To the Blue Aqua City

Just as I was about to reply to Landon's inquiry, the flapping sound of a large pair of wings filled the air around the vicinity we were currently in. Everyone shifted their gaze towards a heavenly figure as she lands in just a few meters before us.

"Pardon me Lord Dante, May I introduce Cecilia from the Imperial palace,"

Alfred who had already teleported towards our destination informed me of the name of the Fallen Angel before us. There were basically two types of angels, The Ascension and the Fallen Angels.

It was pretty easy to discern them from one another based on the color of their wings. Ascension Angels had a white colored pair of wings when compared to their counterparts whose pairs of wings were black.

When glancing at her up close, her beautiful black wings that had concealed her beauty began to retract back before vanishing into thin air. Now I could see that Cecilia wore a rather enticing white dress with slits on either side of her waist which only aided in accentuating her voluptuous curves.

Cecilia was definitely a beauty worthy of being called an Angel. Her modest C cup bust coupled with her dazzling jet black hair whose length reaches her waist and black colored eyes aided in revealing a beautiful goddess worthy of dragging sinners to their kneels as they revel in her divine beauty.

"Greetings, this one is called Cecilia. I've been tasked with aiding you in your quest,"

Cecilia bowed deeply and introduced herself in a rather neutral tone which rightfully reflects her inscrutable looks as she hands me the space cube which most likely contains the materials needed for brewing a potion.

"Ah! Yes. I'm Dante Lustwood and these are..." I said as I introduced myself before doing the same for both Landon and Axel. I handed Landon the space cube who tapped on it to notice what it contained.

"Is this all there is? There's really nothing else?" Landon, looking a bit annoyed asked Cecilia who nodded in response. Simply not satisfied by the situation, Landon turned towards me.

"Dante! I simply can't work with this. We might need to add a few more materials before brewing the potion," Landon said as he was clearly displeased by what had been gathered in the space cube.

"That shouldn't be a problem. Just make a list of what you'll need and we'll see what we can do," I assured Landon before informing Alfred of how desire to leave immediately.

"Very well Lord Dante. Everyone if you could please follow me," Alfred then lead everyone to the flying vessel we intend to use.

Based on the fact that The Blue Aqua City was several kilometers away from The Crimson Blood City we were currently in now. Our fastest means of travelling would be a flying vessel.

"Take care Alfred and please inform my father of our departure,"

I apprised as I waved goodbye to Alfred. I didn't want to worry the girls too much hence why I didn't leave a message for them. It's pretty early in the morning so I'm sure they might still be asleep or just barely up from bed.

"I will Milord," Alfred assured me before bowing and vanishing from my sight.

And with that, every one boarded the flying vessel which wasn't quite as huge and majestic as that of the Emperor's but still it was quite the looker.


"So can you brief me on what we are facing here,"

With both Landon and I standing in where the helm of the vessel was located. I took control of the wheels as I act as its helmsman.

Landon then inquired about how I truly came to meet with his Majesty and why I truly accepted this mission.

Several innumerable minutes passed away as I explained how my dad had requested my presence through a letter and how I eventually ended up talking to the Emperor himself.

"Hmm.... It seems to me that some people do not want the Emperor to remain in power," Landon suggested.

"You're right. But I do not understand how such a powerful spell caster appeared in the palace in the first place without anyone noticing his presence,"

"They most likely infiltrate the palace using a camouflage spell," Landon remarked as he suggested the culprits might actually be colliding with some unknown forces while using a high ranking camouflage spell to conceal their true Identity.

"Hmm, that could be the case. Then who do you think are most likely to be the culprits." I said as I turned towards Landon.

"I don't really know. It could be the Church, One of the Ministers of the Empire, maybe one of the Nobles and I wouldn't write off The Demon Cult also," Landon made a list of viable options.

"The Demon Cult huh?" I wondered as my mind drifted off before Landon brought me out of my stupor.

"Leave that for now D. How long do you really think the Emperor will last before he finally kicks the bucket.?"

"I doubt he stays alive in the next ten days." I replied bluntly.

With the appearance and state the Emperor was currently in, it's more likely the Emperor had been refraining from informing anyone about his condition before it became as severe as it was right now.

"It's that serious huh? And you've got no clarity on if he's currently having any other ailments or curses aside from the ageing spell being cast on him right?" Landon quipped before glancing towards the clouds as though he was trying to remember something.

"Affirmative. We'll have to find what's wrong with His Majesty once we return to the palace, "

Though I said that, I'm not naive to think I can really save everyone if granted the chance. The silence the Emperor has towards his condition may only worsen his health in the long run. For now, I have to focus on the task at hand.

"Are you sure about that?" Landon inquired while facing the clouds with his rear currently in my view.


"Do you really want to save the royal family? Even after all they did?" Landon turned towards me and inquired with a serious look on his face.