38. Not A Guest And Must Be Active

"Sorry, my brother really hasn't heard the news that our match was cancelled. Maybe my father and mother were also still in a state of panic when I didn't return to the palace. So they didn't explain about it to my brother." Aubrey said. She immediately followed Royce who walked down the palace corridor to the ministers' special room.

Hearing that explanation, Royce nodded in understanding. "It's okay, Aubrey."

"But you really don't accept my family's offer? Just stay here, Royce. We'll all definitely help you against Jackson and Bella."

Royce stopped in his tracks and he looked at Aubrey. "I can't just stay here and depend on your family. I still have family in England, namely Aunt Jasmine. I have to go there, see her, tell her what happened, then I'm sure my Aunt will help me."

"But Royce, I heard that the government in England is very strict. There might indeed have much better development than our life here, aren't you afraid if something happens there?"

"I can deal with any situation, Aubrey. If I choose to stay here, I'll just be a good-for-nothing orphan. I can certainly help the ministers manage this royal system. But I also know that your brother also has a role to play here. Aubrey, I am someone else. I am not your family. You and your family are very good, but if I choose to live here, it will not be good for me. Do you understand?"

Aubrey pouted slightly and she nodded. "Okay, I understand. Where are you going? Are you going to see the ministers again?"

"No. I have to see Athena and the others."

"Ah, then I will accompany you."

Royce frowned. "No need, Aubrey. You can start your own thing. I just want to see them, especially Lucy and Uncle Edgar."

Hearing that answer, Aubrey fell silent and her shoulders drooped. The girl felt a little disappointed when Royce rejected her.

Then Aubrey just nodded, then she let Royce walk away from her. Aubrey began to feel something different in her heart. She was easily disappointed when Royce refused her offers or help. Aubrey also began to feel jealous of Athena.

Perhaps in her mind began to save a sense of jealousy that is getting bigger every day. And maybe Aubrey is also starting to want to have Royce completely, so that more and more she looks like a woman who forces a man to love her.


Royce meets Athena near the women's building. The girl walked slowly carrying a tray of raw chicken that looked a little heavy. So Royce immediately grabbed the tray and brought it to the kitchen.

"Didn't King Philip tell you to rest until you recover? And I don't think they would employ you like this." Royce said. He starts to grumble when he sees something he doesn't really like.

Athena snorted softly and smiled. He let Royce carry the tray. "Besides, I've recovered since yesterday, Prince. My mother and I really enjoy doing activities. So there's nothing wrong if we help the kitchen maids to prepare food. After all, we are also given delicious food every day."

"But you're not a maid who works here." Royce said. He looked angry and didn't seem to like it when Athena did things that were a little heavy.

When he reached the kitchen area, Royce immediately put the metal tray containing ten kilograms of chicken onto a chopping board. A cook who had a friendly smile immediately thanked Royce.

Then Royce grabbed Athena's right wrist to lead the girl out of the kitchen area.

"I'll talk to King Philip. To ask him to make you a special maid who only cleans the inside of the main palace building. So you don't have to work so hard in the kitchen. Your mother too. I can't see----"

"Prince, it's not just me and my mother who are like this. Look, Frans and his friends over there." Athena pointed north.

Frans and the six soldiers also looked healthy and fresh. They were practicing horse and archery with other royal soldiers. Occasionally Frans also helps look after the royal horses, of course he also bathes some of the horses.

Then Edgar and Erick also recovered. The two of them are seen moving some items into a large cart. The two of them looked like construction workers who had to move some heavy objects somewhere.

"Prince, they all carry out activities in this kingdom without complaining. They are all happy and healthy because they can return to their activities. This kingdom does not order us to do this and that, but we ourselves want to do an activity or complete a task. We are all just help each other. Because we are not guests in this kingdom, so we have to help them too. Because we are also given a comfortable bed, delicious food, and clothes that are always clean. We all don't do this by force. King Philip also often met me and he has tried to ban me from activities. You don't need to be so worried, prince." Athena said.

Royce took a deep breath when he heard Athena's explanation.

Athena's words were true, they were not all guests in the kingdom. They were just hitchhiking and always needed food and clothing, and a place to sleep. So there is nothing wrong if they help the activities of the royal servants and soldiers.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I was just worried and worried that you all haven't recovered yet." Royce said.

Athena smiled. "Take it easy, Prince."

"Don't call me that anymore. Just call me by name, the way Aubrey calls me."

"It's become a habit of mine and---"

"Athena, such calls bother me a lot. I am no longer a prince of the Diamond Kingdom. Now I am just an ordinary man who has nothing but my life and body. So just call my name. It applies to everyone." Royce said firmly.

Then Athena nodded slowly. She gave in just to make Royce look calm. "Then what made you come to see me? Do you want to see Lucy?" Athena asked. She couldn't even say Royce's name right away, so she just asked questions without mentioning Royce's name.
