First Day of Classes

I awoke the next morning wanting to put all of this soulmate stuff behind me and just focus on my studies. Angela assisted me in selecting an outfit for the first day of this magical school.

"Are you excited?" Angela inquired as she styled my hair.

"Yeah!! It's all very surreal ", I responded, sounding enthusiastic.

"Let's get some breakfast and get going. Almost all of our classes are together ", she exclaimed with glee.

I smiled and said, "Yeah, otherwise I'm not sure how I'd handle this.

When we finally sat down for breakfast, we noticed Daniel arranging the table and Jason and Adrian preparing pancakes. I turned away from Adrian and grinned at Jason and Daniel. Adrian set my plate before we sat down to eat. Without glancing up, I said "thanks" and carried on talking to Jason.

"Can you show me your schedule, Ry?" Jason questioned. I got my schedule out of my bag and gave it to him.

After taking a glance at him, he exclaimed, "Adie, look at this. You both are in all the same classes. Weird huh?! "with a strange smile toward Adrian.

I looked at Adrian, but he averted his gaze and glared at Jason. Together, we went to the classes. Our first lesson, which I attended with Adrian and Angela, was on air magic. In front of the classroom, my brother was waiting for me. He ruffled my hair and said, "Good luck," before leaving.

I chuckled and took a seat next to Angela. Adrian sat two rows ahead of us, and a blonde girl kept talking to him all the time. I made a great effort to restrain myself from marching over and laying claim. When Angela saw this, she lightly laughed and asked, "Do you have a crush on Adrian?"

I was about to respond when the professor walked in. "Later," I responded back to her. She gave a nod. I was happy that the lesson progressed without the lecturer asking me to introduce myself. He gave us some basic spells based on this magic to learn and instructed us to keep practising. I failed to cast these spells. Angela reassured me that I would feel at ease after a few classes and that she would assist me in practising. I smiled and thanked her.

I sat down with Angela for lunch while the rest of our friends arrived. My brother was sitting with his friends when he invited us to join him, which we politely declined. Daniel and Jason arrived soon after.

"Where is Adrian?" Angela inquired.

"He's on his way. He is preoccupied with his new girlfriend Rebecca "Jason responded, slightly irritated.

"What? Since when they are in a relationship? ", I inquired, my heart broken.

Jason's gaze softened as he looked at me and said, "Since this morning."

Daniel looked at me, perplexed. Angela simply massaged my back. She must have assumed I had a crush on him. How do I tell her that my soulmate has rejected me without crying? Sadly, I thought.

"Here he comes," Jason grumbled bitterly.

Adrian and his girlfriend, the blonde from Air magic class, laughed as they entered. They arrived at our table, and Adrian took the empty seat beside me, with Rebecca next to him.

"I'm sorry for keeping you guys waiting," Adrian said, looking at us.

"Yes, we're still in our honeymoon phase," Rebecca said, touching and hugging Adrian's arm.

I turned my head away as Adrian concentrated his eyes on me. I would break down in tears if I continued to stare at him. My eyes started to get watery. I took a few long breaths and started eating my food again.

"Who are you?" Rebecca inquired, her gaze fixed on me.

"My name is Emery. It's a pleasure to meet you ", I told her, forcing myself to smile and appear friendly.

She simply nodded and returned to hugging Adrian. I lost my appetite looking at them and forced myself to concentrate on listening to my friends discuss the previous game.

"Hey lil sis," my brother said, smiling at me, probably after lunch with his friends.

Rebecca bowed to my brother and startled him by saying, "Little sis? Is the new girl your sibling?"

"Yes, I am Princess Emery," I said, offended by her tone.

"Adopted?" she retorted, sneering at me.

"Watch how you talk about my sister. She is not adopted. You are obviously stupid if you can't even recognise our shared features." He responded, standing tall at 6'5 and looking intimidating.

Jason and Angela were laughing loudly beside me. Rebecca's face flushed at his words. I felt incredibly lucky to have such a nice brother, and I grinned joyfully at him. After glaring at Rebecca, Aries smiled and hugged me before leaving, saying he would see me later.

"He's my new role model," Jason said after his laugh fest. I laughed at him. Angela inquired about my next class. "It's telekinesis," I told her.

"Have a good time. Mr. Stokes teaches that class and assigns projects on a regular basis. Apart from you, I believe Adrian is the only one in our group who has that class. Have fun in class, kids ", Daniel teased. I stuck out my tongue at him in response.

"Come on, I'll walk you there," Adrian said, looking Rebecca in the eyes.

"It's alright No, thank you. You should accompany your girlfriend to class. I'd like to not impose myself ", I gave a mocking reply. "I'll meet you guys at the house," I told my friends before leaving.

I couldn't find my class right away and had to look for it for nearly 15 minutes. I arrived late for class and apologized to Mr. Stokes. I started looking for an empty seat when I realised there was only one left, next to Adrian. I was furious now and I sat down next to Adrian, glaring. Adrian smiled to himself, I was almost overcome with emotion as I gazed at Adrian's stunning face, which seemed even more lovely when he smiled. "Ry, ignore these crazy feelings! It's only the mate bond ", I told myself as I braced myself for the lengthy lecture.