How it began

A/N:- Right now MC is 17. This means that we are going back five years from when he first met all three girls.

Immediately I announced my retirement, I was asked to join the academy but I kindly declined their offer.

I am what you would describe as 183cm with a silver colored hair and teal blue eyes, so compared to how I was previously, I am definitely not a handsome man right now.

Okay, that's a lie, I'm totally beautiful. The truth is I still get goosebumps whenever I look at myself in the mirror.

I'm so glad to be alive right now.

Based on my looks, I preferred to wear a custom made armor, which not only aided in my defense but also in my agility and attack as I tried to avoid attentions from the opposite gender while I was still an adventurer.

With the experience I've had from the bandit guild, I knew it would be wise to stay away from women.

I had seen and heard about so many adventurers who started out great but when introduced to women, gambling and alcohol, their lives turned upside down. Currently I'm in a tavern enjoying myself.

Wait!!.. Wait!!

It's not what you think., I'm definitely not drinking right now.

I simply came to say goodbye to this place as I embark on my life long dream today.

Although I did drink here last week and the week before that.

Okay then it is exactly what you thought. *Sighs*.

Just yesterday I was gambling with a random stranger and I won't deny it, it felt really good.

But when the gambling started to divert into having nude women pleasing the ones that won a certain bet, I decided to distance myself from the rest lest I step into a path of no return.

And so before it becomes an habit, I've decided to at least give my dream a try.

Oh! And it seems I won a reward of some kind, I can't seem to remember clearly, my mind seems a little foggy about the whole event that occurred last night.

All I remembered was that I won a bet last night.

Someone was to pay me a specific amount of money but due to the insufficient cash in his disposal, he decided to pay me something else as a surprise present next week.

Though I wasn't in need of money and due to the fact that I've always been coated in my body armor, no one but my party members knew exactly how I looked.

But still I gave the man my address so as not to abuse his kind gesture.

No one here in the tavern really knows that i was actually the one who stopped the war.

Of course they won't know I'm the one because the world actually knows me as COUNT DRACULA.

All the statues around located in different cities are actually me in my body armor.

When I joined the adventurer guilds, apart from hiding my looks, I also aimed in being remembered as a legend and that's what I am right now.


The idea of the nickname originated from the fact that I was amazed by the notion of how humans in this world lived for over thousands of years.

It was meant to serve as a funny way of referring to the humans here as humpires.

Get it?

That's the combination of both humans and vampires.

"Haha... It sounds funny. "


'Did I just laughed out loud?!.... Awkward.'

Yep, they are all looking at me like some sort of lunatic. Well with that, I guess its time I take my leave.

My aim right now is to go and achieve my long awaited dream, which is to adopt a son who I can have fun with by playing various games only a father and his son could play.

And like that, I sauntered towards the door of the tavern with the aim of strolling towards the only orphanage in Green Emerald City.

Though I may be seventeen years old now after the reincarnation, a part of me still feels like I've got my nineteen year old personality.

Sometimes I feel like this is all a dream and I would one day wake up and find out that I had really died and I've not been reincarnated.

I sincerely hope it doesn't become reality.

Staying here in Green Emerald City was a way for me to start a fresh.

With the aim of starting a new life for myself, I had to move away from the Crimson Blood City where my parents were situated.

I thought it would be better to stay away from my dad lest I become a victim of his boastful demeanor.

I entered into the orphanage where I was directed into the orphanage keeper's office.


That was the first impression I had of the lady I met in the office, she felt as though she hadn't slept in weeks.

She seemed as though her soul energy had been forcibly sucked out against her will. I introduced myself before she declared.

"Good morning Mr LUSTWOOD, "

"Oh please! I'm not married yet ma'am, "

"Oh my! Then I hope you do real soon." She chortled as I returned an appreciative smile.

"Well then, tell me a bit about yourself? "

With her inquiry, I decided to explain my life's work and any other appealing information about myself.

I didn't reveal anything about conquering the demon Lord, after all, my main purpose of moving in to this city is to live a boring lifestyle and not one where I would have to be greeted every morning by fans lining up on my front gate. With every thing else said, I was accompanied towards the nursing room.

' I honestly can't wait. I'm so excited,'

Having a son I would play sport with or go on dangerous mountain climbing with seems so thrilling to the extent my heart is beating faster than I could breathe. I need to take a breather for a second.


That felt great.

I hope he should be around the age of seven or eight years of age, it would surely make it a lot easier for me to have fun with him.

"Here we are Mister LUSTWOOD,"

'What?!.... Babies!!'

'This can't simply be happening, how am I going to have fun with babies. This is simply unacceptable!!' I tried to calm myself a little as I recall that this is the only orphanage present across the many cities I've visited before.

Most times when a child seems to not have a parent, they get accepted by this very orphanage.

Aside from the fact that there were babies in the room, two nursing mothers appeared to be sleeping on the floor with their backs against the wall.

It seems they were pretty exhausted for them not to have been startled by our presence in the room.

The orphanage keeper also doesn't seem to be interested in waking them up. ' Should I be concerned?'

"Are there any other children I could take a look at,"

"No sir, these beautiful girls are all we have left, I suggest you take all of them for they seemed to be inseparable,"

Though the orphanage keeper explained that all three babies arrived from different locations and several weeks apart, I still find it odd for them to seem inseparable.

Apparently one of the babies lost her mother from delivery and with no father or family relative to claim themselves as the next of kin, the child was brought to the orphanage.

It appears the hospital had other things to attend to than to take care of a lonely child.


While another seemed to be the only survivor of an accident that occurred in a city far away from here.

And the third seemed to have been brought here to this very orphanage one morning without any prior notice.

The orphanage keeper heard a knock on her door on the stroke of midnight only to find an helpless child placed in a basket.

No one really knows who or where the baby really came from.

So basically only one child seems to originate from this city.

With all this fact, I still can't help but think I am being pushed into claiming these three girls as mine.

Moreover they appeared to be demons or at least that's what the orphanage keeper said.

To be honest, I've got nothing against raising demons as my children.

In fact they all appeared as humans to me.

'Are they really demons?,'

I doubt that actually matters to me, the only concerning issue I have right now is that, I wanted a male child.

No, I still want a male child. I guess it can't be helped then. I've got no choice but to leave.

Maybe I'll come back after a few months, I hope by then they will have at least one male child.

Oh! I know, I can simply ask them to inform me of any developments they have towards acquiring a male child.

"I'm sorry ma'am but I think I would have to decline your...."

"Oh my!... She has awakened. I can't believe it Mister Lustwood, it seems you've been imprinted by her,"


"Come Mary!, Jane!! wake up!!... You two have gotta see this,"

'What the hell is going on?!' That was all I could think about as I stared into the baby demon girl whose sole attention was aimed towards me as she stared straight into my eyes without even feeling concerned about the three women who were talking to her.