93. This Is Just The Beginning.

Abigail heaved a sigh.

"Ugh!!" She scratched her Arctic blue hair a little roughly.

"You saying all that feels weird, I didn't expect you to say something so cringe. I guess those girls must have made you this way," She chuckled a bit.

Abigail then walked towards Dante and made a light fist bump towards his chest. "If there's anyone who could handle what you're currently facing, that person is you,"

Right after he heard this, Dante then had an awkward smile on his face and he teased. "Now who's the one making the cringe statement,"

"S...Shut up!!" Abigail now realized what she had said, she abruptly shifted away to conceal her rosy cheeks.

"But still, you were amazing to have been able to donate your soul energy to three demon girls even before you became immortal," She muttered inaudibly.

Though her voice was pretty low, still he heard what she said.

" Huh?!" Cold sweats began to accumulate on Dante's head, he seemed to have heard a piece of shocking news.

After all, soul energy was the base energy that kept every living creature alive. Being told he was unwittingly donating half of his soul energy alone was enough to scare the hell out of the strongest man alive.

And now it seems he was donating to huh?

"Huh? Wait a minute, you said three right?"

"Yeah?" Abigail's response sounded more like a question, she didn't understand why Dante would ask her once again.

Dante covered his face with his palm as he pondered a little. 'hmm, all three girls seem to be absorbing my soul energy. This meant that Mia was doing the same as well right? But then it means....'

"No matter how I look at it, you are simply just a quintessence of a walking anomaly. First this and then there's the fact you fought against Vladimir even though your level was way below mine. It's hard to believe you faced such a demon," Abigail's words snapped Dante's thoughts back to reality.

"You are right and wrong at the same time, "

"Huh?" Abigail seemed confused by his response.

"The concept of gauging our strength using our Adventurer membership card wasn't necessary in the first place, "

" What do you mean?"

"I mean, you said so yourself right? All three girls are always absorbing my soul energy. At first, when I first noticed the drastic change in my levels. I thought the weakness I felt the next day was due to my strength waning down that night."

But this wasn't the case, because rather than his physical strength deteriorating, it was his soul energy that had deteriorated ever since, or more precisely it was the amount he was producing that had dropped.

After all, the night of the incident occurred during the girls' first blue moon experience which was aimed solely at their soul energy enhancement.

The unexpected marking by the girls on the same night caused them to also seek Dante as a source of their soul energy enhancement as each of them absorbed a specific amount of soul energy daily.

Originally, this was an act meant for couples of the same kind and race. Demon couples of the same race used this method to improve their strengths.

Since soul energy was the quintessence of the life force keeping every single creature alive, it was also the base energy that aided in mana regeneration.

This aid couples in maximizing the amount of mana a partner could produce if one of the partners were to have the capability of producing a higher amount of soul energy.

In Dante's case, his ability to produce a huge amount of soul energy was so satisfying to the girls and all three girls could absorb a lot from him daily without really weakening him too much.

"So what does this have to do with the membership card?" Abigail asked, after noticing his brief moment of silence.

Dante's gaze shifted towards hers and he continued.

"The amount of soul energy everyone produces determines the amount of mana we use. On the other hand, the aura we emit is something similar to the other two as well."

Aura was the energy that leaks out of an adventurer's body which was simply reflective of the amount of soul energy being produced.

"So what you're saying now is that the card measures the amount of aura we release and not our strength right?"

"That is correct,"

"But what made you come up with this hypothesis?"

"It all started when I was on a mission with Landon to save the Emperor. The strengthening potions given to me didn't aid to improve my levels but just my strength alone. I noticed my strength remained the same after pummeling a few beasts. I noticed the same thing as well while I was in the dungeon,"

"I can't believe something like that could be the case of why your levels seemed so low but then again, that explains why you were able to stand against Vladimir,"

" I guess you are right," The ship was now leaving the Lustwood household as he aimed toward the Green Emerald City where Deena and the girls were.

"So what do we do now? Now that you're immortal. Vladimir will most likely be after your head once he descends on our dimension and that's not including the fact that you are already cursed by his ring,"

Dante could understand why Abigail felt this way. He had a lot of goals right now, many of which he had yet to achieve.

Simply thinking about them would only prolong the inevitable but right now, there was only one thing on his mind.

"For now, I aim to return home to everyone else but first I would like to get something for them, " He replied while steering the ship as they sailed across the wind.

Since he doesn't want to think about anything else right now, Abigail decided not to pry any longer. For now, she would like to process everything that had occurred ever since she met Dante but before that, she wondered if there was anything she could do to help him.

'And where would you like to get the things you need?'

Dante sent the coordinates of where he would like to be through

'In that case, let me do the honors,' She replied in the same way as well.

"Xxxxxx" Abigail cast a spell and there was a slight fluctuation in the wind around them, a glowing light blue magic circle appeared underneath the ship, teleporting them from the Duke's mansion and straight into Green Emerald City.

"Extended teleportation huh," Dante muttered. When compared to , seems capable of teleporting the caster over a wider distance range.

"Huh? You understood what I chanted?"

"I guess so,"

Now that both had formed a pact, Dante could now understand the language of magic itself.


In the center of the park in Green Emerald City, a light blue magic circle abruptly appeared with Dante's huge vessel stationed just right on top of it.

"I'll be right back,"

" Same here. Momma needs some supplies," Abigail smiled while sending Dante a thumbs up.


"Mm, mm" Abigail hummed before heading towards the shopping mall.

Both were to meet back here once they were done.

An hour later, Dante returned to notice he had been the first to return. The goods he brought had already been stored in his space cube.

With nothing else to do, he decided to sit on the park bench. Glancing around the park, memories of his past life kept swarming in and he suddenly felt a nostalgic feeling of being in a place similar to this just before he left his former world.

Of course with everything that had occurred to this very moment, Dante had no regrets for being killed by those four bandit members he once thought were comrades...

Not too long after he began to recall what had occurred in the Dark Mirror Dimension with Vladimir.

**O, vile and malicious Lord Vladimir. Your evilness, The most...aahhh!!!..**

Dante recalled how Dodo had tried to flatter Vladimir before having part of his limbs twisted awkwardly.

This just meant that Vladimir could control his demonic minions and what's to say he can't do the same to those having his bloodline as well

Waiting to find out wasn't an option.

No matter how Dante looks at it, he just has to find a way to get stronger as fast as he can before Vladimir comes to his dimension to do things he wouldn't like.

For now, returning to the dungeon to fight monsters doesn't seem necessary right now. He had fought a lot in the dungeon and was used to the beasts residing there.

Increasing his strength there doesn't seem like a good idea. With two systems at his disposal, at least one of them should be able to aid him in improving his strength as an immortal.