
After my brother had left, Sophia led me to one of the houses near the school. She stated that students are assigned at random to each residence. The houses are where the students live, and each one accomodate 5 to 6 people. Soulmates are assigned to the same house because they prefer to live together. Depending on their preferences, students can prepare food at home or go to the school's main dining hall.

Dan and Angela were sitting on the couch in the living room when we arrived. When they heard us, they stood up, and Angela rushed over to hug me. She stepped back and looked at me, saddened, after she noticed I didn't return her hug "I apologise for not informing you of this earlier, Emery. We wished to do so. Your family, on the other hand, advised against doing so until your abilities developed. Please forgive us. You are my best friend. I can't stand it when you're angry at me "Angela cried softly. Dan approached her and hugged her, consoling her.

Her remarks caused me to sigh in defeat. No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to stay angry with her. My family had done the same thing, and I had forgiven them. My friends should be treated the same way.

"Ang, I'm not upset with you. I'm disappointed that you've remained silent about the most important aspect of my life. I appreciate everything you and my family have done to keep me safe. However, concealing this was excruciatingly painful for me. I forgive you all. But please don't keep anything else from me. I also need some time to rebuild my trust in you all." She gave me a warm hug after hearing this and said, "I see what you're saying. I'm not going to keep any secrets from you from now on"

Sophia approached us, calmly waiting by the door, and whispered, "Emery, meet your new roommates. Angela bugged us around untill you were placed in the same residence as them " I gave a quiet chuckle upon hearing that. That indeed sounds like my best friend.

"Sophia, we'll show Ry around and introduce her to the other two housemates," Angela exclaimed enthusiastically.

"Alright!! Ry, your evaluation is tomorrow. It's to determine your overall abilities, and then we'll assign classes to you based on that." Sophia elaborated. I smiled at her and nodded. She left, saying she'd see me the next day.

"Dan, you may leave now. I'll have to talk to my best friend privately "Angela allegedly hooked our arms and dragged me around the house to show me around. Daniel smiled and shook his head at her. "It's good to see you again, Ry. I'll see you all later "Daniel replied as he walked away.

The house is elegantly decorated and well-designed. There are six bedrooms, each with its own balcony and walk-in closet, as well as a living room, dining room, kitchen, game room, large balcony, swimming pool in the back, and six bathrooms. Angela led me to a lovely purple-colored chamber adorned with lovely flowers, with a roof resembling a starry night sky.

Angela laughed as she noticed my perplexed expression and continued, "I know you like to gaze at the stars. So Dan and I used our enchantment to transform the roof into a night sky." Her words touched me, and I thanked her.

"Is this room to your taste? Your belongings have been delivered and are neatly organised in the closet. Let's sit and relax"Angela suggested hopefully.

"It's incredible. Thank you for all of this. You mentioned that we share a house with two other people. Who are they? "I enquired.

"Oh, yes. Adrian and Jason are our other housemates. Adrian is the eldest son of King Philip. Jason is Adrian's cousin. I believe they went to their realm for a brief period of time and will return tomorrow "Angela explained as she lay in my bed.

"So they are princes. What is the point of their coming to this school? They've got to know how to control their abilities by now, right? Are they pleasant to be around? "I wondered.

"Yes, but we just call them by their given names here. Outside of school, we simply refer to them as Prince. They, like Dan and me, have only recently begun to develop their skills. So, they are coming here to learn how to master them as well. Adrian and Jason have yet to meet their soulmates. Jason is a friendly and amusing guy. Adrian takes his time in gaining the trust of others. He has a lot of responsibilities as a Prince. He may appear rude to some. He is, however, funny and charming once you get to know him better "She elaborated.

"Come on, let me show you my room," she said, leading me to another room two doors down. It's bigger than mine. She explained that because Dan and Angela are soulmates, they share a room. She pointed to the other two rooms. Adrian's room is next to mine, and Jason's is next to Angela's.

We passed the time in Angela's room by watching movies.In the middle of the third movie, there was a knock on the door. When I opened the door, I noticed Aries standing there. "Have you liked the house and your room?" he asked as he entered. He hugged Angela, who was standing behind me.

We sat on the living room couch. "I like the setting. Angela did a fantastic job decorating my room "I responded enthusiastically.

"Nice. When is your power evaluation? "He questioned. "Sophia stated that it is tomorrow. Oh, I forgot to ask about your skills "I said this while looking at Aries and Angela.

My brother shook his head and chuckled. "I have the ability to teleport as well as fire, water, and earth powers. My teacher, on the other hand, stated that I may develop more skills in the future." He continued to explain. Angela claimed to be able to control earth and air magic as well as manipulate metals.

"That is amazing. I'm curious about my abilities "I exclaimed, "You'll know them by tomorrow, troublemaker. Powers, on the other hand, are difficult to control. Our abilities also manifest later in life. Stop worrying about them and go out and have fun, sis "He gave a mocking smile. I chuckled as I lightly punched his arm.

"All right, Angela and Ry. So I'll see you all again tomorrow", my brother left shortly.

We then proceeded to watch the rest of the movie. Daniel cooked us a delicious meal. After dinner, I said my goodbyes and went back to my room.

I laid on my bed, gazing at the stars twinkling on the ceiling. I smiled to myself, thinking that I would soon discover my abilities, and I began to wonder if I would ever meet my soulmate, and I fell asleep with that thought in mind.