"I am very happy if my idea can be accepted by all of you. I have learned all these ideas from my own father. It will be very useful if this palace also implements these ideas." Royce said.

Philip nodded happily. "You're very smart, Royce. I'd even like to make you chief minister if you want."

Hearing that, Royce fell silent and only gave a faint smile.

But Albert, Georgiana, Aubrey, and Silva (Albert's wife). They all seemed to agree with King Philip's words. And their gazes were all very sincere towards Royce.

Then Philip laughed softly. "Hahaha, I won't force you, Royce. But what I said earlier is an offer and you can accept the offer anytime. We will all accept your arrival if you will come back again."

Royce nodded politely. "Thank you for receiving me so well, King Philip."

"It turns out my sister was right, that you are a very tough and intelligent man. I also agree with what my father said. And I will also wait for your wedding..." said Albert.

Royce and Aubrey immediately looked at Albert at the same time. Philip and Georgiana looked at each other. Albert did not know that the match between Aubrey and Royce was officially cancelled.
