Heavy Heart

I was perplexed and hurt by his actions. He didn't agree or disagree that we were soulmates. Does this imply that he is rejecting me? These internal questions began to weigh heavily on my mind. I sat there looking at the beautiful sight, not wanting to face anyone after this. Even the breathtaking scenery couldn't take away my sadness.

It began to get dark. I began walking back to the house after realising I had been there for a long time. I heard Angela sobbing and Daniel muttering something softly to her as I was about to enter. I walked slowly into the house. Angela rushed to hug me when she noticed my return.

"Where were you? I assumed you were in trouble ", she inquired, softly sobbing.

Hearing her sobs made me feel bad. I stroked her back in gentle circles.

"I'm fine, Ang. Sorry for causing you concern. I didn't realise how much time had passed "I comforted her.

I drew back from Angela, shocked to see my soulmate staring at me, feeling that familiar spark run up my spine. I thought I saw concern on his face, but when he noticed my stare, he changed his expression to blank.

Angela followed my gaze and said to my soulmate, "Ry!!!! This is Prince Adrian, our other housemate. Adrian, meet my best friend and our new housemate, Emery".

Hearing that, I was taken aback. He is the High King's freaking son. Perhaps he was expecting someone better to be his queen, I reasoned.

"Hello there, Emery!! Good day "Adrian said as he shook my hand. It felt great to hear his voice. I let out a small gasp as I felt sparks from his touch.

"Thank you," I said softly, trying not to run into his arms.

"Come on, let's have dinner," Daniel said as he hugged Angela from behind. I was about to respond when Jason entered the room.

"You scared us, Emery," Jason muttered as he hugged me tightly. I assured him with a light smile.

"She's fine," Adrian said, irritably. Jason raised an eyebrow at that but said nothing.

"Dinner guys," Angela reminded them. "I'm not hungry at all. I'm extremely tired. I'm going to go back to my room. I'll meet some guys tomorrow ", stating that I left without waiting for their response.

On my bed, I noticed an envelope with the school stamp. It's the class timetable. Sophia had to have done it. I ignored it and lay down on my bed, staring up at the sky.

"Are you awake?" Angela asked, poking her head in through the open door. I sat up and motioned for her to enter.

"I brought you some food. I'll keep it here ", she explained as she placed the tray on the study table. In return, I muttered my thanks.

"Everything is fine. You seem down. Do you want to discuss it? ", she said softly as she sat on my bed.

I've decided to talk to her after I talk to Adrian first thing tomorrow. I replied, "I'm all right. I'm just exhausted". She gave a slight nod in response. She went on, "Before I forget... Sophia provided an updated schedule. She stated that the old one had been modified. I checked, and we have a lot of classes together ", she exclaimed excitedly. Her enthusiasm made me smile. I wondered why the schedule had been changed but dismissed it.

I tried to sleep after Angela left, but the thought of Adrian kept me awake. I went to the main balcony to get some fresh air. The house is deafeningly quiet. I reasoned that since it was 3 a.m., all of my housemates must have been sleeping.

There was already someone on the balcony when I arrived. As I got closer, I realised it was Adrian. I approached and sat beside him quietly, taking deep breaths.

"Can't sleep?" he asked, looking at me. I was surprised that he initiated the conversation. "No, I couldn't. I have a lot on my mind. I'm guessing you can't either "I responded softly.

I went on, "I'm not sure about soulmates and all that. I'm new to it all. I have a strong attraction to you. Please let me know if you are my soulmate."

He responded with a sigh, "We are, indeed, soulmates. I'm sorry, but I can't do it right now. I didn't expect to meet you so soon. I am not yet ready to have a soulmate."

I became really angry at what he said. "I had no idea either. It's not in either of our control. So, what do you intend to do? Reject or ignore this connection and these feelings?" I questioned. He sat silently and didn't say anything else. I went on angrily, "I'm also new to this. I only recently learned about this place, as well as my family and powers. But I'm willing to give our relationship a chance and get to know you " He still didn't say anything, but his eyes were filled with pain. I looked at him for a few minutes, hoping he'd reconsider our relationship, but he didn't look at me and instead stared ahead.

After a few minutes of silence, he said, "Don't tell anyone we're soulmates." My heart shattered into a million pieces.

"Why? Are you ashamed that I am your soulmate? ", I shouted out to him. He seemed to want to soothe me, and I could see a hint of water in his eyes as he listened to my muffled sobs. However, he remained silent.

I dashed out of there and collapsed on my bed, sobbing quietly. I scolded myself angrily because I had only just met him and was already acting like a lovesick teenager. "It's all right if he doesn't want me. We've never met before. What if we're soulmates? That doesn't mean he shouldn't give me a chance. Perhaps he doesn't feel anything. I should just focus on controlling my powers and go back to my old life", I reasoned, but my heart ached at the prospect of leaving this place and never seeing Adrian again. I began to nod off. And as I was falling asleep, I felt my bed dip slightly and felt a peck on my forehead, sending a warm feeling and sparks all over. I slowly opened my sleepy eyes to discover that no one was in the room. "I'm dreaming about him too,", I lamented as I fell asleep with a heavy heart.