Mom meets girls 2

"Grandma?! Yes!! I'm your grandma!! Come, come. Let grandma show you some embarrassing photos of your dad when he was around your age,"

Suzanne beckoned all three girls to follow her into the mansion but all turned towards Dante with the aim of seeking his approval

"Huh? Really? Can we?" Delilah asks as she turns towards me.

"Papa, please!!" Leah begs alongside Mia with both their hands clamped together to form a praying posture.


"Thank you Daddy!!"

"We love you Papa!!"

Noticing that I nodded in response to their request all three girls lips widened into a grin as they hurried towards my mom.

But why would mom want to show them my photos? It's a little depressing but *sighs* I've got other things to worry about for now. And like clockwork, my dad tapped my shoulder from behind to notify me....

"Son, I'll inform a maid to bring to you my fastest falcon later today. We'll need the letter sent as soon as possible, "

Hearing my dad words, I nodded in return and he headed straight to the door. Before returning back inside, I decided to thank Alfred for bringing my girls back.


"I feel so excited, I can't wait to see how Daddy looked like while he was the same age as us, " Delilah declared as she grins from ear to ear.

"Me too!! I'm sure Papa must have been the most handsome child in the world, " Leah remarked as she cheeks brightened in red hue.

"Uh? Don't you mean he still is?" Mia said feeling a little annoyed by Leah's remark.

"Now, now, it's okay girls. Yes your dad is the most handsome and strongest man in the world. But what about Grandma?" Suzanne inquired feeling a little jealous about their words.

"Grandma is very pretty," Delilah complimented.

"You're very funny," Leah did the same.

"Grandma is the best grandma in the world!!" Mia remarked while spreading her arms to form a huge circle.

"Aww, You girls are the best. Grandma loves you all. Now come on, we're almost there, "


Hearing the growling sound of a certain someone's tummy, Suzanne turned towards the hungry lass.

"Oh my!! Mia must be hungry. Now what would you like to eat?"

With all eyes peered towards her, Mia cheeks reddened as she cocked her head sideways to declare she wasn't hungry.

"Aren't you hungry?" Suzanne quipped once again while tilting her head a little.


"No, I just want to see Dada's pictures," Her cheeks reddened more in embarrassment.

"Nonsense!, We are going to get you something to eat first. Now come along everyone, let's inform the chef on what you all would like to eat,"

Hearing Suzanne's words, all girls quickened their pace as they followed her from behind.



Right after I was done writing the letter to Landon my old comrade. Well technically he still is but it has been a while since we last met. I tied the rolled message to the falcon's feet.

Based on the fact that the distance intended for the bird to travel is at a great length, I transferred some of my mana into it. This aided in allowing the bird to fly a little faster beyond it's original limit.

It's been long since I last saw Landon. At first I heard he had recently married. I guess that's nice, I do hope he doesn't dismiss the message as insignificant because he tends to be a little immersed in his 'experiments'.

He does have every right to dismiss the letter if he wishes to do so, after all he isn't currently in the human realm. He's in the giant realm right now.

Although he initially intended to go there to further broaden his horizon on potion related topics. He's already the best potioneer I know but still he aims to be the undisputed potioneer the world had ever laid eyes upon. Well I do hope he achieves his dream one day.

And so with that out of the way, I strolled towards the dining room to get something to eat. Ever since the Emperor left in the morning, I've been unable to put something into this mouth of mine. It's high time I grab something to eat.

"Join us Daddy!!"

Upon noticing my presence from afar, Delilah called for me to join them in eating. Although, a maid had informed me earlier of my mother's desire to have me join them for dinner. I just couldn't leave what I was doing back then.

The letter had been longer than originally planned, this was due to the detailed information i wrote down based on how things really happened and all valuable information the Emperor had told me beforehand was also included in the letter.

This would aid him in understanding what needs to be done and he might even include other ingredients needed to brew the potion that would save both the Emperor and his family. But first, let's hope he arrives here on time.

After dinner, the girls who had already eaten immediately when they got here in the morning had been shown countless number of photos about everyone in the house. But with what I heard, the girls really enjoyed looking at a special someone's photo. I ain't gonna brag but you know who.

Right now, we were currently on the bed with all three girls dressed in their pyjamas as they cuddled up on me. Delilah was currently lying on top of my chest with Leah snuggling up on my right arm. Due to the fact that Leah prefers sleeping at night in her demonic form, her serpent tails were coiled up in my arm. I could also see a pair of horns beginning to sprout out from either side of her head.

Mia on the other hand wrapped her hands around my left arm.

"So how was your night sleeping alone with Deena?"

After having a long chat with the girls about the huge amount of fun time they had with my mom, I decided to ask them a few questions since all three girls had yet to sleep.

"It was nice Daddy," Delilah was the first to reply.

"Papa, Mia said she hated it and would have loved to end Deena herself," This time around, Leah replied while facing towards me.

"That's a lie!! I didn't say that. Leah was the one who brought the idea into my head!!" Mia yelled in defense of herself.

"No i didn't!! That's a lie!!" Leah yelled back.

"Yes you did, stop lying Leah," Delilah joined the fray.

"But Delilah! You promised you won't say anything," Leah looked towards Delilah who laid on top of Dante's chest. With their eyes making contact, Delilah stuck out her tongue towards Leah.

"It's seems one of you is lying to me," Dante inquired in a deep voice which clearly indicates his displeasure towards all three girls attitude.

"It's Leah!!" Both Delilah and Mia yelled in unison to prevent Dante from punishing them for something they didn't do.

"Yes Papa. It was me. But I honestly didn't mean it. I was only kidding when I said it back then. I promise." Leah solemnly beseech Dante with her face buried deeper into his arms.

"Then why did you lie?" Dante calms himself down while inquiring.

"I didn't mean to. Please don't be mad," Leah pleaded once more with her voice trembling.

"Fine, I'll forgive you tonight but if you are to ever lie to me again, you'll sleep alone from that day on. Are we clear?"

"Yes Papa!!" Leah responded with tears streaming down her face as she hugged Dante's arm tighter.

All girls eventually quieted down and slept. Noticing this, Dante heaved a sigh of relief before pondering what and how to really inform all three girls of his desire to return back home the next day.

With the limited amount of time he had before he goes on a mission for the Emperor, Dante thought it would be better to let Deena know how he truly felt towards her.