ghost, crocodiles, assassinations and thunder

Ghosts, crocodiles and assassinations, thunder

Vadius. The origin

As lights of energy were flying all over the city, there was a small saltwater crocodile walking around in the crocodile enclosure. This crocodile wasn't like the others however, instead of being the average size, it was small, almost half the size of a regular saltwater crocodile. This crocodile was 16 years old and his name was Vadius. Just a familiar crocodile was living a regular life. As regular as a saltwater crocodile's life could be anyway. Just a few kilometres away a mysterious orb had exploded and was now leaking light and dark energy beams all over the city, including the zoo. Some rays of dark hit some enclosures, the animals went crazy, and the workers quickly ran for their lives. Animals all over were getting hit or killed by the explosions of the beam making contact with the ground. It was chaos.

"It's so loud, everyone is screaming and I'm not sure why. I'm hungry, when are we being fed?" Thought Vadius. "Are those fireworks? Some of them aren't very bright." "oh wow! Look at that one! It looks like it's coming right at me-". Vadius didn't properly understand what was happening around him, he just thought everyone was scared of the fireworks. But in all the confusion, he was hit. A white light had hit him right in the face.

When he woke up, the other saltwater crocodiles were surrounding him. "What's up with you guys? Is there something on my face?". He leant up looking at his newly humanoid hands. "Wait what the-". Vadius pats his face and then touches his newly humanoid legs. He looks behind himself to see how his tail looks, only to see nothing. During his transformation, he'd somehow lost it. He was deeply saddened. More importantly, he remembered what had just happened to him but he wasn't particularly saddened or worried. All Vadius knew was that he could now explore the world outside of the zoo. It had been an hour since Vadius had been hit with the light beam, he was able to walk, and he could also speak perfect English. The only problem was that he was naked and that he needed some clothes. But we'll deal with that late because now it's time to explore the origins of a certain ghost kid.

Ghosty. The Origin

It was a nice night. A regular kid was walking in the streets. He had black hair and was wearing a blue hoody but grey sweatpants. This kid was fairly young, looking to be about 12 or so. When suddenly, he saw an orb appear in the sky. It was white with black patches on it. The boy was watching curiously until the orb exploded, shooting beams of dark and light beams of energy everywhere throughout the city. Some of them even head in the kid's direction. Beams of dark and light energy destroyed buildings all around the boy, debris was heading toward him, and the boy was frozen in fear. BAM! He got hit with a bright light and passed out, the debris crushing him right after.

It was heavy. It was dark. It was heavy and dark. Everything hurt but at the same time, it didn't. He felt like he was alive but at the same time, he didn't. The kid wasn't exactly sure what has happened. The last thing he remembered was seeing debris falling towards him and being blinded by a light. "Did I die? Am I in the hospital?" he thought. He was scared. He tried to sit up, to no avail. He tried pushing whatever was on top of him, he felt his hands get lighter as something was pushed off. He tried kicking whatever was on top of him but he couldn't feel his feet. Or his legs for the matter. His hands were free though so he could work with that. After a few minutes he managed to get more and more of this stuff off of him, he managed to remove a piece covering his face. He could see that it was night outside. He managed to get out and attempted to stand. He did but it didn't feel right. He looked at his legs only to see none. He was floating. He had been covered in the debris from the building yet he was still alive. In fact, he wasn't even scratched. The kid found that he had no legs and that he was now purple. At first, he thought he was dreaming but he then realised he wasn't. This all very much happening. He had become some sort of undead creature. A ghost.

The kid wasn't sure what to do so he hid. People couldn't see him like this. He wasn't exactly sure how he became like this and couldn't risk others seeing him. For the next week or so he was hiding in the shadows, waiting for signs to show his face.

Captain Bulldozer. the origin.

A man. A man named [REDACTED] was plotting something. It was night outside. [REDACTED] was hiding in a building with a group of people. They were all planning to take over Thunder City. [REDACTED] and his group were all thugs of low class, thus, they wanted more power and they had the strength to do so. After some trouble, they managed to acquire firearms. As firearms were illegal in the country not many people had them, so as such most of the city's protectors didn't have experience dealing with firearms meaning it would be a lot easier to take over the government. Tonight was the night they would assassinate the mayor of Thunder City.

This would be no easy task of course. There were guards and intense security. But they could manage. [REDACTED]s group headed out towards the city capital. But they stopped in their tracks once they saw a strange orb in the sky. It was white with black patches on it. After a few seconds of staring in confusion, they snapped out of it and kept on going. The orb begins making a rumbling noise and it then explodes. Rays of light and dark beams of energy fly throughout the city. The beams hit people, animals and buildings. [REDACTED] and his group begin running away only for these beams to hit the ground around them. Chunks of dirt and rubble fly up, hitting some members, knocking them out and even killing some. [REDACTED] was knocked over, barely able to stay awake. Beams of energy were being shot everywhere. [REDACTED] attempted to stand up and was hit. A dark light of energy hit him right in the face, knocking him out. An hour later he awoke, the firearms he had collected had been destroyed in the rain of energy. The group of people [REDACTED] had unified had either ran away or were killed. He was alone but he felt different. He felt more connected to the outside than ever. Just as if he could control the very earth itself

Chapter 6 end

Dr thunder's journal notes:

Entry 2: after receiving a mysterious energy source from 'lunaar' instead of it creating a force field around the city it formed a mysterious energy ball. The ball didn't do anything for a few minutes and in a panic I shot with a laser, causing it to explode and rain destruction over the city. The police and authorities will be coming for me very shortly so it's time I go into hiding. While I am I'll be observing the results of this 'expiremental failure'