Hiring a Secretary

5 years later

Samuel's POV

It has been five years since me and Rachelle started serving Miss Shia. She appears as a cold and cruel person to others, but in fact she's a good kid. If you know her well that is. She became the boss of the Mafia and the CEO in just 5 years. Maybe it's because she helped her Dad manage everything the moment she became the daughter of the family that she was able to secure her position. Even if she just became the official CEO of the company last year, you couldn't deny the fact that the company became even more prosperous. Although she haven't finished her studies yet, it's not a problem for her since she can balance everything she does.

We're currently having a meeting with the board members regarding the new project of the company. As her butler and personal assistant, I have to accompany her everywhere. And judging from her expression, she's not happy with the results of the project.

"T-that's all f-for my report, M-miss Sabre." Theresa said. She's the one who's appointed to manage the project.

"Is that all?" Miss Sabre said in a cold and boring tone.

"Y-yes. There are no other problems."

"Really? Then explain this." I gave her the report that Theresa made and slammed it on the table. The report consisted of the percentage of the people who bought it and the ratings and the combined amount.

"Here in your report, it says that the combined percentage of the ratings and the amount of people who bought it has only reached 65%. Yet, here in our meeting, you said that the percentage reached 90%. So, did you already made a good excuse? That goes for all of you." The way she said that was so cold that it could freeze the bottled water anytime.

"U-uhm about that, Miss. I-i got it all wrong. I forgot that it was supposed to be 90%. R-right?" The other board members agreed with her excuse but Miss doesn't seem to be happy.

"Oh, what a good excuse you have there. Do you think that anyone who heard that will believe you!? Or do you think you can fool me just because your all older then me!?" She yelled and slammed the table really hard that all the files went flying. The room went quiet and after a while they all started picking up the files that fell from the table.

That's one of the things that Young Miss really hates. People who underestimate her and liars. Other than that, there's nothing else that can make her angry like that.

"W-we're sorry Miss Sabre!" They all chorused.

"I-it's just that, Miss we can't afford to dissapoint you with these results, s-so we lied to you." Theresa reasoned out tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

"You already dissapointed me the time you all decided to write that in the report. You all know that I hate liars the most yet you still did it. Now, tell me the reason why the combined percentage only reached 65%. Or else, you won't get your paycheck forever. You know what I mean right?" Whether in the mafia, school or work, she's really cold and cruel when it comes to things she doesn't like.

They all looked at each other first before nodding. Theresa then inhaled deeply and started explaining with scared but determined tone.

"Miss Sabre, it's because of our rivaled company. They also have a project that's similar to ours."

"And? What kind of scheme did they use this time?"

"They almost got all our costumers. Even the other big shots who were loyal to our company. They've been spreading rumors that all our products are either fake or we use cheap materials to make them."

"Hmp. That's all? Such a boring and common scheme. Can't they make up anything exciting other than that? So Theresa, what do you think should we do in this kind of situation?" Young Miss' tone is sadistic, like a demon.

"I don't know Miss."

"Easy. Crush them. Didn't I always tell you that anyone who comes in our way will be crushed. No matter who they are or what they are, they will regret coming in our way."

All the board members shivered from what she said. Including me. She really is cruel in every aspect. They all just nodded in fear from her order and Young Miss just gave a sadistic smile.

"Good. But don't think that I will let you all off the hook. Samuel, reduce Theresa's pay by 50% and the others by 20%. Let it be a warning to all of you. That's all. The meeting's done." She said and walked out of the conference room back to her office. The board members bid their farewell and I followed Young Miss back to her office.

3rd Person's POV

Shia exited from the conference room and went straight to her office, with Samuel following her. She was quite bored during the meeting since she already have a feeling that something like that would happen.

While walking through towards her office, the employees who saw her either greeted or bowed. There were also murmurs about her. She was quite used to it but it still makes her annoyed.

When they arrived at her office, she sat at her table and started doing some paper works. On the corner of her eye, she saw Samuel also doing some paper work regarding the punishment that she gave the board members.

'He looks tired ' She thought. 'Maybe I should hire a secretary, since he's already my butler he can't be my secretary. I should probably consult this first to Onii-chan since he's quite overprotective.'

After she decided to do that, she went back to doing her paper works since she's in the mood of going to school tomorrow. When she finished, that's when Ranx came to her office with chocolates in his hand.

"Shia, I came to pick you up. Dad said that you should relax once in a while." He said giving her the chocolates and kissing her cheek.

"Oh thanks Onii-chan. Don't worry, I'm almost finished."

Ranx went and sat in front of Samuel in the sofa. While Shia was finishing her work, they were talking about things until Shia brought up the topic of hiring secretary.

"Onii-chan, I'm planning on hiring a secretary. Is that okay with you?"

"Secretary? Well, yeah whatever you want. But why? You already have Samuel as your butler and personal assistant."

"Well I noticed that he have much work than usual." She answered finally finishing her work. Samuel looked at her quite shocked from what his Young Miss just said.

"Well it's up to you. After all, every CEO needs a secretary." He said sipping his tea.

"Oh, thanks nii-chan. Samuel, you done?" She asked Samuel who still looked shocked.

"Uhm yes, Young Miss. But why?" He asked finally straightening his composure.

"Hm? It doesn't matter. After all you've been serving me for five years. It's just fair. Now, release a notice that we're hiring a secretary for me." She said walking to the door with her brother and Samuel.

"Yes, Young Miss. Right away." He said walking away to fulfill his Young Miss' request.

Shia and Ranx went to the parking lot so they can go home and relax. On the way there, they talked about things like how's the work.

"Shia, when are you planning to go back to school?" Ranx said opening the car's door for her sister.

"I'm planning on going tommorow or the day after tomorrow."

"That's nice. It's been so long since you went to school."

"Yeah. So long." She said looking outside the window with a hint of anticipation.


A male teenager stood outside of a huge building, wearing a formal attire. The employees were all looking at him wondering why a teenager who's still going to school are doing there.

"Ok. Let's do this!"