
On a normal Monday morning, Ryo, who was supposed to be sweeping up the front of the shop, was leaning with his chin on the broom and his head in the clouds. Ms Iwai was so worried that she stopped her work to go over and check up on Ryo. "Uh, Ryo, is everything alright?" Ryo didn't reply. He still seemed to be staring out in space. He occasionally panics and blush and covers his face with his hands. Ms Iwai felt a bit nervous, so she went over and tapped Ryo on the shoulder asking once again, "Ryo, are you okay?" Ryo's mind was blowing up with millions of thoughts. He managed to say to Ms Iwai, "I'M IN LOVE OMG OH SHIT HOLY F-". Ms Iwai closed her eyes and opened them again smiling. Her jaw dropped and she yelled, "RYO?!? I-IN LOVE???"

Both of them proceeded to panic, however finally managed to calm down. They both took a seat and decided to take a break. It was not very busy, so they didn't worry much. Ms Iwai awkwardly started with a nerve wracking question, "Ryo, are you in love with someone? Are you guys dating?" Ryo shook his head and replied, "We're not dating…I just kinda realized that I fell in love". Ms Iwai nodded and he continued, "I actually was feeling super happy and giddy every time I saw the person and thought about the person. And after yesterday, I just thought real hard and then realized, oh it's love". Ms Iwai listened patiently and thought to herself, Ah he's the slow type. That's really cute though. Hope all goes well for his love journey. The silence returned and Ms Iwai figured that she should say something.

"Ah Ryo, do you plan on confessing to her?" Ryo had a blank expression and he looked a bit down. He replied, "They have a kid and are divorced. I'm not sure if confessing is a good idea". Ms Iwai's eyes widened and she thought, Oh goodness?! I never knew Ryo would fall for a divorced woman that's older than him. And with a child too?! Ryo could tell that Ms Iwai was a bit shocked. Ms Iwai replied with a bit of concern in her voice, "Well Ryo, children are a big responsibility, so if you want to be with her. Then you also need to be ready to take care of her child as well. It's not going to be easy, but if you truly love her, then everything will work out". "You really think so Ms Iwai!! I'm glad", Ryo said while having a huge smile on his face. Ms Iwai smiled with a bit of relief on her face.

The chimes of the door opening rang and Kousuke entered the store. Ryo happily went over to see if he needed assistance, or really just to go have a conversation with him. Ms Iwai felt happy that Ryo was happy, though her mind wandered off as she looked at Kousuke and Ryo happily talking together. She connected the dots, wait a minute, divorced and has a kid…ohhh. Ryo really has an interesting type. Well as long as they are happy. She happily walked over to Ryo and told him that she was done for today. She asked if he could close up early because there is a possible typhoon coming.

Ryo looked at Kousuke and asked him, "Why on earth did you come here? There might be a typhoon!!" Kousuke said he felt in the mood for some cake and foolishly forgot to check the weather. Ryo sighed and told him that he should get going after he gets his cake. Though Ryo spoke too soon, rain began to pour. The rain that began as drizzle, quickly became even heavier. Both their faces darken as they look outside. Kousuke nervously laughed and asked, "Is it okay if I stay here till the typhoon ends?". Ryo nodded and told him that he has an extra futon and clothes for him as well.

Ryo puts up the closed sign and the men both go upstairs to Ryo's place. Ryo's place had a simple layout and was quite clean. He only had one room, though he had an extra futon. Ryo began to feel a bit nervous having Kousuke at his place. His mind wandered everywhere and he nervously asked Kousuke if he wanted to take a shower. Kousuke agreed and Ryo prepared some clothes and a towel. As Kousuke went to shower, Ryo sat down on his couch. His heart was beating non stop and he couldn't stop feeling nervous. He thought to himself, Kousuke is taking a shower at my place right now. He must have nothing on by now… His thoughts quickly stopped and he paced around his room nervously.

Afterwards, Kousuke was done and Ryo went to take a shower as well. After he finished showering, he came out and sat down with a towel on his shoulders. Kousuke noticed Ryo's wet hair and he asked, "Ryo, do you have a hair dryer?" Ryo nodded and brought it over. He gave it to Kousuke. Kousuke smiled and told him to sit down. Ryo sat down with a confused expression. Kousuke was drying his hair. Ryo blushed till his ears. "Is it too hot", Kousuke asked with a worried look. Ryo shakes his head and Kousuke continues. After he finished drying Ryo's hair, he said, "You shouldn't leave your hair drenched, you could catch a cold". Ryo nodded and agreed.

Ryo nervously asked Kousuke if he wanted some beer. Kousuke agreed saying, "Beer tastes the best after a shower". They both sat down and drank silently. Kousuke said, "Ah Ami got her results back and she aced English and classic Japanese, though not so much in math". Ryo chuckled, "Yeah math sucks anyways, tell her good job for me. Doing well in English…must be a really smart girl". Ryo laughed, "I'll make sure to tell her. Ryo, I have been wondering, you seem really young. Are you doing anything in college right now?". Ryo replied with a bit of a gloomy expression, "Actually, I haven't even graduated high school properly.. You see, ahh how to put it? I-" Kousuke noticed that Ryo was a bit uncomfortable so he interrupted him saying, "You don't have to tell me why. Everyone has a reason and you don't need to tell others if you're not comfortable". Ryo shakes his head, "Nah I was worried that you'd think differently of me".

Kousuke ruffled his hair and replied, "I know you're a good kid, so I won't judge your past. That's your past and you're the you of today. So don't worry about what I might think". Ryo felt a lot more at ease and he decided to tell Kousuke about himself,

"Well, I actually was arrested when I was 15 and was in prison for three years". Kousuke had a serious expression, though he let Ryo continue without any disgust or judgment in his expression. Ryo continued, "I was really stupid back then. I loved action movies and dreamed of becoming a gangster. Though little did I know, it's not actually like the movies. I got into a rough crowd and then came trouble. The Ikeda family wanted to recruit me. I was overjoyed, however, after learning about the innocent lives they ruined with debt collecting and drugs. I started to distance myself. Well, my friend, or I guess he's not my friend anymore. He framed me against the Ikeda family and they came after me. That's how I got a scar on my face. That day I beat up that friend, I lost complete control and it landed me in prison. I got out early cuz I was a minor. I met Ms Iwai, shortly after, who took me in because my parents didn't want me living with them. Can't really blame them, I was just trouble for them anyways. Ah I'm doing well at Ms Iwai's shop though, she's very kind. And uh here we are".

There was silence. Kousuke listened to every detail with a patient and focused look. He leaned in and pulled Ryo into an embrace. Ryo was absolutely shocked. He couldn't believe what was happening. Kousuke patted his head and Ryo's hair was in his large hand. He started to say gently, "That must've been very difficult. Going through all that. You're really strong and amazing Ryo to get to where you are today. You did a good job". Before Ryo knew it, he began to cry. Kousuke felt some tears on his shoulder. He moved Ryo to face him and he wiped away his tears. He stroked his hair and patted his back telling him that it was okay.

After crying for a while, Ryo was in Kousuke embrace, like a teddy bear being hugged. He was in Kousuke's lap and was being comforted like a child. He grew more nervous than before and he asked, "You're not weirded out, holding a guy almost your height like this". Kousuke shook his head and said that it was completely fine. Ryo continued, "Is it really fine? Holding a guy like this who…is in love with you". Kousuke looked Ryo in the eyes with a serious expression. He said with confidence, "Of course it's alright. For a guy who also likes you to hold you like this…" Ryo's eyes widened and he turned to face Kousuke. Kousuke turned his head away and was blushing. He continued, "You..you make me say the most embarrassing things. You think I'd hold just anyone..like this. Are you that dense, kid". Ryo was blushing too, he took Kousuke's chin in his hand and made him face him. He said, "I'm not a kid you know…yeah I'm a bit slow, but..I'm definitely not a kid, okay".

Kousuke really got a good look at him and definitely realized that Ryo was indeed not a kid, but a young, handsome man. He leaned forward and took his face in his hand. His lips met Ryo's and his tongue made its way into Ryo's mouth. They shared an intense kiss that felt like for ages. They tried to catch their breath until they continued. Kousuke was holding Ryo in his arms as they continued to embrace and kiss. After the kiss, Kousuke kissed Ryo's cheek, forehead and his other cheek with the scar. Ryo felt a bit ticklish and he laughed a bit. He said, "Are you a dog or something? Showering me with all these kisses". Kousuke started to laugh as well and they both laughed together, hugging each other closer to one another.


The next morning, Ryo woke up in his bed, without any clothes on, beside Kousuke. He tried to think about what happened last night and he started to feel extremely embarrassed. He thought to himself, this man definitely deceived me with his innocent puppy act. He's more of a wild beastly wolf.. Ryo did really enjoy looking at Kousuke's sleeping face. Kousuke suddenly woke up and pulled Ryo in for a hug. He whispered to Ryo, "Is your body alright?" Ryo instantly blushed and said, "I'm quite tough you know. I'm feeling fine". Kousuke chuckled and they continued to hug until they got up to brush their teeth. Kousuke went out to buy himself a toothbrush. As they were eating breakfast, Kousuke abruptly asked, "Ryo, go out with me". Ryo nearly spit out his orange juice. Kousuke laughed and said, "After everything I did to you last night, it's only appropriate if I take responsibility". Ryo blushed and said, "Alright then. If you're willing to take responsibility, I'm all yours". Kousuke smiled and ruffled Ryo's hair.