
What I Saw 07

Sisyphyra is now on webNovel


The shock on my face was evident. I felt Julibe's hand push against my chest. Falling backward, I saw the young lad jump over me, and javelin struck through his body in mid-air. His body crumpled to the ground shaking as his life eventually dispersed. His blood-stained my face and my cloth. It was a fierce horror. A very strange feeling zapped through my mind, and I just felt like my windpipe would burst. I heard the scream. It was I. It was all me. I felt the familiar pair of hands holding my shoulders and soft words breathing down my

neck though some filtered through to my ears. Amid all this, it struck me, Julibe's face had said it all, it was like when his sister, his only remaining family had died. Feela was dead. Killed by these people too. He was dead. They kill mercilessly. It's the End.