92. I'm An Immortal Now.

With the limited amount of time both Dante and the old man had to exchange words with one another, the old man curtsied and bid Dante farewell.

Although Dante had a few other questions to ask the old man with the old man's clothing and body hastily melding with the white background, the chances he had to ask and receive a response were nil.

Nonetheless, the old man managed to inform Dante about a few things. "Search for the book titled 'Knowledge Of The World'. All the answers you seek will be revealed once you find them,"

'Search for it?' Dante mumbled confusedly. 'Does this mean the system has the book or what?'

The words of the old man weren't really specific and certainly didn't help with the timing it was uttered but since Dante had heard the title of the book, finding it shouldn't be too arduous.

And now, with the old man vanishing, Dante didn't remain still either. His consciousness was abruptly tugged towards the huge golden gate and away from the cloudy environment.

"Dante!!" "Dante!!" Abigail continued to frantically yell his name. For a brief second ago, he was fine and the incantation was going smoothly until suddenly he collapsed.

Though Dante's consciousness might have solely walked down the long stairs for several hours before meeting the old man.

Right now, It had barely been five seconds since he collapsed and Abigail noticed how his eyes were steadily opening.

"Are you okay?" She asked worriedly.

"Yeah," Dante replied, though his mind was still spinning a little.

"Did it work?" Abigail had a worried look on her face, if Dante had successfully ascended toward the path of immortality then there was a high chance she would do the same too soon.

But if he had met his demise, then there was a high probability she follows him as well. One way or the other, their lives were now linked and both would have to be extra careful when battling future nemeses with the consideration that both could end up dead if anything goes wrong.

"I think so," He seemed contemplative, he steadily started to feel slight changes in him.

"What about you?" He turned towards Abigail.

Abigail grabbed her grimoire and turned its pages "Yes, I can see several new spells being added to it," She confirmed, a part of her heart was glad to see this result.

"I guess that's all we need to see to know we were successful in achieving our goal," Dante stood up.

"Woah!!" He could still feel a bit light-headed. Two seconds later, a blue screen containing words appeared towards his retina.

[Identification Of Host Confirmed..... Installation Of the Shopping System Will Commence Shortly,]

[Installation Will Be Completed In The Next Twenty-four Hours]

[Downloading Of Materials, Weapons, Buildings, Bloodline...etc Will Commence Now]


Right after the words appeared on the screen, Dante waited a bit to notice if a second prompt about the arousing system would appear.

'It seems the installation will be one system at a time,' He pondered.

"Dante? Is everything alright?" Abigail's question snapped him out of his trance.

" Yes, everything is fine. Let's get moving, I'll update you on everything that occurred as we move,"

Both left the dining room and were greeted by Mary, the head maid.

"My Lord, are you about to depart?" Mary curtsied towards him. Dante replied with a nod.

Time was running out and the pill given to Suzanne would wear off in the next couple of hours, Dante wanted to return home as soon as possible before she woke up.

"In that case, might I suggest you take a coat with you," Mary said, shifting her gaze towards the window where the images of snow falling outside could be seen.

"Thank you, Mary," Dante showed his gratitude while informing her to notify him of Alfred's arrival right after he exchanged contacts with her using their membership cards.


"To be honest, I was kinda hoping something like a flamboyant change would occur to my physical appearance right after I became immortal," Dante suggested, his voice sounding a bit disappointed too.

"It just seems like the amount of soul energy and mana I can emit became heightened and aside from that, I feel nothing."

These weren't the only thing that had improved in him. True, the amount of soul energy and mana he could release were now limitless, his life span had also undergone a drastic change.

Humans could live for a couple of thousand years but that was still nothing when compared to elves, dwarves, and demons too.

These creatures could live for hundreds of thousands of years but now, with Dante being an immortal himself he too could live for millions of years.

Both were currently headed towards Dante's vessel parked outside. With the sub-zero temperature they currently found themselves in, both Dante and Abigail were tucked in a thick coat to prevent the amount of cold from seeping into their bodies.

With one being a Platinum rank spell caster and the other recently ascending into immortality, the likes of this blistering cold were nothing to them but still, both decided to take a coat.

"Come to think of it, I find it odd to be your contracted partner," Both Dante and Abigail had reached the rear end of the vessel.

"And why is that?" Dante asked, A light blue glowing magic circle appeared below their feet.

"That's because the demonic blood in you doesn't belong to any of the seven royal families of the demon realm,"

Both were now teleported toward the deck of the ship.

"Is that so?" "Then have you tried using that thing?" Dante smiled and made a gesture by drawing circles around his eyes.

"Pfft," Abigail chuckled a bit, "I can't believe you still call it that after all these years,"

Dante shrugged indifferently his lips curled up in a smile.

"Fine, I'll use it," She replied while smiling back at him, her sapphire-colored eyes turned blank white and she glanced towards where Dante stood.

Dante's visible image turned into a black-hued body right before her eyes and she could see three demonic royal sigils on his forehead.

The sigil on the right of his forehead glowed in a purple hue while the one on the center and left side glowed in a red and white sigil respectively.

"Mm!!" Abigail flinched while covering her mouth. She wanted to squeal in shock but tried her best to hold herself.

"..." Dante tilted his head in confusion at her weird behavior.

Abigail noticed Dante's gaze and she muttered. "You've been marked?" Her hand was still covering her mouth.

"Oh! You mean this?" He placed his hand on his forehead.

"By three women?!" This sudden revelation was too much for the Arctic blue-haired witch to comprehend all at once. She staggered a bit to maintain her composure.

"They're little girls right now," He replied with a smile and headed toward the helm of the ship.

" Huh?" Abigail had a disgusted look on her face, she didn't expect to see Dante having a weird fetish towards little girls.

'It's not what you're thinking. I'm not a pedophile,' He sent his thoughts toward hers.

'Isn't that what a pedo would say?' She replied using the same means.

*Sighs* Dante gave up. He could see she was finding it difficult to believe him.

"It's true I love every one of them. They are so precious to me. The truth is my heart aches a lot whenever I think of them knowing they aren't by my side,"


"I'm certain they feel the same way as well. But what can a man do to change his fate when he suddenly heard he was destined to wed the girls he had hoped to raise as his daughters,"


"Part of me still believes there's a way to change our fates but I also won't shy away from doing what has to be done. When I decided to raise all three girls, I had sworn to make all three girls happy and as long as they were happy, nothing would please me more,"

"So yeah, it doesn't matter what you think of me because as long as my girls are under eighteen, I will always be a father to them before welcoming the thought of being their lover,"

Abigail stood with arms akimbo and her face fraught with concern before questioning Dante.

"Are you sure about that?"

"I can see the Royal sigil of house Lucifer on you. I'm sure you know what type of demons they are. Are you sure you will be able to handle a sex demon's needs?"

Dante noticed the concerned look on her face, he smiled knowing she was concerned about him and he replied to her in a way that suggested she had nothing to worry about.

"I'm an immortal now, of course, I'll find a way,"

A/N:- In case you're wondering, yeah that's right we're finally approaching the event that occurred in chapter one. Also if you're wondering if Dante would be forty before he becomes intimate with the girls, then all I can say is that with the introduction of a system coupled with him being an immortal the possibilities of anything occurring in the future are endless.