Day at the Aquarium

Kousuke said, "My, who might this young handsome man be". Ryo blushed and shyly replied, "Jeez, stop teasing me. Let's go in". Ami told Ryo that he looked really nice today. Ryo smiled and thanked her. They all went to the aquarium which was filled with bright fishes swimming in the tanks. Ryo and Ami were both in awe the entire time. They walked together to see every fish with the unique colours. As they walked further, they saw jellyfish and stingrays. "Wow Dad look at the big shark swimming over there" Ami exclaimed as she pointed on top of them. The aquarium was really amazing. They spend a lot of time looking at different fish and aquatic life. Ryo took some photos of Kousuke and Ami for Kousuke.

Kousuke asked Ryo to come over here and he put the phone's camera to selfie mode. He took a picture of all three of them. Ryo wanted to say something but Kousuke already replied knowing what he wanted to say, "Don't worry about it. We all came together, so let's make some memories together". Ryo felt more relaxed and they continued to explore the aquarium. Though Kousuke isn't as young as he used to be, they decided to take a break at the cafeteria and to get something to eat. Ryo and Ami went to order some pizza and drinks. They brought it over and they all ate together. Kousuke said, "Jeez you guys are lucky to still have a lotta energy. I'm seriously getting older, haha". "You're still young Kousuke,'' Ryo replied. Kousuke ruffled Ryo's hair and said, "haha yes, my heart and looks are still young as before".

Ami asked, "Dad, is it okay if we go see the penguins. I heard that they were super cute and I really wanna see them". Kousuke smiled and replied, "Of course sweetie. We can go to the show at 1:30, how does that sound?" Ami excitedly replied, "Really!? Yay!!! Thanks Dad". Ami left to go to the bathroom after and it was just Ryo and Kousuke left sitting. Ryo was a bit nervous at first, though he started the conversation saying, "Aren't you totally beat. You must have superpowers to still have some energy". Kousuke laughed and replied, "Not superpowers kiddo, just what dads do. I don't get to see Ami everyday, so I wanna make the most of our time. Though, I was able to keep up today thanks to you". Ryo's face turned beet red as he did not expect Kousuke to say that. Kousuke noticed and his ears turned red as well. They were awkwardly silent afterwards. The silence broke after Ami rejoined them. She grabbed Kousuke and Ryo's arms saying, "Guys it's almost 1:30!!! Let's goooo". Kousuke and Ryo both laughed and were dragged by Ami to the penguin show.

The penguins were indeed super cute and they performed cool tricks as well. Kousuke, Ryo and Ami all sat together like a family of three. They did get some stares. "Are they a family? Two men?? Or maybe that's his younger brother ``''No way, that's definitely his friend or something". Ryo felt a bit uncomfortable with the stares, however the thing that worried him the worst was if Ami and Kousuke felt uncomfortable. Kousuke held Ryo's hand on the seat they sat on and whispered to his ear, "Don't listen to any of the comments around us. Imagine it's just you, me and Ami here. Let's enjoy the penguins together, okay?" Ryo nervously nodded looking in Kousuke's eyes to reassure him that he was alright.

What Kousuke said really helped Ryo feel more relaxed and helped him enjoy the show more. Ryo just looked at Kousuke and Ami at that moment and his heart felt very warm. He felt that the whispers and comments around him faded away and all he could hear was Kousuke and Ami's cute little conversations about the penguins. They were talking about the possible names for the penguins and Ami even asked Kousuke if they could take care of one or help them back to the Arctic. Kousuke's laughs sounded so soothing like honey to Ryo's ears. He couldn't help but smile the whole time.

After the show, they finally were getting ready to go home. Kousuke thanked Ryo for coming with them because they had loads of fun. Ryo told Kousuke that he had lots of fun as well and he was happy that he was invited to come. Kousuke and Ryo continued looking at each other until Ami finally yawned and asked her dad if they could go home. Kousuke nodded and he waved goodbye to Ryo. They both felt deep in their hearts that they grew closer and more connected with each other.