blinding mistakes and thunder?

Volume 2: lights and diamonds

Recap of last time:

In the last volume, the ultra buddies experienced deadly threats such as an army of golems, a deadly winged snake, a man who could turn into a fireball and more. The team consists of Vadius, Ghosty, Captain Thunder and Riley. The story ended off with the Ultra Buddies winning and 10% of the city being destroyed.

Chapter 5: blinding mistakes and thunder?

Exactly 4 months ago during the current story, a scientist was tasked with making an indestructible force field out of pure energy. Despite it being incredibly late at night for the Dr, He still had to find an energy source that wasn't harmful to the people of the city and one that could last long. This scientist's name was Dr Thunder, the father of the now famous superhero, Captain Thunder. Dr Thunder was one of the top 15 scientists in the world. He was a physicist on the hunt for a sustainable power source that could power an indestructible force field around his home of Thunder City. he'd tried nuclear energy but that would've been too toxic for the city, he then tried electrical energy but found that was far too difficult to utilize. He was stuck, he wasn't sure what to do. He headed to his workboard to think of more ideas and as he looked to his left, there was a jar. This jar contained a floating crystal that resembled a star. It was white and it had black bits on it, those bits were moving around inside the star like a lava lamp. On the jar, had a note. "Use this! I went through a lot of trouble getting it. I need some excitement anyway. Ps: don't worry it's safe, -lunaar". Dr Thunder wasn't sure who 'lunaar' was and how they got in. he checked the security footage of the lab and found that the jar just appeared. In one frame there was nothing and then in the next, there was. This baffled the scientist, he even began to panic a bit. But he had no time for that because he had a job to do. He studied this strange crystal and came to the conclusion that the crystal could work as a power supply for the force field. However, he didn't know much about what this crystal even is or where it originates. But from what from Dr Thunder had tested so far, it was safe. Around 78.13% of this was successful, meaning there was a good chance it would work. Dr Thunder hooked up the crystal to some wires that were connected to a strange cannon. He pulled a lever on the cannon and it began to turn on. This was the machine that would cast a giant force field over the entirety of Thunder City.

The crystal began being absorbed into the wires, melting into them like a vacuum cleaning up a drink. the wires were radiating some white aura of sorts. The cannon was also radiating the same aura of white. Dr Thunder put on safety gear and stepped up to the cannon, he positioned and aimed it at the centre of the city in the sky and pressed the button. A giant beam of light shot out from the cannon, but something odd happened. Instead of the beam forming a dome around the city, the beam formed an orb high in the sky. It was a white orb with black patches on it. It wasn't doing anything, it wasn't moving, it wasn't falling but instead, it just floated there. A ball of pure light and energy was flighting meters above the city, this was bad, there was no telling what could happen if no one checked it out. From what the Dr could see, it was just a ball of pure light and energy in the sky, there was nothing about it that seemed dangerous. But the fact that it WAS an orb of light and energy was concerning. This shouldn't physically be possible, there was nothing covering the orb or trapping it, it was just an orb of pure light and energy floating in the sky above the city's park. The Dr stared. He stared and stared in hopes of something, anything happening. But nothing did. The orb just stayed in the sky, it was bright, and some of Thunder City's civilians were looking outside their windows to see what was going on. Obviously to see a giant bright orb of energy outside in the sky would be freaky so naturally, they were freaked out, some were calling the police and others were watching the orb as well. Dr Thunder went to the back of the laboratory in order to find something. "Where is it? Where is it?" he whispered. He found it, it was a dark rifle with a scratch'n'sniff donut sticker on it. The sticker had a strange code on it as well. Dr Thunder went towards the window and aimed the rifle at the orb, he didn't know what it was or what would happen if he left it there. He pulled the trigger and shot at the orb, instead of blowing it up or knocking it out of the sky, (he was desperate he wasn't thinking straight because there was no way a laser would move a ball of energy), the laser just got absorbed into the orb, and there were now streaks of red throughout this white orb with black spots.

The orb began shaking violently, it was shaking twisting, it was even stretching. BOOM! The orb exploded. Light and dark beams of energy flew everywhere. Some in the park, some in the zoo, and some all over. There were still people out at night in the city and some of them made contact with the beams. Some with the dark ones and others with the white. Some of these people include a 15-year-old boy named Timothy Thunder, or most commonly known as, Captain Thunder.

Thunder pov:

Timothy was walking in the park, on his way home, he was wearing a red jumper with blue jeans. He had just bought some food from the grocery store and was minding his own business. It suddenly got brighter above him, he looked up and saw a white orb with black spots. He pulled out his phone and started recording it, amazed at what he saw. Suddenly a red beam hit the orb and it exploded, there were beams of energy flying everywhere, some even heading straight towards Timothy. He ran and dodged the beams of energy crashing around him. Dark and light ones were all around him like a meteor shower. He ran and ran and ran, and when he looked up he saw a white light head towards him. He blacked out

Dr Thunder pov:

Dr Thunder, watching the chaos pursue, went to go grab his journal. "I found a mysterious crystal in my lab and after attempting to use it as an energy source it did something unexpected. Instead of creating a dome around the city, it turned into an orb and now that orb is shrinking as it leaks dark and light beams around the city. People may die, they may get mutated. Who knows. I'm interested in seeing how this will play out so at the moment operation: shield is being put on pause while I'll overlook this new operation. Operation: Enlightened.

1 hour later a news broadcast went out.

" 1 hour ago in the centre of Thunder City, something mysterious happened. An orb appeared out of the Thunder Laboratory and exploded, raining beams of light and dark energy all over the city. Several civilians and animals were hit, and many houses and buildings were also damaged. this was a devastating night for the city. The man responsible for this is non-other than the city's top scientist, Dr Thunder. His whereabouts are currently unknown as a warrant for his arrest has been sent out"

Chapter 5 end