An unexpected turn of event

"Dada!! I forgot my favorite doll buried in the sands yesterday."

"Huh? Really? We'll get it later today. I've got to get ready for where I'm going,"

"Huh? No!! Dada!! I want my doll!! I want my doll!! Please!! Please!! Please Dada!! Wueee!!! "

It seems Mia forgot her doll yesterday and she wants me to go get it. I could have asked Deena to do it but it seems she's in the bathroom right now.

Moreover I doubt Mia would want to get her doll with Deena by her side.*Sighs* I guess I've gotta go with her for now so I can get ready for today's event.

"Alright, let's go, "

"Oh no Dada, I want you to go..... ALONE,"

"Huh?! But I thought... "

"Pretty please Dada," There she goes again, using her puppy dog eyes to beg me into doing her bidding.

Though I'm not really in a rush, I just want to get ready before Alice comes knocking. I've got no choice but to oblige to her request because I'm sure she's prepared to beg me till sunset.

"Alright Mia. I'll be right back. Tell Delilah and Leah that I'll be right back shortly, "

"Okay Dada, "

With Dante gone, Leah poked her head out of the bedroom before inquiring from Mia.

"Is he gone?"

"Yep!! So tell me, is she close yet?" Mia Quipped.

"Yeah, but at the pace that she's coming, she won't be able to meet Papa before she arrives," Leah apprised.

"Splendid," Mia rejoiced.

"Ahem, what do you two think you're doing?" Delilah harrumphed with the aim of gaining their attention as she inquired.

"Nothing that concerns you, " Leah retorted.

"Unlike you, we are not going to allow Dada to be stolen away from us by a complete stranger. We'll be handling things for ourselves." Mia flicked her silver colored hair backwards as she walked right past Delilah.

"It seems you two never learn. Do you two think killing is the best way to solve anything,"

"Shut up Delilah, I won't listen to anything you have to say." Leah declared with her blood fuming with rage.

"Fine!! But I won't let you two disrupt my perfect plan,"

"Who cares about that. Your plan isn't feasible and besides I can't wait that long. I won't stand idly by and watch Papa slip away from my hands. That woman has to die!! And WE won't let you stop us. Get her Mia!!"

Mia who was currently behind Delilah rushed towards her before pressing her down against the cold ground.

She tossed the duct tape she had with her towards Leah and both girls mummified Delilah with the duct tape. Now a mummified Delilah laid on the floor as her eyes and nose were left untouched.

"I'm sorry sister. We know you are strong but only you can't stop us when it's two against one. You're not thinking straight sister and we will free you once you are back to your senses."

*Ding dong*

"She's here Mia. Are you ready?". Mia nodded in response to Leah's inquiry.

"Come in!! It's open." Leah shouted as she stood with her back against the door.

Hearing the words the voice inside the room uttered, Alice opened the door with the aim of coming in.

Sensing the door knob was been held, Leah signaled Mia while bending slightly with her hands interlaced together to pave a means of support for Mia who Immediately dashed towards Leah as one of her foot landed on Leah's interlaced hands.

Leah lifted Mia up in a deft pace to which Alice's face unwittingly welcomed Mia's fist that was purely coated in sheer force. All these were done within a millisecond.


The now unconscious Alice laid helpless on the ground. Both Leah and Mia surveyed their surroundings and with the presence of life non-existent in the corridor they found themselves in, both girls tugged the unconscious Alice into their room.


*Pah!* *Pah!*

"Hey!! Your awake!! I need to ask you something before I kill you, "

Leah used the flat side of the kitchen knife she held in hand to slap the cheeks of Alice whose eye slits slightly widens as she squinted due to the storm of light beams that assaulted her eyes as she awakens in the bright lit room.

"Oh! Good! You're awake. Tell me, how do you want to DIE? Electrocuted?, Hanged? Or maybe stabbed to death?" Leah inquired with her eyes clearly losing their colors.

"Mmm... Mmm!! "

Alice whose lips and body had been mummified by duct tapes couldn't have fathom such a turn of event. She had been placed on the floor with her upper body placed against the wall.

She struggled to release herself but the little girls before her had deftly tied her like an adroit professional which was beyond Alice's widest comprehension.

"Yay!! I vote for option C. I would be glad to see her scream in agonizing pain and sorrow. Oh!! Please Leah, let's do it NOW, " Mia lifted her two hands up with one hand holding a kitchen knife also as she desperately hopes Leah agrees to her request.

"hehe... Aren't we a little impatient Mia?" Leah chuckled.

"Of course I am. Dada will be back soon. Moreover she called herself his bride. With what Delilah said last night, I've been itching to end her myself." Mia declared with her head tilted a little as she aimed her bloodshot eyes towards Alice with her two hands cupping her cute little cheeks.

"Mmm!!!" Alice tried to squeal but with the duct tape present on her lips, only a muffled sound could be heard.

"Oh!! That's right. Hey!! Yesterday, you said something about a date right? You want to date Papa right? Hey!! Hey!! Hey!! Hey!! Hey!! Tell me, do you like Papa?" Leah inquired with the edge of the knife just a few inches from penetrating into Alice eyes.

Though Alice body had been wholly plastered with duct tapes which prevented the passage of air into her body still her head had been spared from the same torture, leaving her lips the only exception with a duct tape placed on it.

Seeing the edge of the knife inching closer into her emerald green eyes, Alice head began to accumulate beads of sweats with her heart beating faster than its specified amount of time.

"Hey!! You dead? I'm talking to you! You've got three seconds to answer me. Do you like Papa?"

"One!!" *Boom!* Leah hurled the knife towards the wall at Alice right side. It was a few meters away from her right ear.

"Two!" *Boom!* This time Leah tossed the knife towards her right hand before thrusting towards Alice left ear.

"Mmm!!!" Alice shrieked this time around but only muffled screams could be heard as she felt a tingling sensation from her left cheeks.

The knife sharpened edges had grazed a little part of her skin. Now!! She knew the little purple hair girl before her clearly aimed to take her life. But how was she going to reply to the girl's inquiry?



With the fact that the young girl before her wasn't going to permit her the chance to give a response, Alice had already decided to accept her fate.

But rather than feeling excruciating pain, she saw her assailant and her accomplice both unconscious on the ground.


Gazing upon the red haired lass before her, Alice could only shriek but the muffled sound produced remained the same as always. Alice knew both girls who laid unconscious on the ground now released auras analogous to strong adventurers she had come across in the past.

With the ceaseless murderous aura aimed towards her, there's no way she wouldn't have noticed it by now.

At first, she was like a mouse against two serpents but now the assailant before her could only be described as a dragon. What can a small mouse like her do against a dragon?

It turned out that Delilah had ignited herself with her elemental magic before appearing behind both Leah and Mia as just a single long fingernail of hers was made to contact the nape of both girls before both collapsed by the unexpected assault.

And right now Delilah stands in front of Alice with her pure white skin now glowing in a bloody red hue and a pair of curved horns protruded from the side of her head..

A pair of bat wings and and a tail extended out of her back and butt respectively. A vivid translucent red flame engulfed her body while her hazel colored eyes turned scarlet as it aimed towards her prey.

"Tsk....tsk. You two never listens. I didn't say I won't help you. I only wanted it done my way. Now what do we have here?" Delilah leaned towards the quivering Alice before yanking off the tape plastered across Alice lips.


The edge of Alice lips had a cut due to Delilah's long clawed nails as blood drizzled down in drops from the side of her mouth.

Clearly there was no escape for the retired adventurer's friend who simply came to go on a date with Dante.