Full moon


I woke up the next morning to find a motionless baby Delilah right beside me. She was completely devoid of life. I could only scream in shock as I was confused by what I did wrong.

Wait a minute, how did it get to this point?. Her chest isn't rising or dropping. She isn't breathing. What have I done? I knew I rolled on the bed a lot whenever I sleep but how could I have done this to a little baby?

" Young master!!.... What's wrong?,... Eii!!"

Deena dashed into my chambers but it didn't take too long for her to squeal as she was equally shocked as I was.


I tried to utter some words but nothing came out. Neither coherent nor incoherent words could be uttered out properly as my mind was in utter disarray.

Please Deena don't look at me right now. I'm a monster, I'm a baby killer. I'm the worst father in history. I'm the worst human being to ever graze the earth. I do not deserve to live.


Deena keeps trying to tell me something but I can't seem to focus my mind into listening to what she has to say.

I'm pretty sure she's cursing me too. After all, she did said she loved babies and right now I'm the worst person to be with.

Please go away from the baby killer before I kill you too. Did I rest my entire weight on my little Delilah? I'm such a fool!!, I can't believe I rested my rock hard body that had undergone series of rigorous training on a poor little baby. My baby!!.

* Sobs*


Tears streamed down my face as I tried to listen to what Deena had been saying for quite sometime now. She's been shaking me with her hands placed on my shoulders as she tried to bring my consciousness back from its trance.

" Young master!!... It's okay!!.... She's alive!!..... Delilah is okay,"

"Uh?!... You mean, she's....."

"Yes!! Master.... she's alive!!". Deena replied with tears trickling down her face, it seems my unconditioned state may have triggered her to cry also.

"She's alive?!.... She's... Haa!!!!" I yelled with every fiber of my being as the tears doesn't seem to cease anytime soon.

So she's alive? That's good to hear. Ahh!!.... I can rest in peace now. But wait how is she alive? Her body still appears motionless but.... Cool down Dante, I need to relax for a while, this is simply too much for my heart to handle.

Several minutes passed by and while I thought the milk might have been too hot for Delilah to handle or that I might have unwittingly slept on Delilah, it turned out neither of those two were the cause of what truly happened.

* Sighs* Seriously I hope these babies doesn't kill someone one day and by someone, I mean me.

Well, after chatting with Deena for the past half an hour, it has come to my attention that what really occurred with Delilah was actually one of the few stages of growth demon babies were meant to undergo.

Just as how demon babies start from the imprinting stage where they make creepy glares to the ones they've imprinted as their parents.

* Sighs* I can only hope Leah and Mia don't give me goosebumps whenever their imprinting stage commences in the near future.

Hey! I can't believe I actually want both babies to open their eyes before the blue moon. Well, I have grown accustomed to them after all.

So first comes the imprinting stage but just before the imprinting stage comes to a conclusion, demon babies undergoes a stage during a full moon.

The full moon helps in transforming a demon baby into its teenage and sometimes adult form. It seems the full moon actually had two purposes with one being good and the other being bad.

The good thing about the full moon was that, it aided in the babies mental growth, meaning that the babies had a hundred percent chance of knowing every single person name in this city during the course of the full moon, no matter the race he or she may belong to, as long as the babies were taught the names of everybody in the city, they would be able to understand it.

I'm pretty sure they would be able to understand rocket science if given the chance to learn it. But with great powers comes great limitations.

Indeed, they could understand things a whole lot faster now but still, there was a limit their little bodies could handle.

This was why demon parents always breaks down the list of things they wanted their babies to learn before the blue moon appears.

It turned out that babies with several months of experience with the full moon were always a lot smarter and more matured mentally when compared with babies who barely had a month or two of experiences with the full moon.

Apart from babies improving their mental growth, the full moon also aided parents in knowing just what kind of demon their babies were going to be once they grew older.

This is where the cons of the full moon comes into play, which actually occurred during the war period.

With the knowledge of a demon baby mental growth improving at the speed of light long before they had reached the age of one, the demon Lord had made it mandatory for every parents to teach their newborns the path towards evil.

This made it easier for the babies to grasp a lot of knowledge about being heartless and merciless to their friends and especially their foes. Eventually, most demon babies end up growing to become cold blooded killers.

So basically we have the imprinting stage followed by the mental growth stage which occurs during the full moon and finally we have the spiritual growth stage which occurs during the blue moon that appears once a year.

But aside from these three stages, there's also the dormant stage which occurs right after every mental growth stage.

This would explain Delilah's current situation, the dormant stage isn't actually something one should be alarmed about unlike a certain retired adventurer whose heart almost literally popped out of his chest.

During this stage, the babies simply undergoes a resting period of 24 hours so that whatever they had learned during the night of the full moon would have enough time to settle and store itself permanently within their brains.

This stage is the only stage a demon is truly at its weakest.

Oh!! That reminds me, Deena also said something about the blood moon that occurs once every decade. To be honest, I'm more accustomed to the blood moon after killing millions of demons during this stage.

Well with this, all the stages involved in a demon growth have completely being taught to me. After pondering for a while now, I couldn't help but wonder about the fact that the moon had something to do with the growth of a demon.

If this information had been known during the war, why waste countless lives fighting a war that took centuries to resolve when we could have easily aimed for the moon and BOOM!!. No more war and everyone becomes happy.


Yeah, I doubt that could ever happen.


Right now, Deena went out to get some groceries for dinner tonight. And as for me, I had all the time to myself which I used to express how I feel towards my cute little Leah and Mia.

With what transpired this morning, I've been made to understand one valuable thing today and that is the fact that I'm yet to fully understand how to expect the unexpected when it comes to raising a demon baby.

I can't help but get excited about what the future has in store for me.

But aside from all the heart raising situations of being a parent, I can boldly claim that being a parent truly has being a journey that I'm so glad to have embarked on.