The Twins

3rd Person's POV

After leaving Felix at the side of the road, Shia looked at the twins. They were skinny and has bags under their eyes. They also have bruises on their arms and legs. 'It makes me so angry.' Is what Shia thought. Whenever Shia thinks of something that makes her angry, she always unintentionally glares. That's what's happening right now at the back of the car. It looks like Shia is glaring at the twins that made Verrier whimper and tears to start forming in his eyes.

Shia knocked out of her trance and noticed that Verrier has tears in his eyes and is now shivering along with her brother. Shia, being oblivious as ever, thought that they were cold and took off her blazer and gave it to them.

"Are you two feeling cold? Here, where this. It should make you feel warm." Shia said as she wrapped the blazer around the two. The twins were hesitating at first but when they felt the warm feeling that the blazer gave, they felt reassured. Especially that the one who gave it was sincere. "Also, Verrier why do you have tears in your eyes? Are you reluctant in leaving the orphanage?"

'No. They're just scared of the way you stare at them Miss.' Samuel and Xian thought

Verrier, being the honest kid he is, mustered the courage to tell Shia why they were shaking and why he has tears on his eyes. "I-i was scared of your eyes, sister. I'm sorry." He said as he looked on his lap, tears threatening to fall.

Shia was shocked by what she heard. She smiled and replied, "It's fine. You don't need to be sorry." And the atmosphere around her became gloomy in an instant. And it definitely affected the whole mood.

During their drive to the mansion, no one said a word. It was utter silence. Awkward silence. What Verrier said to her was repeating inside her head.

"I was scared of your eyes, sister."

"I was scared of your eyes."

"I was scared."

With that thought, she slumped on her seat and became more gloomy. She started murmuring and almost at the verge of crying. "They're scared of my eyes. My eyes are scary."

Xian sweat dropped as he heared what his boss said. He smiled awkwardly as he looked at Samuel.

"Uh, is she okay? This is the first time I saw her like this." He asked.

Samuel then glanced at him then chuckled. "She's fine. Just let her be. She may be cold at times but doesn't mean she don't have emotions. She'll be fine once we get back to the mansion." He then looked at the twins through the rear mirror and smiled. "It's okay, you two don't need to feel bad."

"But mister, we made her upset. What if she gets mad at us?" Verrier said as he fidgeted on his seat.

"I don't think Shia will be mad. You guys are her younger brothers after all." Xian said as he looked at the two and smiled.

Vladivir patted his brother's back and smiled. "Let's apologize to sister when we get back to the house." Verrier looked at his twin then nodded.

A few minutes later, they arrived at the mansion. The twins went out and they have a look of awe in their eyes. Samuel helped them carry their bags while Xian assisted Shia who's still spacing out. As usual, they were welcomed by the maids.

Samuel handed the twins' bags to the maids and instructed them to bring it to the new room upstairs. Meanwhile, Xian and Shia, along with the twins, went to the living room. There, they saw the whole family laughing and enjoying.

"Shia, we're here." Xian whispered as Shia slowly looked up. She scanned the living room looking for a certain someone. The certain someone being her father. Once she found him, she immediately went and hugged him. Edward was shocked at first but then returned the hug. Shia rarely does this, so he has an idea of what happened. He just let her hug him and started patting her head, which made Shia snuggle closely to him. He looked at where Xian was standing and saw two figures behind Xian's legs.

"Who may that two kids be?" He asked. Xian softly smiled and looked at the kids.

"They're the kids that Shia adopted today, Sir." Edwards eyes widened as he heard those. The executives are now looking at them with wide eyes and mouth agaped. Meanwhile, Ranx, who just came back from the kitchen with a glass water, dropped it as he heard what Xian said.

"She what?!" Ranx shouted in disbelief.

Shouts of disbelief and disagreement filled the room as Ranx ran around the room, panicking. Seeing the chaos in the room, the twins hid behind Xian and hugged his legs. Xian comforted them and just smiled worriedly.

"So noisy." Shia muttered as she raised her head and scanned the room with an irritated look on her face. "Can't you guys shut up for a second? You're scaring the kids!" She shouted as she sat up. The room went quiet and she motioned Xian to bring the kids to her.

The kids were reluctant at first but Xian ushered them. The twins held Xian's hand as they walked towards Shia and sat next to her. She motioned her hands towards the twins and introduced them.

"These are the twins I adopted today. This is Vladivir, the elder twin. Verrier, the younger twin. They are now a member of the family. Any questions?" She said as she looked at the others. Everyone muttered a no as they stared at the twins.

"Why did you adopted twins Shia? And you should have told us beforehand." Edward sighed as he looked at the twins.

"I was bored. So I thought that it would be nice if we have kids here. Twins is the best option. Twice the fun, you know." Shia said nonchalantly with a blank look on her face. The others sweat dropped as they heard her reason.

"So does that mean I'm gonna be an uncle? But Shia, you're too young to have kids!" Ranx shouted as he ran to Shia and hugged her tightly while crying. Shia looked at him with a confused and disgusted face and pushed his face away.

"Shut up nii-chan. You're not gonna be an uncle and I don't plan on having kids. I wrote dad's name as the adoptive father. We're just their siblings, so get off me." She pushed him away and gave him the contract from the orphanage. Ranx scanned the paper and sighed with relief.

Meanwhile, the twins are still sticking with Xian. They looked at Ranx who hugged Shia once again while Shia was pushing him off. Xian looked at them then smiled.

"Why don't you two introduce yourselves? Don't worry, they don't bite." The twins looked at each other then nodded. Vladivir was the first one to stand followed by Verrier. Everyone stared at them wondering what they would do.

"Um, my name is Vladivir. I'm Verrier. Nice to meet you, please take care of us!" They said simultaneously and bowed. Everyone smiled as they greeted the two, welcoming them to the family. The twins then turned towards Shia.

"Sister, we're sorry we got scared of your eyes and made you upset." They bowed. Shia looked at them with surprised eyes. She didn't thought that they would apologize for that.

She softly smiled and said, "You don't need to apologize for that. I know that my eyes can be scary sometimes so I understand you." The two smiled and hugged her which Shia returned.

"Come, I'll show you two to your room so you can rest." They went upstairs with Xian tagging along. When they arrived, they saw Samuel coming out of the room.

"I was about to inform you Young miss that their room's ready. Please come inside." Samuel opened the room for them.

It was big and spacious. Inside was a receiving area. There was a space for playing with bookshelves and other things. Two queen sized beds and a reading nook. There's also a walk in closet filled with clothes.

The two kids looked at Shia and she smiled and signalled them to go inside. They went inside with sparkles in their eyes and looked around. They're smiling and are genuinely happy. Never in their life have they seen a room a size of a house.

"Vlad look! The bed is so soft and fluffy and bouncy!" Verrier exclaimed as he started jumping up and down the bed. Vladivir looked amazed and ran to join his brother.

As they were jumping, the three looked at them with a smile. Their laughs can also be heard from down stairs that also made the grown ups smile. It is definitely a good thing to hear kids having fun. It brings up a whole new mood into the house.

After a while, the two was tired and are now lying on the bed, panting. Shia went and sat next to them whilst Xian and Samuel already went downstairs.

"What do you think about this room?" She asked softly while smiling. Vladivir sat up and beamed at her.

"It's amazing sister! It's so big and has a lot of things!" He said as his began to sparkle once again.

"Yeah! And the bed is so bouncy! I can jump here forever!" Verrier said as he started bouncing up and down again.

Shia chuckled. "Now now, you two should rest. You can bounce on your bed anytime you want but you still have to rest. The way here was also tiring." She tucked the two and gave them their respective plushies brought from the orphanage. "I'll send someone here when dinners ready. You two should rest for now."

The twins nodded as they close their eyes. They could feel her warm touch on their heads as she patted them. After a few minutes, they drifted to sleep. Shia went out and closed the door quietly and went downstairs, having a a warm and fuzzy feeling on her chest.

When she went downstairs, her and her family conversed about random things. Business, entertainment, life. They talked with each other about things they don't normally talk about. Xian and Samuel also joined from time to time. Time passed by quickly as it's already time for dinner. Rachel, who came from her errand, recently arrived.

"Oh, it's already time for dinner?" Chase said as he looked outside.

"It's already 7 pm. Were we talking that long?"

"Apparently time flies faster when you're enjoying something. That explains it." Marky said as he stood up from his seat and started walking towards the dining room.

Ranx looked at him with wide eyes then started to run behind him. "Hey you got a head start! No fair!"

"I'll go get the kids." Xian said and went upstairs. The others just went straight to the dining room waiting for the others to arrive.

Upstairs, the two were still sleeping. Xian was gushing at how cute the look as they cuddle. Of course, Xian wouldn't waste the opportunity to take a picture of the two. He will not do the same mistake of not taking pictures of his sister, no.

After taking a lot of pictures, he gently woke them up. They started shifting on their bed signalling that they're awake. They both sat up as they rub their eyes while yawning. Xian smiled as he saw these.

"Hello, brother Xian." Verrier greeted while looking at him, still feeling sleepy. Vladivir just smiled at his direction.

"Hello to you too. I came to here to get you. Dinner's ready." Verrier reached his hand up to Xian, wanting to get carried. Of course, Xian agreed. They won't do this anymore when they grow up.

They went downstairs with Verrier being carried and Vladivir just holding Xian's hand. In the dining room, they saw everyone waiting for them. The twins ran towards Shia as soon as they saw her. She smiled and let them sit on her lap.

"How was your nap?" She asked while stroking their hair.

"It's so comfy sister! The pillows and blankets are so soft!" Verrier said as he threw his hands around while smiling.

"Yeah! It's the best nap I have ever had in my life!" Vladivir added while nodding.

"It's good to hear that you guys like it here. Now you should sit down and let's eat. It's not good making the food wait." Edward said as he smiled at the scene. Having kids in the house sure is fun.

Everyone was happy while eating. They asked the twins about how they lived in the orphanage and based on their answers, it's not good. They also asked if they like their new home and they said it's the best. This certainly made the adults' happy that they are adjusting just fine, but also mad at the fact of how they were treated at the orphanage.

Suddenly, a man barged in the room carrying a shady looking suitcase. Xian was wondering who it was since the guards or the maids didn't do anything to stop him. He does look familiar to him but can't remember where he saw him. He went towards the table and sat on the empty seat next to Ranx.

"How did the meeting go?" Edward said and put his utensils down.

"Successful, of course. Barely." He said and slumped on his chair.

"What do you mean by barely?"

"Well, the other party was very difficult to talk with so I had to take other measures. Nevertheless I still won." He answered, looking at the ceiling.

"That's good. You look tired so eat your dinner." Edward said and went back to eating.

Xian was still eyeing the newcomer but didn't said a word. Dominic knew but just shrugged it off, thinking that maybe he's just admiring his handsome face. He noticed that there was two kids sitting in between his niece and Xian.

"Shia, who are those kids? Don't tell me they're your secret love child?!" Shia looked at him unamused as she wiped Vladivir's face.

"No, they're not and I don't have a secret love child. I adopted them earlier under Dad's name so that makes me their sister."

"That's good. By the way, did my dear niece missed me? You didn't even looked at me yesterday at lunch."

"I honestly forgot that you were there Uncle." Shia said with a blank look as she stared at Dominic. Hearing that, some of them snickered as they saw the look of shock on Dominic's face. Poor him.

"What?! Why?!" He wailed as he stood up from his seat, tears starting to form in his eyes.

"Just because. You were quiet during the whole meal and I didn't saw you in the garden. That explains it." She said and went back to eating.

"You're not wrong though." Dominic answered and sat back. He looked at the twins who were staring at him. "What's your name, kids?" He asked.

"I'm Vladivir and this is my twin brother Verrier. Nice to meet you." Vladivir answered as they bowed. Dominic smiled at this.

"My name's Dominic, but you can call me uncle. I'm your father's cousin." He smiled as the twins nodded at him. They went back to eat, conversing about random things.

After dinner, they hanged out at the living room and watched some movie that the twins picked. They turned off the lights and built a huge fort with lots of pillows and blankets inside. They laughed at some of the scenes that eventually turned into a pillow fight. It went a bit aggressive on the adult's side as Ranx picked up a chair, ready to slam it to Kevin who apparently pissed him off. It's a good thing that Chase managed to stop him before the kids noticed. As their whole pillow fight fiasco went to an end, the twins passed out from tiredness along with the adults sprawled on the floor. Shia stood up and picked up Verrier, followed by Xian. They brought them up to their room and settled them down.

"Shia, I'll go to my room first. Good night." Xian said as he yawned and went to his room.

"Yes, good night." Shia said then went out after tucking the two. She went downstairs to see the maids cleaning up. They saw her and they greeted her with a bow. "Go to your sleeping quarters after you're done here." She said and went to their library.

Inside, she saw Rachelle waiting for her. As soon as she saw her, she walked towards one of the bookshelves and pulled a certain book. She pressed multiple hidden buttons in the dedication page that allowed for a certain painting to move. Beside the painting, there stood Shia. She pulled the painting where it revealed a door leading to the secret basement. She inputted her handprint as Aia, their trusted AI, scanned it. Once it was confirmed, the door opened and they went inside.

They walked down a flight of stairs which is dimly lit with light bulbs. They arrived at the bottom and what welcomed them are the executives staring menacingly at the beat up, unconscious spies tied to a chair. They dispersed as they saw Shia enter.

"How's the interrogation going?" She asked as she stared the two.

"They are refusing to give me the information we want, but they did mention that it's related to the upcoming Blood Battle." Rachelle answered.

"As I thought. They're really dying to see our family fall. Too bad it won't be happening soon." Shia said while putting on a pair of gloves and walked towards the wall full of hanged weapons. "Wake them up. I'm going to personally squeeze the sh*t out of them." She smiled sadistically while holding a red whip on her hand.