Abigail Wilson


The sudden rush into the room as she hits the door against the wall surprised Mary herself but the news she had in mind was far more important than being merely concerned about such little details.

"Lord Dante!!" She screamed but paused after noticing how Dante stood on top of what seemed to be a fading red glowing magic circle underneath him.

He had just returned from the other side and was still pondering on some things that had just occurred in the other dimension when Mary suddenly barged into the room.

Dante heaves a pleased sigh of relief but anger still lingered within his eyes before tilting his head towards Mary.

"My Lord. There's bad news," The old maid cried, her hands still quivering and trembling.

On one of her hands laid an Adventurer membership card. This aid to reveal the fact that she was indeed once an Adventurer.

"Y.....your...." But the card was enough to aid Dante in discerning what the stuttering maid was going to say.

And so he approached and comforted her. "Don't worry Mary, I already know," patting her on the shoulder before heading towards the exit.

He paused at the entrance and said. "All necessary preparations for their burial will commence shortly,"

"Yes My Lord," Mary bowed deeply. Her mind currently perplexed and worried by how Dante reacted towards the news of his siblings demise.

He continued to walk through the hallway with Mary trailing right behind him.

Glancing towards his right, a couple of butlers stood guard in a row. A bunch of maids did the same by his left.

He paused for a brief moment, noticing a purple colored hair maid whose beauty stands out the most.

But that wasn't all, he felt a slight connection to this maid. A feeling as though she were a missing part of him. But more importantly, he doesn't remember ever seeing her in the house.

"My Lord, anything else?" Mary's voice snapped him back to reality.

He composed himself and continued. "*Cough* Yes, I will also need the files of every single servants that resides in the mansion,"

"Your husband should be back by sunset right?" He asked as he paused for a while.

"Yes. Those were Alfred's exact words," She confirmed and faced towards two butlers before ordering them to bring over the things Dante had asked of her.

And with that, Dante sauntered towards his study.

How Dodo had carried out Vladimir's orders remained unknown but Alfred who was by the siblings side before their demise felt and noticed nothing unusual about them until both siblings suddenly started convulsing violently on the floor as they cried and complained about the pain they felt all over their body.

Not too long after, red liquid began to flow out of every vital organs present on their heads. Noticing this, Alfred had no choice but to contact home about what had happened.


"Enter," Dante welcomed as he sat on a chair.

His table was currently filled with several files of other maids and butlers info who were all once adventurers that would rather sit still and act as guards and servants in a well ventilated and luxurious household than to go through hell conquering vicious monsters in the dungeon.

After all, the pay was really good over here. Far more than they could ever earn risking their lives in a dungeon.

Though many were a bunch of weak-willed ex-adventurers who would rather do things the easy way, still there were no doubts in the individual talents each possessed.

Talents that Dante hopes to exploit with the aim of finding one worthy enough for the plans he had in mind. And fortuitously for him, he had found one.

A beautiful young girl around the age of twenty walks into the room. It was really hard to believe how a young lady with such an age could be so well endowed in certain areas.

And like every other maid in the mansion, she was dressed in a maid uniform which could barely hide her huge F cup busts from any prying eyes whose desires were to discern the exact size and plumpness of her cleavage.

"Greetings my Lord," She bowed, allowing her huge melons to sway by the slightest of movements she made.

Of course this didn't escape Dante's gaze and it certainly didn't escape the maid's either.

Feeling confident in herself, she sent a lascivious smile towards her Lord. A smile so deadly it could allow even the most devoted of priests to delve into a world that clearly contradicts with anything and everything that goes with what they had been taught.

"Does my Lord desire my services?" She quipped. Placing a finger on his desk as she circles around to kneel before him.

Her seductively beautiful face maintaining its smile as she slowly moves towards him.

"I bet my Lord needed someone young and beautiful to comfort him tonight as well," Her hands were now trailing towards his laps and into his pelvis.

"Don't worry, I won't steal you away for myself. All I want is to be by your side...forever." She whispered, her words tingling his ears, her arms already wrapped around him and her bubble rump already nestled on top of his laps.

Her cheeks were now reddened by the close proximity she was to him and her breathing was becoming more erratic as she draws her lips closer to his.

Only a few inches remain till both lips becomes entangled and an endless tongue battle commence.

"Hmm?...What are you waiting for? Don't tell me you want to back down after reaching this far," He jested, noticing how she hesitated to continue what she had started.

"If you're not going to do it Abbie, then get your flat board away from my chest," He said, urging her to remove her fake bust that was sandwiched between them.

"They're not flat!!" She snapped, hurriedly getting herself off him in annoyance.

"Ugh!! I can't believe you would call me that. You made a promise not to say that again," She pouted, covering her chest and turning sideways as though she was trying to hide something.

"Honestly, I thought you were gonna freak out, just like how you used to back in the day," Her purple colored hair began to slowly change to its original color.

Abigail Wilson, a former member of the hero's party that conquered the demon Lord a few years back. At the time, she was the Spell caster of the group.

She had a pale skin that seemed to have no imperfection and an Arctic blue colored hair that falls like a waterfall to the bottom of her back.

Her eyes were like beautiful gems of sapphires as they remained calm and stoic in contrast to the dark circles under her eyes and the barely noticeable droopy corner of her lips which quickly turned into a grin for a brief second.

The maid uniform she had on her turned into a beautiful one-piece-dress.

"I guess I should have gone for someone more prettier," she said, crossing her legs elegantly as she heads towards her seat.

"Trust me, the outcome would have been the same. After living in the same house with a girl for five years without touching her, you find it difficult for just anyone to arouse you,"

"Eh? You mean you've been alone with a girl for five years and you didn't pounce on her?" Abigail couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Was she a child?" She asked.


"Was she beautiful?"

"Extremely," He happily replied.

"*Sighs* Yep, only the dense and shy Dante would be stupid enough to do something as outrageous as that," She gave up trying to understand something only Dante was capable of doing.

"Stop talking as if you're more experienced than I am. I'm certain you haven't even seen a man naked before," He flashed a wry smile.

"Uh? Who told you that! I've seen countless men who were willing to strip themselves off their clothing just to mate with yours truly," She turned her face towards her right.

"Liar!" He replied as though he was singing.

"I'm not, you idiot!!!" Her face was now completely flushed. She was really lying about what she said.

Dante always enjoyed teasing her ever since they were young and he wasn't going to lose the chances he gets to do so again.

"You're using any opportunity you get to get back at me,"

" Of course I would. It's your fault for calling me flat in the first place. hmm," She huffed while crossing her arms.

Dante looked towards her modest C cup bust and said. "It's still flat no matter what you think,"

"Call me flat one more time and I'll make sure you regret it," She threatened, her eyes becoming red in rage.

Dante knew how sensitive she gets towards anything that has to do with her cleavage and so he smiled as he noticed how she squinted her eyes towards him and he said.

"You're flat and there's no difference between you and the table before you,"

"That's it!"

He had barely completed his words before Abigail hurriedly stood up,pushing away her seat and leaping towards him.

The room they were in, suddenly changed into a different scenery.

Now it appears they were in the beach as a magical staff appeared in Abigail's hands.

"Hastas Ignis!!" she cast a spell and a barrage of infinite spears burning in flames were aimed and shot towards Dante.

Of course he was able to handle every attack she fired at him.

She continued to change her sequence of attacks and eventually both could be seen smiling as they both remembered the good old days when similar events such as this occurred countless of times.

Innumerable hours went by and both could be seen resting on the floor with their face upwards. Abigail was heavily panting after casting so much spells in contrast to Dante who seemed like he could go on for a lot longer.

"It's good to see you again Abbie," He said, placing his hands behind his head as he looked towards the clouds and birds flying in the sky.

"Shut up D! I'm still not talking to you," She retorted, throwing a few sands towards his way.

"Pfft...But you just did," he smiled.

"....." She remained silent. She steadily rose from the ground to take a sitting stance as she places both of her hands to cup her melons.

"And here I was, feeling confident by how much bigger they've gotten," she mumbled sadly to herself. Though Dante was able to hear what she said.

"That's what you get for appearing before me as a girl with huge boobs," He looked towards her direction.


"I bet Landon will be glad to tease you even more than I did,"

"I'll really kill him this time around if he dares to do that,"

'*Achoo!!* A certain someone really far away from where these two were suddenly had the urge to sneeze.'

Hearing what she said, Dante just rolled his eyes. He had heard those words like a thousand times, so he knew she was only kidding.

"Where's the real maid whose appearance you used to sneak into the house?"

" Hmm? She's unconscious around here somewhere," she nonchalantly replied.

Looking around the beach, he commented. "It appears this place has gotten bigger since the last time I was here,"

"Yeah. My crystal world is a lot bigger now,"

"It's all because I'm now a lot stronger than I was the last time you saw me," She puffed her chest as she was proud of what she had accomplished so far.

"Hehe... Is that so?" He giggled a bit before getting up from the floor.

"So what brings you here?" He faced towards Abigail as he offered a hand to help her up.