94. Meeting My Cute Girls.

Remembering everything that had occurred to this very moment just seems weird as Dante thinks about it.

It all started with him heading towards the Imperial City to save the Imperial family and now he had a cursed ring of voluminous on his finger, he had also faced the first demon Lord and it seems he has some kind of demon blood in him.

Abigail had informed him that she would like to see if the weird demon blood in him was also in any of his three girls back home.

"Aah, I can't wait to see their cute faces once again," Dante smiled while muttering to himself.

His cute, smart, and secretive Delilah. She had always been the weird one since he first laid eyes on her five years ago. She rarely expresses the thoughts she had in mind. Of all three girls, she's the one who becomes jealous a lot whenever he spends more time with the girls rather than her.

She's the smart one among the three, so she tries her best to do things Dante would be glad and proud to hear about. This budded the feeling of jealousy when she sees Dante favoring the others more than her, even though she tries a lot to impress him.

Leah on the other hand is Dante's cute little Naga who doesn't want to let go of Dante 'ever'. She's the only one who finds it difficult to come off Dante's lap whenever she was done eating. Also, she adores being patted on the head by Dante 'a lot'. Don't ever mess with her patting on the head. She takes it seriously.

Of all three girls, she's the only shy one in the house. Of course, with the event that occurred with Alice, it's hard to believe that Leah could ever do such a thing. That's because, on the outside, Leah looks like a delicate flower that won't hurt a fly.

Well in all honesty, deep down she's way deadlier than a viper. Literally.

Dante wasn't naive about the obsession all three girls had with him. Delilah was a girl who would prefer staying by Dante's side or just simply lurking somewhere quiet while she 'watches' Dante from afar.

As for Leah, if you're a woman, watch out for sharp objects whenever you speak about taking her beloved Papa away from her.

And as for Mia, Dante's little cute vampire is the most daring of all three girls. She doesn't care about what others think about her. As long as Dada cares about her, everything and everyone else becomes boring to her.

She doesn't feel shy to speak up her mind and just like the other two obsessive characters towards Dante, all Mia wants is to hide Dante and be alone with him somewhere far from the eyes of many. Of course, she aims to keep him 'safe'.

If there's one thing all three girls desire the most in the world aside from Dante, that would be their desire to be stronger. After all, Dante was the strongest person they knew and such a person deserves to have strong people by his side right?

"Oh! You're back already," Dante slowly stood up from the bench he sat on right after he noticed Abigail returning from the mall.

"What?" She raised her shoulders as if she was making a shrug. Her hands contained two heavy-looking shopping bags filled with clothes, makeup accessories, and several things that were uninterested to Dante.

"Oh, it's nothing. I was just thinking about why I didn't leave you here alone sooner,"

"Isn't it obvious, it's because I'm too cute to be left alone," Abigail made a cute pose with a double peace sign?

"Eww! That's not cute at all," Dante replied bluntly as he headed toward the ship

"Eh?!! Are you blind?"

"Nope. My eyesight is working perfectly. Now let's go, " He teleported into the ship.

"There's something wrong with it... Hmph,"

Abigail's forehead creased with veins popping up and threatening to explode. She huffed in annoyance before teleporting into the ship as well.

"If you want to see cute, then wait till you see my girls." Dante couldn't hold back his smile.

Abigail noticed how Dante sounded like a doting father, she rolled her eyes while flashing a smile from the corner of her lips.

They had now appeared before Dante's mansion at a distance of about two hundred meters.

Meanwhile, inside Dante's mansion. At the center of what seems to be Dante's room, three cute little girls could be seen clothed in their pajamas and burying heads on what appears to be a large bed with crimson and green patterned bedding.

This had been a daily nocturnal routine ever since Dante had left them in the care of Deena, the dark elf.

Suddenly, their hearts began to beat faster. All could feel a slight warmth from deep within their bodies. It was a feeling they hadn't felt in what seems to look like a long time.

"Is Daddy back?" Delilah was the first to raise her head. She urged the rest to keep quiet. She focused her mind to understand the sensation she felt.

"Daddy!!!" She yelled happily.



Both Leah and Mia felt it too. There was no doubt, it was certainly Dante and he was very close.

All three girls hurried up to their wardrobes to get the best clothes they could find.

Meanwhile, Deena who was downstairs busy washing the dishes she and the girls had used for the night, couldn't help but hear the bustling and energetic uproar being made upstairs.

It didn't take too long for the beautiful Dark elf to understand that someone important was on the way here. She hurriedly rinsed her hands and aimed straight for the entrance door.

Dante, whose vessel was still a few meters away from the mansion could also feel his heart beating faster. He could sense that the girls knew he had arrived. And so, rather than standing still and doing nothing.

He smiled and hurriedly teleported straight to his doorstep.

The door was opened in a hurry and while feeling impatient, Deena leaped onto Dante.

"Welcome home young master," she said, her voice trembling by the intense emotion of loneliness she had been feeling ever since she last laid eyes on him.

Dante smiled in return, his arms widened as he welcomed her hug which made the blushing dark elf E cup bust to be sandwiched between them.

(A/N:- Her bust was always written as Double D. It's the same as E-cup also)

This was a feeling of bliss he had felt in what looks like a long time. He wrapped his arms tighter around her waist and she did the same to him.

Not being afforded more time to feel each other's warmth any longer Dante's lips broaden when he noticed all three girls fully dressed and running towards his way at breakneck speed.

Deena hurriedly let go of him, he patted her head and smiled. His attention quickly forwarded toward his fast-paced girls. He lessened the strength he had in his body. He didn't want them to feel hurt once they collide with his rock-hard bodies.

He braced himself for the girl's impact.

*Boom!!!* The girls launched at him and with his body now loose, he skidded towards the white pile of cold snow with his arms hugging every single girls safely.

He continued to slide until a huge tree halted him.

"Daddy!!" "Papa!!" "Dada!!" All cried out in unison.

"H... How could you do this to us," Delilah said with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Liar!!.....Liar!!....Papa, you lied!!" Leah screamed, her cold arms tightening more around his neck. If this were to be anyone else, their necks would have never been the same again.

"Why!!.... Why!!.... Dada why!!" Mia kept pounding Dante's chest hard with her hands. The heavy sound of a drum being reverberated by the impact would surely crush the ribs of anyone aside from Dante right now.

"Daddy, you look so thin," Delilah wiped the tears from her face. She glanced toward Dante with a worried expression.

"Please, don't leave us again," Leah ceaselessly rubbed her cheeks against his.

"Dada, why did you take so long to return," Mia stopped pounding Dante.

" Aren't you eating?" Delilah still looked concerned about him.

"I promise to be a good girl, so please don't leave us alone again. Papa, do you promise?" Leah kept rubbing her cheeks to his. Tears continued to stream from her cheeks as well.

The top of Dante's shirt had already been soaked with cold tears.

"Dada. Next time, can I come with you? Please," Mia wiped the tears from her eyes as well.

Dante couldn't help but smile after noticing the mixed emotions all three girls were expressing. From anger to concern, to joy.

He was pleased to see all three girls were healthy and glad to see him.

"I've missed you girls so much," He said and hugged all three girls tightly yet gently.

"Me too... Daddy...."



They hugged him back, calling him repeatedly like a broken record.


A/N: I'm sorry for all the long boring chapters to this very moment. To be honest, I wanted to introduce the system in a way that was different from other novels while preparing Dante for what's to come in the future by slowly introducing future friends and foes.