Chapter 7: Family Reunion

Gunner felt odd. Being led by one of his kind through this new building, and through a metal door that seemed to be tucked away within the building.

This room held a large desk like on the home ship-but none of the Barg tech.

A desktop computer sat on this desk, Taurus stood behind said desk.

"You may leave, guard. My son and I have much to discuss."

With a nod, this purple-lizard guard left. Shutting the door.

It all seemed so primitive. Wooden doors, human offices, classrooms. A downgrade from what a Barg ship was for sure.

"You think you have the right to call me son?" Gunner showed his sharp, tiny teeth. Much like a dog ready to strike.

Taurus wore a fancy one-piece jumpsuit. With metals attached to the left shoulder to show his many accomplishments.

"You're lucky to be alive. I could've killed you. One year ago. When you rejected me abducting humans, I could've taken a phaser and shot right through that scaly head of yours." The larger Barg spoke, approaching his son slowly.

"What have you really accomplished here?" Gunner clenched his fist by his side.

"Humans. So many organs. So many intricate pieces to make it all go. They'd say the same for us, I imagine. In fact, I know they did. After they captured me."

"Yeah, I know. Area 51. But you've destroyed the entire planet. Cut them up like some twisted experiment and left them to die. For what? For pleasure?"

"Pleasure, yes. But more important, our species is dying. So, I needed to decide. Either invent a cloning machine, which could take eons. Or-I could take what I learned about earth and use natural resources. The innards of humans prove to be quite powerful. We abducted them for study. For years we've been doing this. Then bring them back to earth. I learned a lot. Doing that for so, so long." Taurus placed a hand on Gunner's shoulder.

Gunner's sadness couldn't be hidden. "So, they're harvested? Men, women, children, all operated on for their organs. Some left to be experimented on before dying slowly. I saw them. The bodies you leave to rot. You're sick."

"I want you to join me, Gunner. I want you and I to harvest the humans and keep some around for 'fun'. Slaves, my son. Then, once we're bored of humans-we'll go to another planet. And another. Please. See life the way I see it. Strength used to control the weak." He chuckled.

"Go fuck yourself." Gunner sneered, he spat upon Taurus' yellow eye. A glob of green saliva dripped from the eyelid.

Taurus slapped Gunner with his clawed hand. Three, bleeding scratches on the cheek and yell told Taurus that the smack was indeed well placed.

Gunner yelled as he attempted to tackle his father.

The larger alien gripped his son's throat and shoved him to the ground. Lying on his back, Taurus stuck a knee into Gunner's gut. The more the young Barg tried to move-the harder the older Barg pressed down. Gunner whimpered softly.

"You're so naïve. You're so stupid." Hissed Taurus, his leathery snout close to Gunner's own. "Area 51 changed me. For the better. But you're too stupid to realize it." Letting go, Gunner lay there and coughed loudly. Taking deep breaths.

Taurus then stood at his desk, watching his son get up as he rubbed his throat.

"Haven't lost your strength, old man." Gunner chuckled dryly.

"No son, nor have I had this much fun on a planet in a long, long time." Taurus smiled.

"Tell me, what happened on Area 51. I'll consider your offer." Gunner nodded with a deep cough.