Her fear


His eyes were stone hard and dead set on her. His veins were popping up from his muscular arms and forehead. His jaw ticked and nose flared.

Orion was looking not less than beast.

Before Ruth could anticipate what Orion was about to do he already had picked up from her seat and pinned to the wall, standing between her legs, so that Ruth wouldn't be able to pull anymore of her little stunts.

His hands were on her neck applying pressure but not that much that could block her airways. They were in a very intimate position. Their deep, ragged breathing could be heard all over the room.

" I don't take disrespecting lightly Ruth. Not from anyone. "

His breath fanned her lips making her inhale a long take of air. She was trying to pry off his hands from her neck but Orion was far more stronger than her.

" Same goes for me. I can't tolerate someone belittling me in my own office. "

She breathed the words. Ruth knew better to infuriate him more. Orion had a very solid grip on her neck, if he wanted he could kill her in a snap.

On seeing her struggle that how strongly she wanted to deny his touches Orion with his another hand grabbed her both hands and put it above her head.

His upper body leaned on her igniting something in her core. Ruth shivered which didn't go unnoticed by Orion. Unknown to both of them, his grip on her neck was loosened as he rubbed his thumb on her long, slender, smooth skin under jaw.

" You smell so good. "

His nose in contact with her skin, one of her senses benumbing all the other senses.

She was angry on herself , how weak she was in front of Orion. It was wrong in every aspects, he was her business partner and it was not in her ethics to experience something intimate with him.

" Orion. "

It sounded more like a moan coming out of her mouth. Orion smirked, he knew he had found a way to how to make Ruth say his name. His eyes which were focussed on her gaped lips crashed on her radiant eyes.

" Finally. "

Orion had a devilish smile plastered on his face. It took a minute to Ruth why the devil in front of her was smiling.

She took his NAME.

" Mr. Vassiliev this is my.... "

" Ruth , the manager of the event wanted to confirm something , should I... "

Sara which came in her office without knocking was stunned in her place. She was engrossed in her diary before and didn't notice Ruth and Orion .Looking up to the two person which were as shocked as Sara.

Ruth pushed Orion and cleared her throat before saying

" I'll call him to know what he wanted to say. "

Ruth was directly looking at Sara while Sara had her head drowned in her diary. Orion after normalizing the shock wave was standing unfazed with his hands in his Armani pockets.

" Ok that's all I'll be on my way. "

Sara, without glancing on them ran out her cabin.

" Mr. Vassiliev. I will appreciate if you keep you keep your hands to yourself and behave accordingly when you come to my office. "

Feeling embarrassed Ruth glared Orion. Because of him Sara witnessed them in an awkward position.

" Fine I will keep my hands to myself. Can't say much about my mouth. "

Ruth, gaped mouth looked at Orion. If he has a pinch of shame in him. Before Ruth could react Orion was already infront of her, eyes to eyes, skin to skin, chest to chest. Ruth was astounded that how fast he was.

" Orion. "

The proximity left her giddy and shivering on the process. Ruth didn't know what had happened to her today. Or it was Orion who was giving her blow after blow.

" See I didn't even touch you and you already have my name on your lips. "

Again. How could she not know that she took his name. Flushed she took a step back and released her holding breath.

Then way she shuddered, the way she moaned his name, the way her eyes were centred on his lips, the way she breathed in relief. Orion's keen eyes read it all. She was so fucking responsive. And he loved it. He loved it all.

" Please go. Leave me alone. "

Her voice quivered. Ruth didn't know, couldn't understand what was happening to her. This was first time when Orion did something intimate to her and she - her body responded accordingly.

Seconds ago the eyes which were soft and lovingly looking at her went hard in a blink. She always pushes him away. If she wanted him out of her observance, fine he would do it. But then again, from when Orion Vassiliev started taking orders from others .

In an arm length he surrounded his strong hands around her small waist and pulled her to his hot body. She was unaware what her single stare do to his body. Let's not talk about her lips which always sinfully twitch his cock with her dry and wet words.

Her shriek got muffled with his palm on her mouth.

He wanted to claim her lips there and then but her cheeks will do for now.

" You don't get to order me sweetheart . Its other way around ."

It was either his way or his way. Always was and always will.

He left a chast kiss on her cheeks but left her body arrogantly. Two moves two different emotions. As the door got closed behind him Ruth came out of her trance.


She rubbed her cheeks with her hands where he had intentionally left his saliva.

He did a wrong move. Next time if he would do something like that she would hit him where the sun doesn't shine. But who was she kidding with! He did so much to her and she was left speechless. And how could she think there would be next time. Silly Ruth.

Ruth slapped herself repeatedly on her cheeks to get her focus back. Lifting up her phone from the desk she dialed to the number of the event manager.

Meanwhile Orion with a triumphant smile walked to his car. He was contended with his work. How he shut her running mouth which always has to argue with him.

On his way to penthouse he got a call from Mark.

" The work is done. He is here. How do you want to end him?"

Orion had given a task to Mark as he was the only one whom he could believe with closed eyes.

" You will witness the most beautiful death. Don't worry. "

Orion clenched his hands around the steering wheel thinking of the ways for torturing that man.