Chapter 17: High Fences, Long Tables

The sounds of chatting and chopping wood greet David and Julie. A far cry from the usual suburban sounds they'd never hear again.

No buses, no children laughing. Just the sounds of woodland animals, chatting amongst adults, and the occasional truck driving to and from the commune, gathering supplies.

Through David's walk through the new area, getting acquainted with neighbors and his mother close by-he kept his gaze normally on the storage unit at the end of the dirt path. Imagining poor Gunner, shivering, and perhaps beaten up even more than before.

"You're a strapping lad! I'm Nancy." A hefty lady in her fifties looked at David as she was planting vegetables right outside her home. Her short hair was brown, movements slow-but she also was strong looking.

"Thank you, miss." The teenager blushed slightly.

"Can't believe you got your son out of the Barg's grasp. And that you traveled with one! You both are lucky to be alive." She stood to meet Julie's gaze, her clothing covered in dirt.

"Yeah well, I had to do what was right for my son. Being here will offer us protection." Julie nodded. Not feeling like revealing her true thoughts to this lady.

For a few hours, they looked among the cabins, saw how the commune worked. How food was distributed through bargaining, how clothes were brought to Earl in huge trash bags brought by humans who surveyed earth for resources.

As David ate lunch, Julie left him home alone with the front door locked.

Stepping out into the afternoon breeze, she walked to Earl's cabin. Marked by its red door to give it its unique look. So, people knew who to turn to for questions.

Earl looked upon Julie with a kind smile. Admired her muscular arms. She held no weapon in her hand, as a sign of just wanting a simple conversation.

"Earl. Hey. Can I talk to you for a bit?" She shrugged.

"Yeah! Of course, come in." Earl gestured her inside. He was much taller than her, much broader all around.

His cabin was decorated with family photos, medals he had gotten from various competitions. Photos also included Earl kneeling next to dead deer (presumably before the invasion) and even some dead Barg. The hefty man could be seen smiling and giving an enthusiastic thumbs up.

Also, on the walls of his cabin, was a confederate flag.

"Can I get you a coffee, Julie?" He asked walking into the kitchen, her close behind. Their boots clumped on the hardwood floor.

"Yeah. I gotta talk to you about David." She sat at the long kitchen table, the smell of cedar present. The cabins in Earl's commune were beautiful.

"He enjoying everything?" Earl briefly turned to Julie as he poured two mugs of black, hot coffee.

"This place is good for him, and it's good for me too. We've been getting good food, fresh water. Lots of helpful people. The past week has been a nice break. As much of a break, one could get in the end times." She smirked.

Earl sat across from her, sipping his beverage. "This won't be the end times. We're rebuilding America. To its former glory. When second amendment rights weren't questioned. When people all worked together, and no one bickered about petty stuff."

"In rebuilding new America, we should accept all the help we can get. It's why me and my son are here. It's why we've been helping our neighbors. It's why you should release Gunner." She spoke matter-of-factly. Holding her mug.

"He's one of them. Can't trust the scaley ones. Gunner is nothing but an information guy. He can tell us about their weapons and tech. Good idea you had. He's done that already. When we find one of their ships, we're gonna really hound him. We deserve that tech."

"Sounds like modern-day slavery." Julie retorted.

"Slavery? No. This is vengeance, Julie. Them aliens came down. Thought they could run our country. We fight them. Make sure they know never to step onto the earth again." Earl looked over Julie.

"They took my son, Earl. I know it seems crazy to reason with them. "

"You said it! Right there. You spent a year lookin' for your kid. They hurt him. The Barg. Don't you think Gunner is just using you? Huh? Speaking English and pretending to coddle your boy. Just so he can have the last laugh?" Earl cut her off.

"At first, I wasn't sure about him, either. I had the same idea you did. Now though, I know it's much more complicated. Gunner's father was an evil bastard. Gunner became a traitor to his people. To help us."

"This is how I'm running my place, Julie. No Barg is gonna roam free in these parts. It's how we've stayed alive for so long. Building high fences."

"Well, maybe you should build a longer table, instead." Julie stood still, her eyebrows went down for a moment.

"If you ever come to me wanting to make peace with the aliens again, I'm throwing both you and your son out. I won't stand for this shit." Earl stood slowly. Looking down upon Julie.

"Alright. I'm sorry." She said softly, hunching her shoulders slightly. "I can respectfully disagree with you."

"Good." He smiled, loosening himself. "Tell David I said hello."

Julie left Earl's cabin. Her meek demeanor disappeared.

I can fake meekness, Earl. We're not done yet.