
"Hehe.... How interesting,"

I couldn't help but chuckle a bit as I read the headlines. It turned out that a new academy was about to be built in the demon realm.

Realms were more like continents scattered around the world which consisted of kingdoms/Empires and several smaller cities.

There were seven realms consisting of the humans, elves, dragons, dwarves, giants, demons and Angel realms.

The demon realm was ruled directly by the demon Lord who was originally a candidate from one of the seven royal families of the demon kingdom.

Due to the demise of the previous demon Lord Lucifer and his entire bloodline, the remaining five royal families formed an alliance to eradicate the last family of royals due to their incessant taste for war and bloodshed.

The current demon Lord is a female of the Beezlebub royal family. I'm pretty sure that...huh?.....Eh?!!

"I knew it!!.... I knew I had seen it somewhere before, "

Skimming through the newspaper, I noticed the picture of a sign in the newspaper which belonged to the Beezlebub royal family.

I brought out the picture of the babies from my back pocket and noticed that the insignia of the Beezlebub royal family was similar to the one that glowed on Mia's neck last night.

'Does it mean Mia belongs to the Beezlebub royal family? '

The possibility of such a thing happening is really high. The same goes for the other two girls. But rather than feeling jaunty by the fact that all three girls belonged to a royal family, I couldn't help but wonder why three royal babies became orphans during the same period of time.

Maybe I'm just over thinking it but the fact remains that there's more to these girls than meet the eye. I will also have to find out which royal family Delilah and Leah belonged to.

"Oh!!... What is this?"

It seems the new academy should be completed in about two decades from now or maybe even before a decade.

It seems a lot of things will surely be different from the usual academy every race are used to attending here in the human realm.

The human realm is made up of five cities. The Soda Ash City, The Green Emerald City, The Crimson Blood City, The Yellow Spring City and The Blue Aqua City were all under the direct control of the Rosswell Empire where the Emperor himself was located.

Each city was ruled by a noble ranging from the Baron, Viscount, Earl, Marquess and finally the Duke. They all answer to the Emperor.

I continued to skim through the newspaper as I noticed the fact that few members of the board of directors of the academy found here in the human realm had already been chosen with several other high officials of other races to form a new board of directors for the new academy.

The new academy would be called The Optical Primordial Academy. I think the new academy sounds a lot cooler than the academy in the human realm which is called The Hallowed Stone Academy.

"Eh?!..... What?!.... You have got to be kidding me?!"

It's nice to be vivacious about things in your life but I've gotta stop creating a scene of myself.

Looking deeper into the newspaper, I noticed that plans had already began to be implemented on various administrative and departmental candidates for the new academy and to my greatest surprise, I was among the few candidates nominated to be the new academy headmaster.

Well to put it bluntly, it wasn't my name that was included in the list but my alias. I guess it does makes sense judging by the fact that the world only knows me as Count Dracula.

I'm not sure these guys understand the meaning of retirement. These so called board of directors had initially inquired about my desire to become a lecturer in the Hallowed Stone Academy.

Of course I immediately declined their offer but these guys still have the guts to put my name among the list of candidates they would like to bestow the position of headmaster once the new academy becomes fully operational.

I guess I shouldn't worry too much about it. No one really knows exactly where I live and I will just decline their offer once more if they were to request my service. *Sighs* Seriously, nothing beats tranquility and utter relaxation.

I'm too in love with Deena... *Ahem*.. I mean I am too in love with my new boring life for me to just give it up at the request of being named the first headmaster of the Optical Primordial Academy.

"Oh well, since I've got nothing else to do. I guess it's time to head home."

With nothing else to do, I teleported straight back home. Right now I'm outside the mansion. Though it is called a mansion, it could be described as a mini mansion with the appearance of a two storey building.

The garden outside was maintained by magic. Unlike my father's mansion, I do not need servants to keep my house clean when I have magic to do the work for me.

Having such a luxurious environment to live in was certainly a dream I had in my past life. I'm glad I get to live in my dream house. The mansion does have a lot of intricate and well furnished rooms which consisted of two master bedrooms and two small bedrooms.

Although they were called small, still it was really spacious enough to contain more than two hundred people at once. On the other hand, the master bedrooms were twice the size of the small bedrooms with a rather large majestic bed placed in the center of the room.

Aside from this, there was also a large kitchen which wasn't too far from the rather modest sized dinning room. The library, storage room, reception room , bathroom and laundry area were just a few of the exquisite rooms present in my luxurious mansion.

Still this wasn't in any way possible up to the same standards as the mansion I grew up in, which was located in the Crimson Blood City.

I stepped inside and right now I found myself aiming towards the kitchen. It seems the girls were still asleep and so I thought I'd head towards my favorite maid. Wait a minute, she is my only maid.

Noticing her from afar as she washes the dishes, I teleported instantly to the rear of her as I covered her means of sight with my two hands.


Wow!! What a beautiful moan..... *Ahem* I mean gasp. Damn it!! This gal knows how to raise my sausage with only the sweet sound of her voice. I so want to munch on her sweet sensitive pointed ears right now and hear her melodious angelic moan one more time.

Woah!! Her skin feels so soft. On second thought maybe I should just kiss her neck from behind. Yeah!! What's the worst that could happen. I'll just confess my feelings to her and shower her with an endless abundance of affections that will surely aid in making her forget about her boyfriend.

"Y... Young master?"

Oh sh*t! I didn't realize I've been subconsciously feeling more of her tender and soft skin. Elves skin are the best!!.

I love it!!

"*Ahem!* .... I wanted to surprise you. Please will you accept this present from me? "

99.9% part of me really wished it was a ring I was about to give her. Sadly it wasn't, instead it was a beautiful dress I saw in a store while coming home.

"I saw this and thought it would look better on you,"

Opening the bag, she saw the dress and her eyes immediately began to fill up with tears of gratitude. Although at first, it seemed like she was just about to give me a hug but I think based on the position we both find ourselves in, she decided to bow towards me.

"T... Thank you, young master. Your kindness will never be forgotten. " Deena said with her body still bent in a bowing stance as she tried desperately to conceal her teary eyes.

Really? It won't be forgotten? Then I will have to buy you more dresses in the future then. No I could take her out for shopping and she would be granted permission to buy whatever she wants. I'm sure her feelings will begin to open up to me.

"Uh?.... Young master?... Why... "

"Shh, it's alright, "

Wait a minute. Why am I doing this? I do not know either. I guess seeing how happy she was, I'd rather have her hug me right now than bowing to me.

Honestly, this is amazing. Having her beautiful huge bazookas sandwiched between us is the best feeling I've felt throughout my lonely bachelor life.

I instinctively hugged her tightly but yet gently to which she hugged me back. Maybe she understands that I'm not really ready to let her go so easily. No that's only half of it. The truth is I really do not want her out of my life.