Feelings and Confusions

Mr. Stokes continued his lecture, emphasising the significance of Telekinesis and teaching basic spells. I tried so hard to concentrate on the lecture, but brushing Adrian's leg against mine whenever he moved distracted me. With the close encounter, I felt sparks fly, my palms became clammy, and my heart continued to pound. I almost shouted in glee when the lecture ended. I left as soon as the bell rang and arrived at the house, noting that I was the first one there. I sighed contentedly and collapsed on the couch, exhausted.

"Are you trying to avoid me?" Adrian asked, stepping in front of me. Startled by his sudden appearance, I let out a shriek.

"How did you arrive so sudden?" I inquired instead.

He laughed amusedly and said, "I teleported here, love."

My heart skipped a beat when I heard his nickname. I was shocked and slightly enraged at him for acting this way when he has a girlfriend.

"Please don't call me that. I'm trying to avoid you. I don't like being associated with jerks " I said enraged.

For a brief moment, he felt pain in his eyes and muttered, "I have my reasons, love."

That left me perplexed. I began to believe that he had stated that we couldn't be together for a reason. Should I approach him? Will he even explain himself? What about his ladylove? I was thinking to myself.

"Are you listening, love?" he inquired.

"Huh?! Have you said anything? Don't address me as love. Remember that you have a girlfriend and that you rejected me? "Instead, I said.

That made him flinch a little. "I have not turned you down. I can never reject you ", he said, clearly upset.

I was about to respond when I was interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching us. Rebecca and our friends emerged from the doorway.

As soon as Rebecca saw Adrian, she went to hug him. "Where have you gone, baby? I was expecting you. It's our first day together. I was considering going on a date to celebrate. Just the two of us."

Adrian took a step back from her as he removed her hands from around his neck. He looked apologizingly at me. I glared at them and turned to leave the room before he could respond.

"Ry, how about we go to a new restaurant nearby? Are you interested? ", Jason inquired, wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

"Yeah sure. That sounds good ", I told them, eager to get away from the new couple.

"Yeah, it'll be like a double date," Jason joked, wiggling his brows suggestively. I shook my head and shoved him jokingly. "You wish," I replied snarkily.

Adrian interrupted us by dragging Jason away from me and asking, "Can we join you guys?" he said, glaring at Jason.

"Yeah man, the more the merrier," Daniel replied, oblivious to the raging emotions I was experiencing. I shook my head angrily and said, "We don't want to disturb the new couple."

"Yeah baby. We can go another time "Rebecca attached herself to Adrian, she said. Adrian took a step away from her.

"You won't be interfering with anything. I would like to join you "Adrian responded, softly glancing my way. Rebecca flashed me a fleeting glance.

"Guys, we'll meet back here in an hour. Please do not be late. I'm going to make a reservation ", Jason responded. We agreed, and Angela led me into my room to speak with me.

"Explain now!!" she exclaimed as she sat on my bed. I sighed and asked, "What do you mean?" while pretending to be unaware of what she is talking about.

"Don't lie to me, young lady. What's the matter with you and Adrian? "she asked determinedly. I shook my head at her stubbornness. She will not leave until she has obtained the information from me.

"He is my soulmate, Ang," I said, burying my face in my hands. She was taken aback and fell silent for a moment.

"Why is he dating Rebecca instead?" she wondered, puzzled.

"I'm not sure. He doesn't say anything. He assured me that he would never reject me when I inquired if he was rejecting me. But he refuses to be with me, Ang. He forbade me from telling anyone that we were soul mates. He went ahead and began dating a different woman. I have no idea what to do ", I said choking on my words.

"I'm going to kick his ass. He has no right to do that! ", Angela stood up, her face murderous.

"No Ang. Please, no. I don't want to put any pressure on him. He should want me without anyone forcing him to ", I broke down in response.

"Oh, dear. I understand "Angela hugged me and gently rubbed my back.

"Do you want to skip going to the restaurant today? We can have our sleepover. We can relax by watching some movies. That hasn't happened in a long time. It will allow your thoughts to wander away from Adrian and Rebecca ", she said, her face bright.

"No way, Ang. It's all right. We'll go to a restaurant. I'll simply ignore them. After dinner, we can have a sleepover "I told her, lightly smiling.

"All right!!" she exclaimed, sighing and looking concerned.

Angela advised me to wear a lovely light blue short dress. I complied with her request and changed into that dress. "You look stunning. In this dress, your blue eyes stand out more. I'll do your hair ", she said as she curled my brown hair. My hair was lovely, falling in waves against my back. I dressed up my feet with heels. I felt beautiful and confident. I thanked Angela for her effort and she smiled back in response.

We went down to meet the boys after we both got ready. Daniel and Jason were sitting on the couch, discussing a video game. Adrian stood facing the stairs, looking down from the balcony. He probably turned after hearing us. Looking at his handsome face made my heart clench. In formal attire, he appeared more dashing than usual. He looked at me in a daze.

"Wow. You look stunning... I mean, you both look stunning "Adrian moved closer, sounding flustered. I held my breath during the close encounter. Being near him made me feel more alive.

"Where is Rebecca?" Angela asked, breaking our trance. I moved away from him and went to join my friends.

"She said she'll be there in a minute", Adrian answered. Jason opened the portal to the restaurant and we entered through it arriving at the restaurant.