Inside the dungeon 2

Was she going to back down in front of these scumbags? No!! Cecilia steeled her resolve as she stood in front of all ten men taking a combat stance as she intends to shoot an arrow towards her targets. Water from the surrounding air was then manipulated to morph into a bow and arrow before firing a shot straight to the bandit leader.


The arrow took aim and exploded in the bandit's leader hand releasing a cloud of mist around the leader.

"Tch!! Tch!! Sister? If you want to dance, you've gotta ask nicely." With the leader clearly unharmed by her attack due to the pillars of strength which was wide apart from the Angel, he clicked his tongue while sending her a predatory smile.

"Tch!!". Though she knew she had no chance against them all but still she wasn't going to back down now not when the Emperor and his family were in desperate need of her aid.

Cecilia took a few steps back before a new water arrow was formed and turned into an ice arrow, she took a battle stance but this time around her wings sprouted out from her back allowing her to aim her target from mid-air.

"Wow!! You're an Angel?! Good! Very good! My day just keeps on getting better and better. Men!! I'm in need of some pleasure!! Bring her to me," The bandit leader yelled in arousal of the exquisite beauty in front of him.

All nine men brought out their weapons which consisted mainly of cuttoe swords and daggers with only one having a weapon which looked like a strong cord connected to a number of stone balls. Three men with each of them having daggers in hand bolted towards Cecilia.

Two men took to either side of the fallen Angel by running on the walls at a rapid pace, the assailant in the middle leaped towards Cecilia with a dagger aimed to lunged towards her. Concertedly assailed from three sides, Cecilia aimed at the one in the middle.


With one down, Cecilia had little to no time to respond to the other two who were already at an arm's length to her before.....


Both men vanished from her sight as though they were never there to begin with. But all wasn't over yet as the bandit with the stone balls threw his cord straight at Cecilia. The rope instantly increased in length before encircling Cecilia and rendering her immobile.

With the stone balls mass heightened beyond her capabilities, Cecilia couldn't free herself. Clearly she had been tricked into thinking the first three men were really her targets when the plan all along was to keep her preoccupied while the real assailant prepares himself before the attack.

"Get her!!"

With the leader granting them permission, all nine men aimed towards the angel who was descending rapidly against her will due to the massive weight of the stone balls.


Now surrounded by men from all sides, Cecilia's arms, legs and head was pinned down by nine men thus there was no escaping from the inevitable.


Noticing the leader kneeling down in front of her with his zipper descending to reveal his grotesque member, Cecilia yelled with the hope of someone finding her.

"Hehe.... Don't worry sister. Very soon you'll......."

*Click* *Boom!!*

The bandit leader who was about to relay a few words to the angel in front of him then he suddenly heard the sound of someone clicking his finger but before he could cocked his head to his rear, the rumbling sounds of thunder filled his eardrums.


Shocked by the abrupt sound and the uncanny scenery that unfolded before him, the bandit leader's eyes dilated in shock as he subconsciously shrieked due to the fact that every single one of his men had their heads perfectly cauterized with warm red liquid smearing his surroundings in what could only be described as a slaughter house.

"W....who are you?"

Scared to his wits by the ghostly figure that appeared before him, the bandit leader fell butt down to the ground before moving away from the monster while asking who he was.

"W ... Who sent you? No! Wait! We can work this out. What do you need? Money? Women? Just name it. I've got massive connections."

Crawling backwards with his eyes still locked to his assailant, the bandit leader inquired but the monster before him clearly remained reticent as it leisurely sauntered towards him. With no where else to crawl back to and his back clearly against the dungeon floor door, the bandit leader gritted his teeth to summon the last bit of pride he had left to shout at the top of his lungs.

"What do you want?!"

Finally, the assailant hunkered down before the bandit leader to inquire.

"Who sent you?" Noticing that this was all he needed to know, the bandit leader lips widened into a grin. If all he wanted to know was this then the bandit leader would happily comply. At least the man before him should set him free if he notices how obedient and cooperative he was.

Though he may have been disgraced beyond his widest imagination still that doesn't mean he shouldn't let go of any arrogance he had now and dump it down the drain. Provided he gets to live to see another day, he'll surely aim to get stronger and seek his revenge on the fool whose facial image had already been stored in his memory.

For now. For his safety. Then he will act as a dog and dutifully reply to all the questions the person in front of him has.

"It was one of the E... "


With the bandit leader clearly about to reveal anything and everything he knew just so he could save his life, his tongue suddenly began to glow before his entire head exploded beyond comparison.

"Tch!!" Seeing this, Dante gritted his teeth in annoyance because it clearly seems that the opponents were fully prepared to waste those in aid of their mission, this was evident by the way they were prepared to curse those in their aid whenever they tried to reveal what they know.