Happy Death

<22 years ago>

"So this is the end huh?"

That's all I could say as I stared at the moonlight which seemed to be in delight as it illuminated the night sky in utter bliss contrary to how I feel right now.

Indeed I am anything but happy right now, after all I had been shot by the group of people I thought I could call comrades.



Those guys do not deserve such words. I guess that's what I get for joining the bandits guild. At the time I thought it would be fun. I mean why wouldn't it be? I get to go on missions where I would intercept a group of merchants from the merchant guild.

Other missions include going into the central city market square and stealing any consumables worth stealing.

There was even a time when I was asked to sneak into a noble's abode just for the sake of stealing an artifact worth thousands of gold coins.

From the outside view, one would think I was living the dream, after all, I was admitted into the guild I had applied for a long time now. The truth was I had initially opted to apply for the adventurer guild but the incessant desire of millions of newbie applicants made it difficult for someone like me who was born from a poor background to gain admission.


Just as how the adventurer guilds was difficult to gain admission into, so was the assassin, merchant and fashion guilds. With the ceaseless war against the demons from the other side, the adventurer guilds would always be the most coveted guilds in all of Crystal City.

I did applied for the merchant guild and fashion guild but with my amateurish knowledge towards business and fashion, I was immediately rejected straight from the onset.

I heaved a huge sigh of anguish as I recall my last mission with my supposed 'comrades'. It was supposed to be a simple sneak, steal and scram routine just like every other E rank missions. Most E rank missions had little to no security from the adventurer guilds, so when it was discovered that the goods being transferred were worth billions of gold coins, the party I had joined turned against me in a blink of an eye.

They needed someone to take the blame, luckily that wasn't me, instead it was the assassin guild but till now I still do not understand why I was shot.

Well, I guess I should have expected it.

I was nothing but a liability to them.

I had heard the rumors of guild members dying when they joined this party but I ignored such rumors, why? Well that's because I was in desperate need of money. My rent was overdue and my landlord kept nagging me to pay for the rent.

It is your house and I am borrowing it for a while, so yes I know I have to pay


Can't he be more annoying?

Well if he did become more annoying I guess I would have to kill myself.


The irony. How can one feel so sad while laughing? I guess it is because I am about to die.


I don't want to die.

It was all those idiots fault, I guess I'm the bigger idiot for joining their party. The other members gathered all the goods, killed the merchants and faced their guns at me.

"It's nothing personal brother,"

"Haha... nothing..you get it...it means you get nothing...haha," A gang member chortled.

"Come on Jack that was cruel, I was beginning to like the kid, sorry sport no hard feelings,"

"Let's just kill the twerp and get outta here,"

*Pow!* *Pow* *Pow* *Pow*

What was cruelty?!

This was cruelty. How could four armed men kill just one unarmed man.

Yeah you heard right.

I'm a man, I'm 19 and I live on my own, so yeah technically I'm a man since I provide for myself.

The truth is none of that matters right now, no one wants to hear the legend of an half assed man, living in a cramped apartment analogous to a wasteland and feeding on scraps all day long. If I was a hunk, I'm pretty sure I would be respected in the society.

*Sighs* I guess beggars can't be choosers.

"Ouch!!.. Ouch!!" I yelled in agony as I tried to sit up straight on the park bench. Right now I've got four bullet holes on my body apparently caused by my comrades.

Okay that's it, I've gotta stop calling them comrades, after all, they stole my month savings. Yep they were definitely anything but comrades.


The pain is becoming unbearable, I think I will have to kill myself, just for me to end the misery. I took the pistol I had in me.

Why am I having a pistol?!

I'm a bandit, so duh! I've gotta have a gun.

But using it against those thugs would have been unnecessary, after all, there were four of them and one of me. It would have been a waste of time.

"Goodbye cruel world,"

I place the gun into my mouth as I said those words,

'Wait a minute, shouldn't I have a few last words before saying goodbye,

'if I were to have one, I guess it would be "I'm sorry Mom and Dad, this incompetent son of yours was unable to fulfill both of our dreams of living a peaceful and happy life," . I think that should do it right?!'

'Although I do regret not having enough girlfriends,'

'That's even if I had one to begin with, haha. It sucks being lonely, I guess if I were to have a wish, my wish would be to live a happy and satisfied life,'

With that out of the way, I began to countdown as I placed the gun into my mouth one more time.

10, 9, 8,...4, 3, 2,....



I currently find myself sitting on a park bench in the dead of the night with the winter snow pilling up around the vicinity. This place reminds me a lot about what had happened twenty two years ago, the cold wind, the radiant moon, the surrounding community. Well to be honest, at first, I thought I was in a parallel universe when I first arrived to this city. The Green Emerald City.

Well if you're wondering, then Yes I died and got reincarnated into this world. Born and raised in a noble's mansion, I instantaneously got bored of the high life.


I know right, why would a washed up loser like me abdicate the luxury of living a well established life of a noble.

Well, that's because I always knew something was missing. The noble life filled with maids and butlers just wasn't for me.

Twenty two years back when I first arrived, the world was in a state of what could be described as an endless war period. And with this fact, I chose to live a life of an adventurer. At first my new dad and super hot mom didn't take the news of my desire to be an adventurer too well.

But eventually, both opened up to me, Well partially.

I was afforded the best gadgets, weapons, armory and the best trainers but still all this didn't compare to raw wild life training. And so, after several years of intense rigorous training and arduous personal quests, I finally became an adventurer.

And from there, I joined the adventurer guild. I was a member of the hero's party that vanquished the demon Lord and if you're wondering who the devilishly handsome hero was then I guess you're in luck cause it was none other than yours truly.

Several statues of me are placed in almost every city known in this world with my name written in gold. Well actually it's my alias that was written.


Oh! By the way, my name is Dante Lustwood.

I was in cloud nine when I discovered we actually won the battle, upon my arrival back home, it was my mom with runny nose and tears streaming down her face that rushed onto me first before I was eventually sandwiched by everyone including my dad and siblings.

If anyone had asked me if I had regretted killing myself in my old world, my answer would remain the same.

'I would do it over and over again,'


I stood up from the bench as I glanced at my statue in the center of the park.

'Damn! I look good,'

Other members of my party decided to work in the guild, some decided to work in the academy while others such as myself decided to retire and live the life I've always wanted.

'I guess I gotta go back home now, this cold doesn't seem to care if I was a hero or not,'

With the demon Lord vanquished, all demons, Demi humans and humans lived in harmony and with that I knew I had to find a new source of adventure.

But no more killing and fighting monsters for me. Though I'm twenty two year old now, this just mean I've got to act as the adult that I am.

After all, I'm only human and so I'm bound to make mistakes.

It's amazing how humans over here live for over thousands of years and still maintain their youthful appearance just like vampires in movies.

'Oh! I'm back home,'

With the aim of finding a new adventure, I decided to adopt a child but instead I got....

"Welcome home young master!!"

'Ooh!!.. Yes!! This is nice!!.'. I'm currently being hugged tightly by a beautiful dark elf who happened to be the maid of my mansion.

"Is Daddy back?!...Daddy!!"



"I'm home everyone,"

Rather than having a child, Instead I've got a goddess like maid and three cute little girls. This is merely the beginning of my happy life after death.

A/N: To Avoid Unnecessary Confusion of the novel. Dante was actually reincarnated from a fantasy world filled with advanced technology and economy to a new fantasy world with less economical advancement . Though there was the cliche structure of having a demon Lord with several other kinds of guilds in his previous world which served as a means of job opportunities for millions of its denizens. Thank you, sit back and just enjoy the ride.