Chapter 8- Area 51 (One Year Earlier)

Her brown hair was blown by the wind from the New Mexico desert. At the age of 50, she kept herself in very good shape. Walking often and making sure her desk job wouldn't be the death of her.

Wearing a grey suit and with a determined walk, she was escorted from her office and onto the crash site itself.

"We got something to show you, Helen. Something that'll change your life." Spoke the older doctor, Tom Adler-donning lab coat, tie, and slacks, holding a clipboard to his chest. His glasses reflected the hot sun which beamed down upon the two workers.

Around the electric fence, were airplanes, jets, and a parking lot. People, normally in dark suits wearing sunglasses walked in and out of the facility behind them. Others were military armor.

Weapons were being tested, sometimes a gunshot would ring out.

Sometimes announcements from the intercom could be heard.

A crashed ship of unknown origin took up the grounds on this day. Sparking with electricity, its engine dead.

Removing her sunglasses, Helen stared in awe of this fallen UFO.

"Holy shit. Where did it come from?" She didn't bother turning to Adler who was by her side.

"We shot it down with a launcher." Tom nodded. "But the ship wasn't damaged too badly when it fell from the stars."

"You shot it? Like-blew it out of the sky? You couldn't immobilize it with robots or maybe a magnetic weapon could've pulled it down? This could be our best chance at discovering extraterrestrial life and you nearly destroyed it? Fuck me dead. Men and their guns." She scoffed.

With a sigh, the doctor wrote notes on her phone as she investigated the ship closely.

"Well Helen, we have another surprise. We were able to retrieve the piolet. It's sitting in the interrogation room now."

"You mean you actually came into contact with an alien?" She turned to face the doctor.

"And I think it wants to meet you." Adler smiled; a jet flew overhead.

The buzzer to the metal door went off. Making the alien startle only slightly.

Helen was now in a hazmat suit, wearing a mask that covered her nose and mouth.

The door closed and locked behind her with a metallic bang.

She was silent. Staring at a man-lizard creature. She'd never seen anything like it, except maybe in drawings.

The room is brightly lit, the handcuffs around the Barg's hands and ankles didn't stop Helen from being extremely creeped out.

Grabbing a radio which was in her pocket, she spoke into the speaker. "Hey. I'm here with it, Adler. No need to keep tabs on me. I wanna talk to it alone."

Static sizzled out before Adler's crinkly, tired voice came on. "Alright Helen, if you say so." No one ever argued with Helen.

"I am a Barg." Spoke Taurus. In perfect English. His voice was deep, gravely. A voice that could shake the floor.

"I wanna talk to you. You obviously can speak our language. I want to know you. No barriers, no precaution. Soon you'll be looked at by every scientist in the world. Soon you'll probably be locked in some cage, while students gawk. I won't ever get this opportunity again. One on one. With an alien." Helen removed her mask slowly. She sat across from the beast, he towered over her in height.

From her pocket, she placed a small recording device on the table. Her hand was shaky.

"Where do you come from?" Helen asked, looking over the lizard with narrowed eyes. Seeing if she could read any facial expression.

"A galaxy beyond your tiny Milky Way. I can only assume evolution kinda-mixed and matched human DNA with that of your common lizard. Somehow, we're not on earth. But as I conquer more planets, I'll find out."

"You don't know how evolution works?" She cocked her head.

"We know more than you ever will." Smirked Taurus.

"Do aliens really abduct humans?" She leaned back, putting on a relaxed front.

"Yes. But some occurrences are just ramblings of insane minds. We try to keep our operation small. Only a few humans get the privilege of meeting me." He chuckled.

"I guess conceded assholes exist in all creatures," Helen smiled sarcastically.

"If you only knew my power. Perhaps you'd be bowing before me." Folding his large, green hands on the table the alien didn't move. Barely seemed to breathe.

"You're going to be put on an operating table. Dissected. Now that we have a real organism to work with. Unlike the 'alien autopsy' video made in the 40s. You look so different from any of the pop-culture creatures." She leaned forward. Helen's heart did skip a beat, but fear wasn't on her mind.

"You're weak." Taurus stood, showing his teeth. Helen stood as soon as he did.

"You make any sudden move and I'll call guards in here." She nodded; her voice shook only slightly.

Tensing his body, Taurus' muscles began to grow a bit. The handcuffs snapped right from his hands, landing on the ground.

With one hand, he gripped Helen's throat as she screamed.

"Your world is mine." Taurus chuckled, his breath hit Helen's face.

Her face turned blue; her breathing slowed. Taurus could feel the life draining from her eyes.

Guards would have been there. But they were dealing with another issue. The issue of multiple ships coming down from the stars.

His plan worked. He had been captured, enough time to get the soldiers distracted. Then let his minions loose. Like a plague upon planet earth.

He dropped Helen's cold carcass to the cement floor.

Taurus took a deep breath and with all his might-busted down the door to the interrogation room.

Ten guards aimed their semi-automatic weapons at the tall lizard as he made his way through Area 51. Guards dressed in black SWAT outfits.

Bullets rang out, an alarm blared. Shooting him with regular bullets did no good.

Taurus gripped one of the soldier's arms and with a tug, ripped it from its socket. Blood flew straight into the aliens' green flesh.

With a machine gun in hand, Taurus began to fire into the guards. The bullets ripped through the armor with ease.

The guards fell with yells of pain. Even while wearing nothing but a simple jumpsuit, the Barg shot through more and more men, sending blood and gore upon the ceiling and floor. Some of the guards threw smoke grenades, but Taurus could see through their feeble attempts.

With a smile, the extraterrestrial walked the halls of Area 51 with a smoking machine gun over his shoulder. Dead bodies at his feet.

As the alarm still blared, it illuminated the halls in red light.

Taurus was caked in human blood by the time he exited Area 51.

Standing in the parking lot, he looked up to the clear blue sky. To gaze upon the multitudes of his ships landing on earth. Causing chaos with every beam of light.

He reveled in it. Being covered head to toe in blood, the feeling of the warm sun on his scaly skin, and the inevitable slavery of the entire human race.