
My parents ushered me through the gateway to my Grandparents place. When I stepped through the portal, I felt as if I was underwater, and a split second later, we were standing in front of an elegant-looking castle with gorgeous flowers all around it. A few guards are patrolling the area. As soon as they saw us, they bowed to my parents. My father gave them a tiny nod before leading us inside the fortress. With various paintings and decorations made of diamonds, sapphires, and emeralds, the inside is considerably more gorgeous.

"Emery!! It's wonderful to see you again, sweetheart. I haven't seen you in a long time ", shouted a young lady who resembles my grandmother, hurried to hug me.

I softly inquired of my father as to who she was. My father laughed and said, "That's your grandmother Diana." I forget he said they changed their appearance to make themselves appear older among us.

"I'm fine, Grandma," I said, "but I'm a little shocked about all of this."

"Sweetpea, that's understandable!! When your brother initially told your father about it, he hit your father in the face. You're handling it a lot better", she replied with a smile.

I hugged her again and whispered, "You look more beautiful in your true form, gran."

"Thank you so much, sweetie!! Adi and Cynthia, you can now assume your true forms", she said, looking at my parents. My mother waved her hand and nodded. My parents were surrounded by a strange gold-colored fog. My parents emerged from it looking young and unnaturally beautiful. Based on their appearance, no one would guess they have two grown children. They don't seem to be older than 18 and have a more ethereal appearance.

"Your grandfather and brother are in the study. Let's go and meet them "My grandmother said as she took my hand in hers and guided the way. In the research, two young people are debating something over the maps. My brother Aries is one, and I believe the other is my grandfather in his actual form.

"Ry!! Hello there, troublemaker "As soon as he spotted me, my brother exclaimed and hugged me fiercely.

"Let her breathe," my grandfather chuckled as he grabbed me into his arms. He gave me a sweet kiss on the forehead and told me how much he missed me.

"You guys saw me two months ago," I smiled as I told them. "That's way too long, my pearl," my grandparents said as they held me once more.

"Did our parents explain everything to you?" my brother inquired, interrupting our emotional embrace.

"They told me about Shambhala, our kingdom Agartha, magic powers, a magic school, and soulmates," I said, exhausted.

"For the time being, that's all I have to say. Mageuo School has accepted you as a student. From there, you'll discover more about magic and the world ", he informed me.

"What? Which school? It's something I've never heard of before. What about the business classes I'm enrolled in? I won't be able to stay here much longer ", I exclaimed.

"Please accept my apologies, sweetie. You need to attend that school. Your magic will continue to evolve, and you must learn to control it. You risk harming yourself and others if you don't. Following your evaluation at Magueo School, you will learn about your magical abilities. According to what I've heard, you've practically completed all of your business classes and are only awaiting a few project submissions, correct? Your university's president is a buddy of mine. When I inquired about this, he stated that you can complete the work from here and send it to him. You will receive your diploma from here. Sweetie, we simply want the best for you ", my grandfather responded.

I felt deceived that my entire family and friends kept this huge secret hidden from me. To avoid hurting them in my frustration with the situation and the lies, I simply hugged them and told them I needed to rest and think things through.

"I am sorry for bombarding you with so much information, sweetpea. Allow me to show you to your room ", claiming that my grandmother had taken me to a lovely and magnificent room with a large balcony.

"There are several outfits in your size in the dressing room. Go get freshen up. I'll bring you some dinner ", my grandmother commented as she walked away. I took a relaxing bath and changed into a comfortable tee and pants. My grandmother stood waiting for me near my bed. Delicious spelling food was placed upon nearby table. My stomach growled in hunger upon seeing the sight of food. I was starving as I've not eaten anything in nearly a day. My grandmother kissed my forehead and said goodnight before leaving, and I fell into a deep, dreamless slumber, exhausted.

When I awoke the next morning, I put on a knee-length grey dress. My doorbell rang, and my grandmother walked into my room a second later.

"How did you sleep, Sweetpea? Let's have breakfast in the dining room ", my grandmother suggested. After breakfast with my family, my brother took me to the lawn outside the palace.

"I completely understand how you feel. I had the same experience as you. Everything will be fine. Lil sis, you can approach me anytime you want to talk. I am always here for you. Keep in mind that "He smiled as he cradled me in his arms. I simply returned his hug and felt insanely safe as I remained in my brother's comforting embrace. I took a deep breath and took a step back to inform him that I had decided to attend Mageuo school.

"You'll have a great time there. That school is truly magical, and I believe you will be truly happy there. Anyway, I'll be there to help you ", he exclaimed joyfully, and left eagerly to inform the family. I chuckled at his enthusiasm and decided to take a look around. After a short stroll through the garden, I went inside to find my family sipping tea and talking about something. When my grandfather noticed me, he approached me and said, "Sweetpea, I appreciate your resilience. I admire you for remaining calm in this unusual and frustrating situation. I notified the school, and they anticipate your arrival in two days."