
What I Saw 06

Waking up, I just couldn't feel the ray of the sun (God's given sunlight) on my face like I used to. What I felt

was a pure yet strange coldness that my body felt numb. I could hardly feel my legs let alone my hands.

"I'm in my room, ain't I?"

Any second now, the mother should wake me up. I tried going back to catch some sleep but the coldness of

the floor sent shivers down my spine. My teeth danced in response. I don't know how long I waited and

dawdle, no one came.

"Why Is she not coming? She must be very busy in the kitchen"

My hands felt heavy, I could not lift them. The door finally opened, a large ray of sunlight flooded in. Basking

the whole room in light. It was frightening as its effect caused my lids to fall shut immediately. After some

time, my eyes adjusted to the blindness and I flipped my lids open.

"Mother?" I whispered certainly confused by the huge figure instead of the familiar petite figure standing like