

Diana suddenly woke up, her surroundings was dark and everything smelt like mould. She sat up and realized that her movements were restrained. A rope was tied around her and attached to a pole beside her.. She tried to release herself but was only in more pain as the rope was too tight.

The door creaked open...a dozen of men in black suit walked in holding guns in their hands. They stood accordingly and left a space in the middle. The last person to enter waked in slowly. Diana could only squint her eyes and listen to their foot steps.

" Who are you guys?! I think you got the wrong person... I don't have any money and my aunt doesn't! So you should let me go"

She spoke with no hint of fear... She had been kidnapped once and she understood the mindset.of these people.

They all wanted ransom.

' Use your head Dian, which kidnapper brings a lot of people with him?! it's like the kidnapper is a VIP ' Sera spoke. She couldn't help but want to facepalm herself

The last person that entered walked towards her and stood directly in her front. He bent down to her level and held her chin. Diana's eyes had already adjusted to the dark. The only thing she could see was the outline of the man before her.

" I think you should get your filthy hand off me" She turned her face away.

She was so worried that her aunt must have started to look for her. And it seemed she spent a lot of time in this place.

The man didn't push it, he simply stood up and walked out..

Though Diana pretended not to be scared but on the inside, she was shaking.

Suddenly, someone hit her clavicle again and she went unconscious.

When she opened her eyes, it was already morning and everywhere was bright. She was in a fancy bed. There was a large window and a slide door with a balcony and another door leading to the main house. The room was pretty, everything was pink and girlish. There was a fireplace in the room. Who the hell builds a fireplace in a room? were they in the sixties? she couldn't help but look everywhere with disgust on her face. She stood up immediately and walked to the door. It was locked.

She ran to the balcony door and what she saw made her gasp... All hope was lost. How was she going to get through this place? The house was surrounded with water. Diana tried to sight any house or cottage around but there was none, only trees and water.

Filled with rage, she ran to the door she left previously and started banging.

" You sons of b****!! I thought you kidnapped me for ransom? ! Who knew you would keep me on this island ! Besides who builds a house on an island where there is no one ! The house owner is such a fool!"

This went on for an hour until she got tired. She sat on the ground behind the door and silently shed tears. No one wants to be kidnapped and live in isolation...she still has a lot to do, she still has to challenge Chris for not noticing her, her appointment with the psychologist because of those pesky pests.... speaking of pesky pests, they've been a little bit silent since yesterday or was it because she had been unconscious?

" Sera? Jeremy? "

There was no reply. That's strange... Were they gone already? had she gotten rid of them completely?

She suddenly felt relieved but empty

' Pfft! ' She heard muffled sounds until someone broke into laughter. It was Sera.

Diana groaned

' My tummy hurts from laughing '

" Like you have one " Diana replied sarcastically

' hehehe I can't believe you fell for that Diana ' Jeremy tried to control his laughter.

" f*** you guys"

Sera calmed down but still chuckled.

' So now that you have been abducted, you are supposed to be happy. See this room so pretty, you can stay here and live the life of a princess instead of going back to your aunt...'

" Shut up Sera! "

" What? I'm not lying. Are trying to tell me that you don't prefer this place to your aunt's place?'

Diana stood up from the floor and checked around the room.

' You aren't going to escape are you?'

" Do you expect me to stay here?"

Diana walked to the balcony and looked outside. There was no single soul standing outside. She walked hurriedly up to the bed and grabbed all the sheets. She checked if there was any clothes in the wardrobe but there wasn't any. She removed the curtains and tied everything together.

' Diana, calm down and think, everywhere outside is water. How are you going to get home?'

" I'll figure it out if I get out of this building" Diana said while busying her self with the sheets.

The door suddenly clocked unlock and a woman in her fifties entered holding a tray in it. She dropped the food on the dressing table. The woman was wearing an all black dress, her red hair was tied into a bun. Her face was white and pale. She walked in gently with a smile on her face, she glanced at the sheets in the girl's hands and said nothing. Diana paused, she was caught in the act.

" Miss, you must be hungry I brought some food"

Diana dropped the sheets and walked towards the woman.

" Who is in charge here?!"

The woman bowed her head gently and walked out of the room. Diana was about to follow her outside but the woman had already closed the door and locked it.

What?! why didn't she treat her the way captives were treated? and her outburst the other time, the woman didn't flinch.

Diana walked to the dressing table and inspected the food that was served. She didn't expect to see apples, grapes, sandwiches, a small jug containing coffee, steak and water laying in a tray waiting to be eaten. All kidnappers were supposed to starve their victims or serve them plain porridge which had little or no taste just like those that kidnapped her when she was younger.

She stared at the food for a long time before sitting to eat. When she too a bite of the sandwich, Sera suddenly spoke.

' You shouldn't eat the food they serve you dummy, what if it's poisoned?'

Diana paused, the food was still in her mouth but she didn't chew. As if considering something, she continued.

' Hey! didn't you hear me?'

' I did but I realized if they really wanted me to die, they won't bring me and keep me in this fancy, disgusting bedroom and besides, I need food for strength if I want to escape ' She replied Sera nonchalantly.

' Hmph! don't say I didn't tell you'