Mom meets girls

The best thing right now was to include the importance of the task at hand in the letter because only then will the potioneer return in haste.

Really?! Thank you! Thank you so much Count Dracula." The Emperor grovelled before me once more while being grateful for the assistance I would render in the hope of saving his family.

"We can't rejoice just yet Your Majesty for we will need to find a way to send a letter fast to the gold rank potioneer I Know of,"

I cautioned with the hope that a faster means of communication could be worked out.

"Then how about using my fastest falcon in sending the letter? " Damon suggested.

It could work. A falcon was certainly agile and more faster than an owl.

"Yes, I think that would be great," I nodded in response to my dad's suggestion.

"Your Majesty, I would also like to have the remaining ingredients currently in your possession?" I turned towards the Emperor who had risen up from the grovelling position.

"Of course. I'll send over someone who will bring the ingredients and even aid you in conquering the beast," The Emperor replied.

Although I do not think we will need someone that may slow us down later in aiding us in conquering the monster but if such a person is capable of standing against an Obsidian rank monster then I think he/she would be much needed.

To be honest, the more capable people we can find the more easier the task at hand would be for us. We will surely need strong men by our side. With me being a Silver rank adventurer now, I'd like to have people of a similar or higher level by my side.

"Thank you your Majesty," I bowed deeply to His Majesty this time around. Although I very much do not like him, no that's not it. I sincerely loathe him for having such a beauty by his side and not being able to take care of her but I'll forgive him today for knowing the right man to depend upon.

I'll do everything I can to save his wife and children not because I like him or anything like that but it's because I admire his determination to save his loved ones. I too will travel around the world to find a way to save both Deena and all three girls if something bad were to ever happen to them.

His Majesty's wife will always be my first crush but it's high time I focus on my first love and as for his daughter, I'll let fate have its way. Well that's because I'm hundred percent sure she wouldn't want to have anything to do with me. Her pride and arrogance simply won't allow it.

"No. I should be the one thanking you. I deeply appreciate your assistance towards this incompetent husband and father." He replied.

Though the Emperor's voice was fairly inaudible, he was still able to relay his intentions in a weak and feeble tone before heading back to the palaquin. With all necessary things reaching its conclusion, the Emperor returned back to his flying vessel before gliding back to the palace.

With the information I've got today, it's safe to say that the Emperor and his family are currently being targeted by someone who doesn't want them in reigning over the Empire anymore. No matter how it seems, the culprits would have to be apprehended one way or the other.

But for now, all focus will be placed on brewing the potions in time. That's because I also doubt the Emperor will be alive in a month time. This is because he didn't say anything about how long he has to find a cure for himself.

So I'm thinking he's in a rush to save his family because he has limited time to live.

And then again I might be wrong but I'm certain that may also be the case.

'Oh they're here.'

Just as the Emperor's flying vessel was vanishing from the range of our sight, I could see the flying chariot Alfred used in bringing my girls back now heading towards the mansion. It's only been a day since I last saw them and it feels as though it's been years, I so want to see them once again.





All three girls rushed out of the chariot that had barely landed completely.

"My baby girls, " I squatted down to welcome all three girls into my embrace before they rushed towards me as though their lives depended on it. Due to the uncontrollable impact of all three girls combined, I fell with my back straight to the ground.

"Daddy!! Daddy!! Daddy!!"

"Papa!! I miss you so much!!"

"Dada!! I never what to leave your side again,"

All three girls snuggled up on me. None were concerned about the maids and butlers behind us watching as they acted childish in a Duke's mansion and then again none could really complain about anything after all they're my girls. So they'll believe we are family.

"I've miss you too, " I said as I hugged them in return.

"Dearest? Are these little girls your....?"

My mom could barely conceal the excitement glittering from her eyes as she bent down and spreads her arms out wide expecting a hug from the girls.

"Oh! Girls? Meet your grandma." I said as I gestured towards my mom.

"Grandma?" All three girls were utterly perplexed by my words. It seemed they didn't expect me to still have a mother.

"Yes, now go.... " I had barely uttered my words finished before my mom beckoned all three girls to come closer.

"Yes. Yes. Come to me. Mummy wants to hug you,"

Though all three girls were a little skeptical due to the asinine expression my mom had on her face , still all three girls summoned the courage to move towards her. They had barely reached her before she grabbed all three girls and hugged them passionately while rubbing her cheeks against theirs.

"Aww!! Yes!! My baby's babies are so cute. So soft and so chubby. I love them! I love them!! I love them!!" Suzanne rejoiced.

With her cheeks taking turns in all rubbing all three girls, all could only giggle by the weird behavior of my mother.

"Hehe.... Papa? Grandma is weird," Leah said while guffawing out loud by my mother's tickling.

"Grandma?! Yes!! I'm your grandma!! Come, come. Let grandma show you some embarrassing photos of your dad when he was around your age,"

Suzanne beckoned all three girls to follow her into the mansion but all turned towards Dante with the aim of seeking his approval and seeing him nod in response, all three girls smiled as they hurried towards grandma.