The invitation

"Wait!! Please wait!! There must be some kind of mistake, "

Alice tried to talk reason into the five year old girl whose insane looking face only augment the fear already instilled within Alice.

"Mistake? Of course there is. It always starts out as a mistake. I've read a lot of Daddy's romance novels and most relationships started out as a mistake. So let me do the honors of rectifying the mistake. Now, all you have to do is....."


A sudden gust of wind blew in and the unexpected voice of a familiar person made Delilah's heart beat faster.

"Mia, I searched everywhere but I didn't..... Delilah? What are you.....?"

After searching far and wide for Mia's favorite doll, I knew something wasn't right after sweeping my awareness across the beach and still not finding her doll. Ultimately I had concluded it had been stolen hence why I teleported straight back home.

Upon my arrival, I saw both Leah and Mia laid unconscious on the floor with Delilah holding a knife at neck point towards Alice. Alice looked at me feeling relieved by my presence as though she had just experienced the most horrific scene that could have ever occurred in her life.

"D... Daddy?"

After scanning the mummified Alice, Delilah's voice drifted my attention towards her.



I clicked my fingers and the entire room became enveloped by a deep rumbling sound of thunder and in a blink of an eye,



Delilah suddenly found herself sitting on a chair at the corner of the room.

"Stay there and don't move," I said in a deep voice that startled even Delilah whose eyes didn't conceal the befuddlement she was currently feeling.

"B...but Daddy, s...she was...."

"Not another word from you,"


Delilah instinctively shrieked upon witnessing my rage filled eyes. I'm sure I look pretty disgusting right now. I can't believe I'm actually making such a face to her.

With Alice being held in my arms, I decided to place her on the couch.

*Several hours later*

"Dante, it's okay. I'm pretty sure they would feel really bad if they were to see the look on your face right now,"

After being briefed on what really occurred in the room, I was utterly ashamed and annoyed at the same time. Honestly, how could those three cause such a mess within the fifteen minutes I left the room.

I placed both Leah and Mia on the bed and I'm certain Delilah would brief them both on the emotions I expressed after witnessing what they all did. Of course I would have to punish them later.

But right now, I'm in a restaurant with Alice. It's the best I could think of after she had witness the results of my bad parenting.

She tried her best to calm my nerves by telling me not to think too much about it. For now, I will have to heed her advice.

"I'm truly sorry for what the girls did to you,"

"For the hundredth time Dante, it's okay. At least no body got hurt."

Honestly, that's a relief. It seemed Deena had just finished from the bathroom when I had arrived so she didn't know things had been occurring in the other room.

"Yeah, you're right. Do you need anything else?" I said trying to calm my already disoriented mind.

"No. Thanks Dante. Let's forget about what happened and talk about why we're really here, "

"Oh! Okay, "

"I'm sure you've heard about The Optical Primordial Academy, "


I don't like where this is going but I've got to listen nonetheless.

"I've been accepted into the academy as a teaching staff, "

"Huh? Really? That's splendid,"

That's weird. The new academy had yet to be completed, then why are they already accepting lecturers.

"Yeah! It's been a while since I've been accepted, though the new academy building is currently in its construction phase but the higher-ups are doing everything they can to ensure that both teaching and non-teaching staff members are completely admitted months before the building is completed, "

"But why the rush? "

"To be honest I really do not know. I see it as them being in a rush to make the academy better than the one over here. "

By THEM she means the higher-up demons. Alice gulped down the beverage she held in hand before continuing.

"Once the staff members admission are completed, their sole focus on admitting students won't be diverted."

"Okay. I think I get it now. So what made you think I needed to hear all this?" She of all people should know by now that I do not have any interest in anything that has to do with the academy.

There has gotta be an ulterior motive to why she is telling me all this.

"You're perceptive and impatient as always. Alright I'll go straight to the point. The academy would like to ....."

"I refuse,"

I knew this was what she was trying to do. This is outrageous, so I wasted my time coming all the way up here just to talk about this?. I should have rejected her offer yesterday.

"B... But you haven't heard what I intend to say, "

"It doesn't really matters. You explain or you do not, my answer will remain the same."

"Listen to me Dante. The Academy wants you to be their first Headmaster. That's an honor anyone would be glad to be granted with." Alice said trying to find ways I could be easily swayed into accepting her offer.

"Why don't you do it then, "

"Come on Dante, be reasonable here."

"Oh? But I am being reasonable. I Know very well how there's an Internal conflict between the five royal families of the demon realm. And I know that a few of those royals do not approve of my very existence."

"True but.... "

"Aside from that. I feel this position is just a means of keeping your friends close and your enemies closer. I won't be surprised if I'm to be attacked on the very first night of my arrival into the demon realm."

"That won't be happening Dante."

"To be honest, I do not care about the hatred they have towards me. All I care about are my three girls. I do not fancy the idea of bringing them into a territory filled with my enemies, "