
I was taken aback when I learned that I had to leave in two days, but I complied with their request since I need to know and comprehend the strange world I was in. I went into my brother's room and knocked softly. "Come in," he said.

"Hello there, Aries! Are you busy? I'm getting bored. I simply came to talk "I asked.

"Come on in, I'm not busy. What do you want to talk about? ", he inquired as he sat in his bed.

"Well..everything. This is something I'm still trying to grasp my head around. It's strange to realise I'm a princess from a mysterious magical realm. Everything has been a lie since the beginning. I feel so isolated and excluded ", I stated to him, my voice dejected.

After hearing my comments, Aries jumped out of bed and hugged me tightly. "Never believe you're alone, sis. I understand your predicament. It happened to me as well. You are free to approach me about anything at any time. Anyway, as you may be aware, I am also a student at this school. I'll assist you with whatever you require. Let's take a stroll, shall we? You've been in your room all day. Let's go outside and get some fresh air "He dragged me out for a walk with excitement.

I smiled as I walked alongside him. We took a leisurely stroll through the charming alleyways and streets. Many businesses, fairies, and celestials collaborate in this area. Some people sat atop dragons. It was very magical, and I was captivated by my surroundings. My brother grinned as he saw my delighted expression and led me to a nearby small pond.

Two fairies were having a conversation near the pond. As they looked at us, they smiled and bowed to my brother. My brother gave them a small smile and said, "Hello, Jasmine and Olivia. Hello and good morning. This is my younger sister, Princess Emery." I smiled politely at them.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Princess. We heard you're going to Mageuo School. Have a fantastic time there "They walked away with a smile.

I took a seat on a nearby bench that overlooked the pond. They contained diamonds, and I recall taking some of them when I first arrived here.

"Aries!! Why are diamonds, sapphires, and other precious stones strewn about this place? "I questioned him.

"This place is entirely made of magic, Ry. Some celestials are capable of manipulating objects. They occasionally put their abilities to the test by transforming the current rocks in this area into whatever they want. They aren't significant in this realm "He elaborated.

"Wow!! When I return to Earth, I'll be able to put these to good use and buy my dream car ", I exclaimed, astounded. "Sure," my brother said, chuckling as he brushed my unruly strands of hair behind my ear.

"Does our grandfather rule over this entire countryrealm?" I inquired, my surroundings astounded me.

"No. The High King, King Philip, is in charge of Shambhala as a whole. There are certain sub-kingdoms, such as Agartha, our kingdom. We report to King Philip ", he clarified. I nodded in response to his words.

"Where is the Mageuo School located? Is that a part of our realm? Is it only new magical bloomers who visit? Returning to school at the age of 22 is strange "I wondered.

"It is located in Shambhala's capital, Mythos. It's close to King Philip's palace. Going to this school at the age of 22 is not unusual. To be honest, you are far too young to be attending this institution. The majority of the pupils at the institution are beyond the age of 100. Not everyone is a new magical bloomer. Some of the abilities show up late. There is no set age at which abilities emerge. Some people develop new talents later in life, or if their powers become too strong to handle, they enrol in this school to learn how to control them. Many powerful and elderly celes visit this school to learn how to control their newly evolved abilities. You don't have to feel old or self-conscious ", he exclaimed, laughing.

I just stared at him, perplexed, and said nothing. After a few minutes of sitting in comfortable silence, we returned to the palace.

These two days flew by in a blur. It's almost time to go. "Ry, let's go," my brother said, opening a portal.

"Stay safe, my baby. We will pay you a visit whenever we can "My parents held me tightly in a hug. I gave them a sad nod and walked over to hug my grandparents. My brother and I both entered the portal.

I noticed that we had entered a beautiful castle. Students were laughing, and dragons swooped around the palace.

"Aries!! Emery!! Please welcome "Sophia smiled warmly as she descended the stairwell. "Aries, you may now retire to your chamber. I will show Emery to her room ", Sophia commented, her gaze falling on my brother.

My brother looked at me, and I nodded, assuring him that I would be fine and that he could leave. My brother kissed my cheek and left, saying he'd see me later.