crash landing

Volume 3: don't make a blorp

Chapter 8: crash landing

We return to the present. In space, something big was going down. A satellite began to crash down into the earth's atmosphere, heading straight to the country of Australia. Scientists around the world were panicking, sending agents down to the country in order to locate this so-called satellite. RUMBLE. Near Thunder City landed something from the sky. A UFO if you will. It didn't look like your stereotypical UFO or a satellite but instead, a pod. It opened up and out of it came a creature. It was a creature that looked like it was made of stone. It had a head shaped like a prism with a huge green circle at the front acting as its eye. and its body was shaped like an octahedron, (two prisms put together, google it), it had a diamond symbol located at the centre of it with the bottom half of its body being grey and the top half being a pink/purple colour. It had no legs or arms and it hovered off the ground to move around. This stone-like creature was scanning the area, looking for something.

The very next day there was panic in the city. People were heading to the crash site to see the 'meteorite' that fell from the sky. There were agents and reporters all over the place in order to report information.

NASA agents taped over the 'meteorite'. They were attempting to lift up the 'meteorite' and take it away but found it impossible to lift.

The Ultra Buddies went to go check out the meteorite as it piqued their interest. Ghosty's mostly. For him, this was an impossible chance. There was a chance that he could very well meet a real alien. Speaking of aliens, the triangular-shaped alien was hiding near. It was watching as these strange creatures surrounded the pod it crashed out of. The pod began to beep. Everybody surrounding the pod backed away as they thought it would explode. After 5 seconds it stopped. All the civilians were rushed away from the pod by the authorities as it was now becoming dangerous to be around

"Aww. do we have to go just because it's beeping?" Ghosty complained.

"Yes, that is what the authorities are saying. And you gotta listen to the authorities" Riley replied

"But we just got here. I wanted to touch it!"

"I don't think they would've allowed you to Ghosty."

"Well, we won't know for sure, will we?"

"Guess not"

The Ultra Buddies all went home to watch a movie as the creature from before was watching from afar.

3 days have passed since the pod's crash landing. The creature hasn't been discovered yet and the pod is still being researched. Riley and Vadius were sent out on patrol by Captain Thunder to research some strange occurrences. People have been reporting that they've been seeing a strange diamond-shaped object going around. Unlike when they found Riley, no one actually had gotten a good look at the creature so there wasn't a good lead on finding it.

5 days have passed since the pod's crash landing. The Ultra Buddies had given up on finding this creature. Riley had developed a hobby of building and engineering things. She would build trackers, PCs and many other things. For her, it was simple as after she became an Enlightened her brain power increased. She became much smarter than your average bear and your average human. She went into her room to work on a special laser gun she had been building for the past month. It would shoot large beams of power and deal devastating damage. When she went into her room to work on it, it was gone. The weapon she had spent all that time on was gone. At first, she thought one of the boys took it but after some questioning, she realised they didn't. She looked around just in case she misplaced it, but she found nothing. Suddenly the power cut. Captain Thunder, Vadius, Ghosty and Riley went down to the generator room to see what the problem was. As they were looking around, they heard something crash. Ghosty went to check it and saw a strange diamond. The bottom half of it was grey while the top half was pink and purple with a diamond separating the colours. The was a pyramid floating above the diamond. The pyramid had a green circle in the front with 4 lines coming out of it. The lines stretched across the top, the bottom and the sides of the pyramid. Ghosty paused.

"What the hell is this?" Ghosty thought

The creature stared at Ghosty. Its green eye beginning to glow. BAM! A green light shot out of the creature's green eye and blasted a hole into the generator room and a hole right through the Ultra Buddies base. The laser was a direct hit at Ghosty's face but he turn intangible just as it was shot. The rest of the team turned around and ran to Ghosty. The creature floated up from its hiding space and prepared another blast but Vadius quickly knocked it out with his overwhelming strength. The creature fell down and the glowing green eye and lines turned dark although they were still dimly glowing.

It had been 2 hours since the creature was found and captured. Captain Thunder managed to restore the generator as all the power had been drained. It didn't take a genius to realise that this creature had something to do with it. The eye and the lines on the creature began to glow, signifying that it was awakening. The creature looked around as the Ultra Buddies looked at it cautiously. They were whispering to each other as they were wondering what to do with the creature. The creature heard the whispers and immediately understood what they were saying. It began to speak.

"Let me go"

The team froze and turned towards the creature.

"W-what are you." Captain Thunder Cautiously said.

"I am a Hypergoomer. I have come from far away."

"Why are you here."

"I was sent here after I was framed for a crime."

"What do you intend to do here."

"Nothing. I have nowhere to go and I'm just trying to survive"

"Do you have a name?"

"My name is Blorp."

As Captain Thunder was about to ask one more question he felt a heavy presence. Blorp reacted ad turned his head upwards, his Green eye and lines glowing brightly.

The team and Blorp ran outside and looked above. Something orange was crashing down towards the Ultra Buddies' base. A voice shouted from the 'object'

"Ultra Buddies of Thunder City. you are one of this planet's heroes and defenders! I have been ordered to take you out!"

Blorp stared above as this orange figure was coming down.

"I-it's him." he whispered with a hint of rage in his voice

"It's who? Who is that?" asked Vadius

"The one who framed me and is now the military general"

"What's his name?"

"King of War: Mars"

Chapter 8 end