The Conclusion

"My Lord, I have completed the task I was asked to do...." Dodo said as he returned, he paused for a brief moment as he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

The red sigil underneath him was still glowing in its red majestic grandeur. He glanced around to see that torches were lit up in a place similar to an underground tunnel enabling him to vividly see his surroundings.

"Eiii!!" But that wasn't all, right now he could see Dante battling it out with his master and someone else?

"Wait a minute, isn't that my Lord's personal guard?"

"I don't believe it. Dante is actually facing against two immortal beings and he is actually pushing them back?" Dodo seemed contemplative but he could see all three were exchanging intense blows upon one another with each contact resonating an overwhelming thunderous sound.

"Is.....Is he smiling?" Dodo couldn't believe how Dante could maintain his composure in front of Vladimir. Even Vladimir himself had a smile across his red colored face.

Vladimir's guard seemed to be the only one struggling and even he was an immortal being.

'But what did Dante do to result to this current situation?' Dodo thought inwardly, he was a little bit confused by what might have actually happened.

Vladimir's personal guard, who was always at least ten feet away from him at all times, would only be doing this if someone showed an act of violence towards Vladimir.

*Slaps* Dodo slapped himself.

"I think I'm in the wrong dimension right now, because that's the only thing that can explain what I'm seeing before me."

"If not, then how can a mere mortal look so confident while battling two immortals,"

The contrasting heights between Dante and the two immortals was enough to scare the likes of Dodo or any other mortal for that matter.

Yet, Dante showed no sign of dread in his eyes and movements as he faced a 400 and 200cm tall immortal respectively.

Vladimir was in his partial transformation form with his wings nowhere to be found but his skin and well toned physique were all in a striking red color.

Aside from Vladimir's physique, he had a pair of curved horns which were long with its ends burning in flames. Vladimir and his guard were pure born incubus.

The mere sight of Vladimir was enough to make Dodo piss himself.

But it seems the human before him doesn't share the same feeling.

'Oh! He appears to be fading. I thought he wouldn't last a minute in this dimension but for the past ten minutes I've been here, he's been able to hold on for that long and that's not including the amount of time he had been battling before I arrived. Just how weird is he going to keep on being,' Dodo thought as he looks at Dante.

"It seems your time is up," Vladimir flashed a sincere villainous smile as he noticed Dante's legs vanishing gradually.

Of all three currently battling against one another, only Vladimir's guard had cold sweats slowly dripping down from his forehead as he panted heavily.

"It seems what I said earlier really struck a nerve huh?" Vladimir quipped.

"..." Dante responded by looking blankly inscrutable.

Vladimir noticed this and replied. "It Doesn't matter how you feel towards me, you're destined to do as I say and I'll make you retain your consciousness as I destroy everything and everyone you love, starting with the one you stole from me. After all, it's only a matter of time before I get summoned over there,"

By saying THE ONE, Vladimir meant Suzanne.

Dante noticed how his chest leveled body and lower torso had vanished, he chuckled a bit and said. "If you're coming to my dimension, do it fast or else the one who will be grovelling and appealing for clemency will be you as I destroy everything around you,"

With his last words, Dante vanished before their eyes.

"My Lord, why didn't you kill him while you had the chance?" Still trying to catch his breath, the guard faced towards Vladimir.

"He had the Emperor's eyes,"

"What?!" The guard exclaimed in shock, trembled a bit but managed to quickly compose himself and then he continued.

"Still, you could have used the chance afforded to claim his powers as your," He paused and then continued.

"Moreover I sense the royal blood of your household in him, is that why you chose to leave him be?"

"No. The blood in him originally belongs to this imp over here but someone else fed him THAT MAN'S blood,"

" Huh? You mean?.." The guard staggered a bit, finding it difficult to maintain his stance.

"Exactly. The royal blood had been awakened in him due to THAT MAN'S blood but that's not all. It seems he has all three Royal families blood within him,"

"What?! that?....When.... How?" So many words popped into the guard's head but he couldn't find the right one to use.

"Hmm," Vladimir sighed a bit.

"There are things you are just not ready to know about yet," He patted his guard shoulders.

"Now Tell me, do you know how the blood came in contact into his body in the first place?" Vladimir faced Dodo.

" No my Lord but I had noticed the slight change in him ever since he returned from slaying the demon Lord," Dodo hurriedly knelt before Vladimir. He walked towards him using his kneels while pleading with his hands for Vladimir not to punish him.

" Demon Lord?... That doll? Pfft..." Vladimir scoffed.

"A hundred of that doll won't be able to stand against him right now,"

"With him having your royal sigil, were you able to see his memories?" The guard asked.

"Yes but all I see are what he already knows and there's no doubt the girls are attracted to him, a human, because of the blood he currently has," Vladimir responded, his brows furrowing in annoyance by the fact that he is yet to know who transformed Dante.

"I do not understand my Lord. If you knew all these, why do you choose to lower your strength to match his while facing him."

"Hmm," Vladimir placed his hand on his chin, as though he was thinking.

Then he replied. "Just wanted to see what would happen if I tried and I'm glad I did after witnessing the results I did. It seems to me, he really gave you a hard time,"

" That is correct. Unlike you My Lord, I feared if I had lowered my strength I wouldn't have been able to stand against him." The guard sounded disappointed to himself.

"There's no surprise there. You're merely but in the early stage of a Tier one immortal,"

"....." The guard clenched his fist after hearing Vladimir's words. He could sense that his Lord was also clearly disappointed at him.

"Still, it's amazing. Simply amazing. To think that his strength had reached such level. Though his actions might have been fueled by emotions, still the fact remains that what we witnessed was his pure strength. What will happen once he awakens That Man's bloodline," His lips widened into a grin, exposing his huge pointy teeth.

Vladimir chuckled a bit, "it seems you finally did something right," He faced Dodo.

"Really? I'm so glad to hear you say that my Lord. Does it mean my Lord will finally forgive this worthless servant of his, " He blinked his already enlarged puppy dog eyes towards Vladimir, twice.

"Eh?" His face contorted into an unsightly grimace. "Who ever said anything about forgiving you,"

"Eii!!" Dodo's body trembled. He felt Vladimir's murderous and utterly domineering aura aimed towards him.

"Please my Lord, showing forgiveness can be the most cruelest and most evil act you could show this unfaithful servant of yours, " He crawled towards Vladimir to grab his robe.

"Please spare me. Find the nicest spot of your black, rotten and most vilest part of your heart to forgive me." Dodo sniveled with tears streaming down his cheeks and bubbles of snort popping out as he cried immensely.

Noticing how Dodo clutched tightly to his robe, Vladimir felt irritated and disgusted.

"Eiii!!" Dodo was kicked towards the wall.

"Take this imbecile out of my sight and see to it that he gets the punishment he deserves," Vladimir ordered his guard.

"Yes My Lord," The guard replied and tugged Dodo by the horn. Dodo yelled for forgiveness as his voice slowly echoes and fades away into the darkest part of the tunnel.

'I matched my strength with his and this is the result I get?' Vladimir thought inwardly, his hands still trembling a little by their exchange of pure force.

He smiled amusingly as he anticipates what the world has in store for both of them.