Chapter 18: Morning, Earl

Driving along a deserted road, the large Earl contently led a team of four other men. Their engines were loud, lights on bright as the sun had not risen yet.

On the side of the long road, lay miles of sand.

In this sand, lay a small ship. Well, small compared to something like a mothership. Small enough to hold three humans comfortably.

Earl smiled, turned his blinker on, and drove for the fallen object. The trucks followed at the same speed.

Getting out of the truck, Earl held his large pistol and walked to the ship. He noticed the engine was still going.

From his back pocket, he pulled out a walkie-talkie. Earl was first in command, another man named Bobby always answered his calls.

"Hey Bobby, I bet you see that fallen ship. We should take it back to the commune, over."

Beep. Static. "Yes sir, sounds good! I'll get our trailer hitched up. Be back in an hour or so. Over." Beep. Static.

From behind the wreckage, a purple lizard popped from the darkness, Earl aimed his gun at him quickly.

"Alien! What are you doing here?"

Swallowing hard, the alien spoke in its native tongue. Looking panicked. Both hands stuck up in the air.

With brute strength, Bobby came out from behind Earl and tackled the helpless creature. It screamed into the night as it was punched in the head.

By one leg, Bobby dragged the lizard across the dirt and up over his shoulder.

Not only did Earl have yet another Barg to kill, but he also had a mini ship owned by the aliens themselves. He imagined himself flying around earth, defeating Barg from the comfort of the flying machine. Lasers beaming down. Maybe a beer by his side and some music on the radio. He truly thought he could start a brand-new world.

He was convinced he could get Julie and David comfortable enough to live in his world.

The drive to the commune was an hour or so, but he smiled as he knew his plans were inching ever so close to becoming reality.

When the aliens first landed, Earl did indeed try to open fire on the spaceships that ravaged the small town he lived in. Far away from Julie, he lived a simple quiet life before the takeover.

Mornings with hot coffee, doing yard work, inviting various friends over for beer and card games. These friends would be the backbone of his commune.

Earl was lucky enough to escape the wrath of Taurus and set his sights on a cabin his grandfather owned.

He took his friends to this cabin, avoiding robots and ships effectively. His truck was full of guns and bullets and even homemade pipe bombs.

Unlike others, he had friends by his side. Friends who would shoot threats from out the windows of vehicles. A small militia. Impossible to catch. Impossible to contain.

Once getting to his destination-it took months, upon months to clean the abandoned summer camp and to make it fit Earl's needs.

He'd been reading about natural resources for years-preparing for the moment everything collapsed. In fact, he took glee in the fact America was in this state. Feeling like everyone had to toughen up or die.

Some Barg did find themselves on the path to Earl's commune when everything was built. Earl of course left none to survive. He relished the moments when he could kill any living creature.

He indeed met plenty of nasty Barg through the year, ones that would capture him if they could catch him.

Earl loved those days. He knew he'd get them back. And if he wiped out the Barg entirely, he knew he'd miss the days of shooting reptiles from beyond the stars once society was under his iron fist.