What is going on?



The sudden sound and cry of the baby startled me awake as I hurried towards the switch to turn on the lights.


" Delilah?"

"Wuee!!... mmm!!"

Though I was shocked by what I saw which was a young girl seemingly in her teens, still I impulsively called Delilah's name with no certainty to if I was right or not.

But immediately I called her name, my suspicion was instantly gratified. I called her name based on the fact that the eye color of the teen before me was hazel which was analogous to the Delilah I know.

This was what happened exactly, the sudden sound that startled me awake was the sound made by the crib which collapsed due to the overgrown Delilah before me.

I guess even she didn't expect what happened to her and not knowing what else to do, she cried.


It seems she's trying to call me after she heard my voice, I rushed over to her after seeing how she desperately tried to lift herself up.

She couldn't stand and neither could she lift any part of her body up, I think every part of her body appears heavy for her to move with but though my hypothesis was purely based on her voice which sounded a lot similar to that of a baby and with that I came to a conclusion that Delilah was still a baby in a teenage body.


As I grabbed hold of Delilah, I noticed her body was shivering. Well duh, of course she would be. With her body now bigger than her usual size, it meant her clothes couldn't be used on her anymore which enabled her to shiver in the cold night due to her bareness.

I quickly covered her with my night robe lest she catches a cold. Her hands were beginning to freeze and not knowing what else to do, I sat on the edge of the bed as I placed her on my laps and she instantly rested on my chest.


After a few minutes, Delilah's stomach began to growl which indicated her hunger.

"Da.... Da.... Da.. "

"Daddy knows Delilah. I know you're hungry. So wait here, Daddy will be right back. " I said as I tried to head for the door.

"Wueee!!" Delilah began to cry in her usual baby like tone.

"It's okay!!.....it's okay!!...I'm here, I'm here... Daddy's here and I won't leave you alone," I said as I patted her head while trying to ease her worries.

Since I can't go downstairs to get her formula, I decided to lift her up in a princess carry while strolling towards Deena's room.

At least if I inform Deena of what just happened, maybe she should be able to understand why Delilah appears the way she currently is, but the most important thing is to request her assistance in fetching Delilah her formula.


'Huh?!.... Is she crying? ' Right now, I'm standing in front of Deena's room and I could clearly hear her weeping from inside her room. I do not understand, why would she be crying right now? Did I do something wrong? Was she brought here against her will? Well I guess that could be the case and it could also be that she had to leave someone she cared about.

A lover maybe? Although I really like Deena, I just don't think it's right to live with a person who doesn't want to be here.

There was a popular fairy tale phrase I heard while I was still living in my previous world. I can't seem to remember clearly but I think it was about being willing to let the person you care about go with the aim of allowing them to go and find whatever makes them happy. I guess if I truly care about her, I would have to put her needs first by letting her....

" Grrr!!"

"Oops, sorry Delilah. Alright let's go get you something to eat. " I said as I teleported us both into the kitchen. I placed Delilah on the kitchen counter as I opened the fridge to fetch her formula.

' Oh no! You've gotta be kidding me, I can't believe I forgot.'

I totally forgot that Deena had warned me never to refrigerate a baby's formula in the fridge.

Every single formula I refrigerated had been disposed of due to the fact that bacteria would have accumulated into the formula.

' Oh man!!'

And there were a lot of formulas I refrigerated two days ago, hoping it would ease my burden whenever the babies were hungry. * Sighs* what am I going to do now?.

I blame the orphanage keeper for not informing me beforehand on ways I could feed the babies.

"Da.... Da.... Da... "

'Hmm?!.... Why is she calling.... Oh.. no!'

" Whew!!.... That was a close one, " That was really a close one, I shouldn't have left her there alone on the counter after all, I did say it appears her body had become too heavy for her to handle on her own.

When I placed Delilah on the counter, she tried to head towards my direction and as you've guessed, she fell but luckily for the both of us, I caught her just in the nick of time. ' Oh!! That's right,'

I remembered we bought a bunch of powdered formula yesterday which were stored in the pantry, I took the formula tin and read the instructions on the tin, the required amount of water and powder had been written down already, whew!!, That made it a whole lot easier for someone like me.

I sat down beside the water which I was asked to boil at a particular temperature. To be honest, I'm glad I had figured out a way to ease the babies cries during times like this.

Delilah currently sat on my lap as she rested her head on my chest while I stroked her head so lovingly. Her tummy had been growling for quite some time now but she remained still and waited patiently for me. It seems she knows I'm doing everything I can to please her.

I empathize to all mothers out there, especially those who had to take care of twins and triplets, for even I know it isn't easy to take care of a baby. I doubt most men could ever devote a few of their most treasured hours into taking care of a baby for a whole day.

I wondered if my dad ever did what I'm doing right now. Nah!! I take that back.

With all the maid's present in the house, I doubt he ever grabbed hold of my diapers not to mention feeding or even bathing me when I was a baby. * Sighs* The life of a retired adventurer isn't as simple as it sounds.

Sensing the water had been boiled to a particular temperature, I cooled it for a while before pouring the cooled, boiled water into a sterilized bottle.

Believe me when I say this, it wasn't easy doing all that, not with the baby constantly trying to fall whenever I place her on the armless chair or on the counter.

I measured the right number of scoops into the bottle before sealing it with a cap. 'This isn't going to work...I've gotta find a way to solve both problems I have,' Delilah keeps trying to fall, which only makes it difficult for me to focus right now.

" Delilah!.... Look at daddy...yes!!...that's right, just look into my eyes,"


I said as I placed her on the counter while making some silly faces to which she immediately giggled. And with that I decided to do a little parlor trick.

" Woah!!.... See how daddy makes Delilah's favorite meal....woah!!...."


I said as I swirled the bottle gently before vigorously shaking the bottle, this aided in thoroughly mixing the powder with the water as I use this method to make funny noises, much to the delight of Delilah and right after that I took the cap off and replaced it with a teat.

" Here... comes the choo.. choo... train... choo.... choo,"

"Hehe.... Hehe, "

To be honest, saying all this to a big girl rather than a little baby seemed a little weird but seeing her giggle only made me at ease more as I tested the temperature of the formula by pouring a few drops on my wrist.

With the formula feeling warm on my wrist, I drove the feeding bottle into her mouth like a train whilst placing her on my laps as she drank to her heart content.

' I'm sorry it took a little longer than expected, '


I guess she was drinking it too fast and a few drops entered into her nose as she sneezed a little, allowing a few drops of milk to pour on both our bodies.

"Da.... Da... Da.. "

"It's okay Delilah, Daddy isn't angry.... Can you say Daddy?... Da...ddy, "

"Da... Da.. ddy.... Daddy, "

"Yes!!... That's right, I'm your daddy and Daddy is here for you, "

I was really surprised to see Delilah finish her formula, most times, she and the other babies always drink half of the bottle hence why I always stored the half bottles in the refrigerator but it seems doing so had a risky effect based on the fact that whenever they drink from the bottle, the bacteria from their mouths gets into the milk and these bacteria might make them fall sick or it might cause other kinds of damages in their bodies..

I guess this was what caused their terrifyingly huge fecal matter the other day, their bodies tried to dispose of the unwanted materials within them.


With food already inside her tummy, it didn't take too long for her to fall asleep as she helplessly rested her entire weight on me. I guess its a way of showing just how much she completely relied on me.

I patted her head a few times before teleporting both of us to the bedroom as I decided to take a nap myself.

To avoid any unnecessary crying while I sleep, I decided to place her on my chest as she slept without a care in the world. I'm yet to understand what happened that made her appear as this.

Is she going to be like this from now on? To be honest I'm amazed at how I handled the whole thing, I guess since I was raising a demon child, I knew I had to always expect the unexpected.

Oh! And one more thing I doubt anyone could control themselves as how I did. I mean Delilah might seem like a teenager at first glance but certain developed body parts of hers said otherwise.

I guess after witnessing her terrifying ceaseless cries for days, the only thing that mattered to me was to make sure she didn't cry too much to alert the other two.


Being a dad isn't really as easy as it sounds, at least now I can finally get some shut-eye.


I woke up the next morning to find a motionless baby Delilah right beside me. She was completely devoid of life.


I could only scream in shock as I was confused by what I did wrong. Was the milk too hot? Did I mistakenly sleep on the little baby? Someone help me!!