Inside the dungeon

Cecilia continued to walk towards the end of the crystal line before coming face to face with a humanoid being having a single eye which allowed it to have a striking resemblance to a Cyclops.

Though if one were to look behind the Cyclops, they'd noticed a huge wall behind it, which clearly indicates that this was the end of the cave. But alas the Cyclops actually stood beside an half-oval obsidian thin film which seemed to protrude directly from the ground.

At first glance one wouldn't want to enter a place which looks more like a portal into another world. The entrance though was filled with infinitesimally deep darkness.The Cyclops stood beside the gate-looking-portal and acted as a gatekeeper into the dungeon.

Funny thing was that, some idiotic adventurers with their minds clearly filled with unpleasant motives had tried to kill the gatekeeper before entering in groups to act on ways that could only be described as inhumane.

They had tried to kill the Cyclops, purely aimed for their own amusement but was denied such pleasantries when all shrieked by the sudden resurrection of the Cyclops who clearly died right in front of their eyes. But now filled with rage on its assailants, every single one of the adventurers weren't afforded clemency by the Cyclops.

This made everyone to believe the dungeon was alive and was actually sent here by the gods to provide foods, clothing and means of employment to the community at large. The dungeon could allow the beasts to drop materials such as foods which was a necessity for all species but it (dungeon) could never accept the maltreatment of its gatekeepers.

They've been reports of simpletons attacking the gatekeeper of the dungeon and bolting away before the Cyclops could be resurrected. All who engaged in such acts were rumored to be visited by phantoms at night before breathing their last breath. If you're wondering why those simpletons really did such audacious moves, it's because they wondered if the Cyclops could also drop an item.

There was even a period in time where people actually worshiped the dungeon. But such events had come to the bare minimal now.

Cecilia walked towards the Cyclops which clearly acted as the gate keeper of the dungeon before the Cyclops inquired.

"What floor?"

"The second floor," Cecilia replied. This was purely in contrast to what she had told Landon before now. With the dungeon having an estimated number of ten floors which were used in the grading ranks of adventurers.

The second floor was purely a floor meant for Obsidian ranked adventurers and not for a bronze ranked Archer which Cecilia currently was. Upon hearing her words, the Cyclops urged Cecilia to enter the thin black film as she completely vanishes out of sight.

Now inside the dungeon, Cecilia glanced around to see her surroundings completely illuminated by glowing stalagmites and stalactites from the ground and above the dungeon respectively.

She kept walking through until her gaze fell upon a large double doors of about four meters in height. Both doors were covered with intricate carvings and a huge glowing word which clearly states "SECOND FLOOR" was divided between the left and right door respectively.

Her pace hastens upon witnessing this but was immediately halted when she noticed a group of bandits sitting down as though they had been waiting patiently for someone. She began to walk steadily hoping she would be able to pass through easily without any hindrance.

This wasn't a boss room. Only when monster boss rooms were involved was when you could find adventurers taking turns to fight the boss. So it was either these groups of ten well built bandits were awaiting their comrade or they clearly had an ulterior motive in mind for waiting here.

Each of the bandit had a stifling domineering aura suitable for someone who's level clearly ranged in the Silver rank. Only one actually released an aura analogous to a gold rank adventurer.

The level of strength across guilds were similar to each other. A gold rank adventurer would be a force to reckon with just like a gold rank bandit or assassin.

As she was clearly around twenty meters to the entrance, all ten men stood between her and her objective.

"Sister? Are you lost? Oh my!! That's too sad. Now come to Daddy and I'll take care of you," A bandit relayed with a huge grin on his face.


A huge sinewy built man standing in the center of the nine men behind him declared to which his lackeys guffawed out loud from behind him.

"Yeah. Yeah!! C'mon beautiful. Join us and we'!!"

Another bandit relayed while thrusting his hips mid-air. he was the gang boss right hand man and so with his 'cool' joke he was expecting the rest to laugh also.


Instead silence ensued and he was forced to look towards his rear to see all his fellow men looking at him in utter disgust by such a lame excuse for a joke. Clearly his joke wasn't enough to spark a concurrent laughter.

"Enough fun and games. Go away now if you aim to enter, for we have no business with you but if you insist nonetheless then be our guest," The bandit leader declared with his cuttoe sword being steadily removed from its scabbard.


Noticing that there wasn't any other way to achieve her goals, Cecilia clicked her tongue in ire. The Emperor was on the brink of death and his wife and children were also on the brink of losing their humanity, every second she wasted was like an arrow striking through her heart as she felt she could be doing more to save the royal family than lazing around doing nothing.

Was she going to back down in front of these scumbags? No!! Cecilia steeled her resolve as she stood in front of all ten men taking a stance as though she intends to shoot an arrow.

Water from the surrounding air was then manipulated to morph into a bow and arrow before firing a shot straight to the bandit leader.