Mars: The king of war

Something orange was crashing down towards the Ultra Buddies' base. A voice shouted from the 'object'

"Ultra Buddies of Thunder City. you are one of this planet's heroes and defenders! I have been ordered to take you out!"

Blorp stared above as this orange figure was coming down.

"I-it's him."

"It's who? Who is that?" asked Vadius

"The one who framed me and is now the military general"

"What's his name?"

"Mars: The king of war"

Chapter 9: Mars: The King of War

The orange object comes closer and closer until it rams straight into the ground. The dust clears and a very tall orange man in a royal robe and crown stands in front of the Ultra Buddies.

"Well, well, well, nice seeing you here Blorp" the orange man taunted.

"Who are you?" Captain Thunder asked.

"I am the one who will push the Hypergoomers further in evolution, Mars: the military general"

"Wait what? Hypergoomers? That's what blorp is." ghosty whispered

"Indeed, purple one, after some scanning we detected multiple strong individuals, and I was sent to take them out. We cannot have any risks of the Hypergoomers being stopped." Mars answered

"What… what do the Hypergoomers want?" asked Captain Thunder

"To become stronger and grow in numbers."

Clearly, this person wasn't going to tell the Ultra Buddies what they wanted, so this conversation was meaningless.

The orange man pulled out a purple rod with a switch on it.

"As I said, I was ordered to take you out. So, prepare to face the power of Mars!"

Mars clicked the switch on the rod and a purple stick shot of it, reaching around 1 meter in height. At the top of the stick was a rock. The rock was grey with a green hexagon on the front.

"Be prepared all of you for I, Mars: the king of war will make you fight for your life"

Out of the stone appeared the blade of a scythe. The scythe was glowing green just like the symbol on the stone. Mars charged at the Ultra Buddies with incredible speed.

"Once I take out you four and I'll kill you too Blorp!"

Mars aimed for Ghosty but Vadius jumped in the way, laying all his hopes into his mighty scales. He was hit in the shoulder. Glowing green lines appeared on his left arm and Vadius fell to his knees.

"W-what the-"

He was knocked to the side. Captain Thunder, Riley and Ghosty charged at Mars, Riley blasting a shot of pink energy at mars. Mars cut the blast in half and struck Ghosty as he tried to hit him. Ghosty fell down and Mars blocked Captain Thunder's attack. Vadius got up only to find his left arm covered in green lines. His left arm wouldn't move, and he felt weak. Mars swung at Ghosty once more, but Ghosty turned intangible at the last second. He was kicked in the back by Captain Thunder and was sent towards Vadius who kicked him right up in the air but as the kick was about to land a giant green force field formed around Mars and prevented him from being shot up. He was kicked back but was still on the ground as he prepared his scythe. Vadius and Ghosty rushed towards Mars, but he swiftly took them out by swinging the scythe at their necks.

Knocking them out cold. Captain Thunder charges at Mars with a bolt of electricity in his hands prepared to dodge. Mars posed himself in a fighting stance as Riley ran inside the Ultra Buddies' base. Captain Thunder, for the time being, was now left to fight this monster. Captain Thunder's electrified fist clashes with a green force field, Mars grinning behind the wall. Mars takes down the shield and strikes Captain Thunder in the stomach, dropping him to his knees, Mars clicks a switch and the green blade on the scythe turns red, Mars pulls back and prepares to swing until he is knocked back by a green blast of energy. The direction of the blast came from Blorp. A green tentacle stretches out of Blorp's back as at the tip of it looks like a gun. The exact same one that Riley was building earlier. The tentacle then stretched into a regular tentacle as the shape of the gun disappears.

Riley appears out of the door with strange boots on her feet. She jumps in the air and starts floating down. She starts shooting a barrage of pink blasts at mars while Blorp pulls Captain Thunder back with his tentacles. Ghosty and Vadius were still knocked out as Mar was blocking the blasts of energy from Riley.

It felt like the battle was at a still point. Mars had Vadius and Ghosty in his shield as he was defending himself from Riley's blasts. Green lines formed all over Captain Thunder from his stomach down, but he could still move although it was tough.

"Ok, that's enough." Mars shouted

Mars swung his scythe through the air as the force field exploded, blowing Riley away. Mars charges toward Blorp with a sickening grin on his face but Captain Thunder catches the red blade with his hands covered in electricity. Captain Thunder strikes Mars with his other hand and knocks him back. Riley follows up by blasting Mars with her pink blasts, knocking away the scythe.

"Guess i'll have to do this bare handed" puffed Mars.

He jumps high in the air to reach Riley who is still floating with the anti-gravity boots she had picked up. He punches her in the stomach and sends her flying down towards the ground, kicking up dirt as she lands. Vadius and Ghosty began to awake as Mars turns his attention to them. He dashes towards them and kicks Ghosty far. Vadius reacts quickly and uppercuts Mars in the jaw. In the second Mars was distracted he was blasted in the back by Riley and shocked by Captain Thunder at the same time. Mars flinched and turned to get his scythe. Ghosty popped out of the ground in the shape of a ball and headbutted Mars in the back, tripping him over. His hand was just barley out of reach from the scythe and he managed to grab onto it. Mars formed another green bubble around him as the team tried breaking through.

"I didn't expect the purple and the greens ones to still be alive. Usually when one is struck in the neck they die from shock. I guess that's why these people are called the Enlighteneds." Mars said under his breath.

"For the king of war your getting beat up quite a bit" said Ghosty in a mocking tone.

"Shut up you! I will fulfill my duty and take you down." snapped Mars

He took down the shield and charged at Ghosty only to be kicked to the side by Captain Thunder.

"Captain! Its time to use that move you've been practicing!" shouted Riley who was kneeling on the ground.

"Now? I still haven't perfected it yet-"

"JUST DO IT. i'll back you up with my psykinetic meltdown"

"Alright fine"

Mars heard all of this was prepared for something big. He touched the stone that was apart of the scythe and made a bubble with three layers surrounding him. The green hexagon on the stone began to glow brightly.

Captain Thunder stood tall and put himself in the shape of a cross. He breathed in and waited. The sky grew dark as thunder clouds appeared out of thin air. The sky rumbled and cracked and as Captain Thunder began charging up. The lightning from the sky struck him and he then redirected it right at Mars.

"THUNDER CROSS" he shouted

RIley began charging up her psykinetic energy and blasted a beam of pink energy right at Mars, although not on the same scale as when she fought the rock-gorilla-snake thing.


The two powerful attacks clashed at the triple layered barrier. One broke, two more left. Ghosty and Vadius shared a look and Vadius started pummeling at the second barrier. Ghosty went intangible and went underground. When his entire body is tangible, everything goes through him, including air and light and all feeling. He had to perfectly calculate the strike and angle in order to hit Mars in the barriers. As he fell deeper and deeper he made himself physical once more and forced out of the ground at an incredible speed in the angle and direction he was facing. CRASH! Ghosty slammed into the scythe and the barriers fell. Riley's Psykinetic Meltdown and Captain Thunder's Thunder Cross hit Mars and caused a massive explosion that made the area rumble violently. Mars fell to the ground and a beeping sound came from him. There a was a strange device on his chest the size of a beetle that beeped red, Mars then turned into green energy and disappeared into the sky.

"What the hell was that!" Vadius shouted

"Did he die?" asked Ghosty

"No, that beeping was signifying Mars' failure." replied Blorp

"Where did he go?"

"Im not sure. Usually, he would disappear to the MOTHER SHIP but it's to far away for him to do that."

The sky was still dark and cloudy as a result of Captain Thunder's Thunder Cross. Blorp picked up the scythe and pressed a button. The blade on the scythe disappeared so now it was a purple stick with an odd rock on it. Blorp took off the stone and handed it to the Ultra Buddies.

"This is one of the three mega stones. The stone of defense. I think you guys should keep it for now."

"Mega stone? Like from pokemon?" replied Ghosty

"I'm not sure what that is but I'll just say no. the defense mega stone provides great defense. It allows you to block any attacks coming your way. It also allows one to block the nerve receptors in someones body. Thats the attack the cause green lines to sprout on your body."

"Wow, this thing is pretty powerful then. What about the scythe?" answered Captain Thunder.

"I'll take it. I could repurpose it into something great." answered Riley

As the team was talking the clouds began to part as a strange ship came into view. It was green with black lines on it. The ship began to say a message


When the Ultra Buddies heard this they turned to look at blorp, who was just as confused as them. After all Blorp was also a Hypergoomer and now the rest of them have come to invade earth.

How will the Ultra Buddies stop this? Will they collect all three Mega Stones? They just had the fight of their life and now it was time for something even bigger.

Chapter 9: Mars: the king of war, end