
Xian's POV

While hanging out in the garden with my and Shia's family, Shia's dad, Sir Edward, offered to let us stay at their mansion for the night. He said that it's appropriate to entertain the guests.

We stayed at our own rooms and spent the night sleeping peacefully, tired from the things we did in the backyard.

Morning came and Mom decided to go home with my sister and grandparents. Since I have to be with Shia 24/7, I have to stay here and accompany her. They were escorted by Sir Edward's guards to our house.

As time passes by, Shia's relatives started to go home or to work one by one. Alex, who also stayed here for the night, decided to hang out with the twins so they went to an arcade or something.

We're in the living room today. Shia is checking the reports. Samuel's is still teaching me and Rachelle is on an errand. I didn't know that this would be so tiring. I only applied because I desperately need some money and I thought that this would be easy! Sorting some documents, running an errand, and accompanying the CEO is the only things that I thought I would do. I guess working in a convenience store or in a restaurant would be better. But the pay here is a hundred times bigger.

"Xian. Xian are you listening?" I broke out of my trance when I heard Samuel calling me.

"Huh? C-can you repeat it Samuel?" I said while scratching my neck.

"I asked if you wrote all that on your notepad. I've been calling you for a while but you wouldn't answer. Are you okay?" He put his hands on my shoulder while having a worried look.

"Ah yes I'm okay. I was just thinking about something. But yes, I wrote all of it on my notepad." He smiled on my reply and went to back what he was doing. He also gave me stacks of papers to sort. He said that it's like my training and it's the easiest thing to do.

Hours passed we progressed on our work. Shia attended almost 10 meetings online with business partners. Samuel also attended those to assist the CEO and he also reviewed the letters from different companies offering a business partnership and offers. Whereas I, Xian, isn't even halfway of sorting the documents! My head hurts from all these papers. If only it would sort themselves.

"Xian, the documents won't sort themselves by just staring at it intently." I knocked out of my trance when I heard that. Shia was looking at me with an amused look in her eyes then went back to her laptop. I could feel my face heating up as I went back to my work.

"You know, you're really amusing. It's a good thing that I hired you. You're lucky to be my personal assistant." She said while focusing on her laptop. I then saw Samuel nodding in agreement.

"Miss Shia never thought of getting a personal assistant for herself. At the day of the interview

most people who applied are gold diggers and attention seekers. But you're different so that's why Miss Shia hired you." He was smiling as he said that and took some of the documents from the pile started to sort it.

"You look tired, why don't we switch places? You assist Miss Shia while I sort this." I nodded as I went to sit beside Shia. She gave me a list and instructed me to say all the names with the red mark. This is pretty easy.

It went on for another hour and we finally finished everything. It was 12 noon when we finished so we went to the kitchen immediately. There were a lot of food on the long table, all of different types. We sat there and the servants served us appetizers. Just like last night, we were served a full course meal.

It was quite while having our lunch. With the occasional clattering of the spoons and the music coming from the recorder, it was peaceful. We're the only ones here besides the servants. I actually prefer this than last night. The pressure was overwhelming. The stares I was getting last night was scary, especially Shia's brother.

We finished our meal with a strawberry pudding. The silence was broken down by Shia, asking Samuel if she has any appointment left.

"Sam, is there any appointment left?"

"None that I know of Young miss." Samuel replied as he shook his head. Shia nodded as she cleaned her lips with the table napkin.

"Is that so? Then Xian, after this find the nearest orphanage and tell them I would visit. Also, make a list of the orphanages found in the city. Samuel, get my car ready." She said as she stood up and went to her room, probably to get ready.

Samuel looked at me and nodded. I went to the living room while he went to parking lot. I immediately opened the laptop and started searching for the nearest orphanage. It's called Starlight Orphanage. I immediately contacted them saying that we'll be there in less than hour and they agreed. I then took a blank paper and wrote it on top. I continued to search and arranged it by the distance from the mansion.

Not long after, Shia came down wearing a black turtleneck paired with checkered grey blazer and skirt. She paired it with a knee length black boots. I stood up and followed her to the parking lot where Samuel was waiting. I was amazed on how many kinds of car were in there! There were at least five rows of them. We used the blue Aston Martin Vanquish S. How can she buy such an expensive car?!

I went ahead as I opened the door for Shia. She went inside and I closed it. Samuel then took a seat at the driver's seat and as soon as I was about to open the door of the passenger's seat, Samuel signalled me to sit with Shia. I just complied and sat beside her at the back.

"The orphanage is a 30 minutes drive and located at the south. It's in Gerol street and the orphanage is called Starlight orphanage. It's pretty rundown and is on the verge of bankruptcy." I said as Samuel started driving. I handed the list to Shia as she examined it.

The way there was silent. The only thing we're doing was admiring the beauty of nature. Shia's house is located in the outskirts so there are lots of trees. You can also see lots of different birds and plants everywhere.

After the drive, we finally arrived there. It was rundown and by the looks of it, the gate would surely collapse if there's a strong wind. In addition it's so rusty. But other than that, the children looks pretty happy. After we parked, we went inside and the children all looked at us. Shia scanned the exterior and it looks like she doesn't like it one bit. She was scowling and had a disgusted looks on her eyes.

Well who wouldn't be? The kids were so skinny you can literally see the veins popping out. Their clothes are tattered and they're wearing unpaired socks. The exterior of the orphanage has moss and the veranda on the second floor is on the verge of collapsing. You can also hear the creaking of the gate and roof.

As we walked towards the main door where the caretakers of the orphanage are, the kids were looking at us curiously and excitedly. Some of them smiled and waved at us but it seems it's just me who noticed it.

"Miss Sabre, thank you for visiting our orphanage. I'm Nimfa, one of the caretakers here. Would you like to take a tour of the orphanage?" Nimfa said while smiling. There's a weird aura surrounding her. Shia just nodded and Nimda led us outside.

We went inside and there's a staircase at the side, which also looks like it's about to collapse. She first showed us the kitchen and dining table where some kids were cleaning. Looks like it's their chore. She then led us to to the second floor where the rooms of the children is located. The moment she stepped on the stairs, it made a loud noise. She was pretty fat so it made it more dangerous. I assisted Shia as we went upstairs.

The first floor is where the kids sleep. There was about 4 huge rooms there and 1 bathroom. The room has sufficient space for 20 kids, in addition they were using double decks. She then showed us the bathroom which stinks. And there were rats running around.

"I'm sorry for the mess, Miss Sabre. We rarely get visitors so it's pretty messy." She chuckled awkwardly when she noticed the disgusted look on Shia's face.

"Just get on with this miss Nimfa and bring me to your headmaster." Shia said as she waved her hand. Nimfa agreed and we went on to the 3rd floor.

The third floor is where the kids learn. There's a classroom, a library and finally the headmaster's office. We went inside their classroom and she began explaining the history of this orphanage and such. I went near Shia's ear and whispered something.

"Uhm, Shia that Nimfa is pretty weird." I whispered and she looked at me with her eyebrow raised.

"I know the moment we stepped inside. Also the reason why we're here." She whispered back as she glared at Nimfa's back. Nimfa suddenly looked at us which made me avert my eyes to the books.

"Miss Sabre, would you mind coming beside me? You can see the park from up here." Shia went beside her as we followed.

Down there you can see lots of trees and benches surrounding one of the biggest trees. There were kids sweeping and tending to the flowers. While observing, I saw kids fighting outside. One of the kids was crying.

" Uhm, is there something wrong with the kids down there? Why is there no one stopping them?" I asked as Nimfa looked at where I'm pointing at.

"Oh God! Those brats are at it again. The one that's taking the lead in punching is the troublemaker along with his twin, the one who's crying. Please don't worry about them Miss Sabre. It will settle down soon." She said with an annoyed tone but turned into cheerful as she turned her attention to us. "Well then, please follow me to the headmaster's office."

We went out of the classroom and went directly to the office. We went inside and there was an old man sitting on desk. This room is the only tidy place in this establishment. As soon as he noticed us, he immediately greeted us and offered to take a seat on the couch.

"Miss Sabre, welcome. Please take a seat." Shia sat down as me and Samuel stood behind her. He offered some tea, which Shia accepted.

"I'm Felix Sortal, the headmaster of Starlight Orphanage. What can I do for you Miss Sabre?" He asked. Miss took a sip of her tea before speaking.

"I'm here to adopt of course. A pair of male twins to be specific." She said while crossing her legs and leaning on the sofa.

"A male twins you say? Y-you don't mean those two troublemakers right?" The headmaster asked shakily. Looks like they're wary of those two.

"Oh no. It is purely coincidental. I didn't know that they're the only pair of twins here. Looks like luck's on my side." She said as she smiled while also having a smug look on her face. Looks like she already planned all of this.

The headmaster was about to retort but Shia spoke first. "I don't want to hear any opposing statements about my decision. So if I were you, I would start preparing the papers and call the two of them here." She said as she smiled dangerously. The two of them shuddered as they started moving.

"Uh, yes Miss Sabre. Nimfa, please get those two up here."

3rd Person's POV

Nimfa went down stairs to get the twins. The headmaster took out the necessary papers to be signed, while Shia asked Samuel to get the house ready.


When Nimfa arrived at the backyard, the ruckus was still going on. But as soon as she was noticed by the kids, they all stopped. She looked sharply at the kids, specifically the twins.

"The two of you, come with me." She scoffed, aiming her words at the twins. The twins obeyed as they don't want to get beaten again by a fat woman who looks like a balloon that's about to burst.

They followed her upstairs wondering what she wants with them. The way there was quiet. Accompanied with the occasional sniffling of the other twin, which made Nimfa more irritated than she already are.

"Would you stop sniffling you imbecile! An important guest is here so make sure that you make yourself presentable!" She screamed as they stopped near the office. The others inside clearly heard it and Shia didn't liked it one bit.

They went inside and Shia, along with Xian, immediately glared daggers at Nimfa. Felix fake coughed to break the intense atmosphere as he invited the twins to sit with them.

"Headmaster, why did you call for us?" The other twin asked.

"Ehem. The reason why I called you two here, is that you're going to finally have a family. This here, is Miss Sabre, the one who wants to adopt you both. Miss Sabre, this is Vladivir and Verrier." The twins were shocked as they looked at Shia with disbelief.

"He is right. Starting today, you two are going to be my family." Shia said, as cold as ever. But deep inside, she's squealing in glee.

"Really? I'm not dreaming right, headmaster?" The one with tear stains on his face asked.

"This is all real boy. So go now to your room and pack your things. We'll wait for you two here." The headmaster said as the two boys bowed and went to their room.

While packing the two boys were so happy that they could finally get out of this hell hole. They were actually the ones being bullied for being different. After all, they're the only twins in their orphanage. They packed as fast as they could, only bringing their most important belongings. After that, they went back to the office, bags in there hands and all dressed up. The headmaster ushered the two of them to come to the table to sign the necessary papers. After signing, they introduced themselves.

"My name's Shia Sabre, call me sister. The one with red hair is my secretary, Xian. The other one is my butler, Samuel."

"My name is Vladivir, the older twin. This is Verrier, my younger twin. Nice to meet you S-sister."

"Now that the introductions are done, Samuel. Give me my cheque." Shia said as she took her ballpen out. After signing the cheque, she gave it to the headmaster. "Here you go. Make sure to use that money carefully. I'm going to visit here after a month so make sure that this orphanage is more, presentable. Let's go kids."

Shia walked out of the room along with the twins, Xian and Samuel, leaving the headmaster dumbfounded with the amount of money she gave. As they went towards their car, the kids was still looking at them, some with looks of relief and some with pure happiness written on their faces. The twins just hung their heads low, which Shia noticed.

The twins went inside the car first followed by Shia. Xian closed the door and sat beside Samuel in the passenger's seat. As soon as Samuel was about to start the engine, the headmaster came running out.

"Miss Sabre! Thank you for this money, but I can't accept this large sum of money!" Felix said but deep inside he just wants to have a larger sum.

"Are you thinking that money is not enough for your whole life or for the orphanage?" Shia said darkly while glaring. The twins shuddered along with Felix by hearing that statement.

"N-no Miss Sabre."

"Good. Just consider it a donation. By the time I come back that nothing changed and the kids and the building still looks like they're going to collapse anytime, then I will show no mercy. Also, tell that Nimfa to stop eating the foods for the children. She might die." She said as she lowered the window and ignored Felix outside begging to talk to her more.

"Samuel, let's go."